
Chapter Four

The car drove smoothly on the unobstructed road, and the traffic jams were long gone at this time.

Back home, Su Xia put down her backpack, went to the bedroom to get changed clothes, and then went to take a shower.

Meanwhile, in the ordinary ward of the hospital, a man lay quietly, dreaming a long, long dream. In the dream, he was beaten by several people, and in the end, he was thrown from the car like garbage.

He lay by the roadside in the pouring rain, in pain all over, and his head throbbed as if it were about to explode. He woke up abruptly. With half-opened eyes, he saw a light not far away. He mustered the last bit of strength to sway to his feet. Unexpectedly, the car rushed straight toward him, and he fell again, this time without any struggle.

He felt so tired and wanted to fall asleep, but there was always a gentle voice talking to him in his ear. It said, "I want you to wake up. I'll come see you when I'm done with my work. Your family is very worried." He wanted to respond, but his hands were too weak. He felt anxious as he watched the person slowly walk away, and the gentle voice disappeared.

Su Xia's home was on the fourth floor of an old residential building. There were two households on this floor, and opposite Su Xia's home was the Ye Min family, who were playing games with their son.

Su Xia came out of the bathroom, wiping her long hair with a towel as she walked, and sat down on the sofa. She opened her laptop. She had to work overtime tonight because this interview had already been scheduled. She had to finish it early and then go through the review process.

The bright moonlight shone through the window onto the sofa. Su Xia looked at the time on the computer. It was already past two in the morning. Well, she could still sleep for a while. After saving the edited file, she closed the computer and went to bed.

Su Xia was awakened by the alarm clock in the early morning. She turned off the alarm clock with a snap, pulled back the covers, and put on her slippers to wash up. She hurriedly packed up and left.

As soon as she sat down at her desk, Yu Man came over. "Hey! There's a handsome young man who just arrived today. The editor-in-chief transferred him to our department as an intern. Look, he's over there."

Following Yu Man's gaze, there was indeed a person sitting there. It was unclear if he was handsome because he was looking down. Both of them looked at the new intern.

The intern, Lu Sichen, vaguely felt someone looking at him. He slowly raised his head and met Su Xia's gaze. Lu Sichen nodded politely to Su Xia.

Staring at others like this and being discovered, Su Xia felt a bit embarrassed but also smiled and nodded back at Lu Sichen.

Turning her head, she ignored Yu Man and started typing on the computer keyboard, working on the interview with Chen Lao.

During lunch in the cafeteria, the two met Lu Sichen again. Yu Man quickly stood up and said, "Uh, there's no seat left here. You can sit here!" Lu Sichen readily agreed and sat down, introducing himself too enthusiastically, "Hello, two beautiful ladies! I'm Lu Sichen, 24 years old this year. Please take care of me in the future!"

Yu Man laughed, "Looking at you, I thought you had just graduated from college. It turns out you're older than us!" He glanced at Su Xia and added, "I'm Yu Man, and she is Xiaxia Su Xia. We have been in our department for more than a year."

Yu Man had such a straightforward temperament, like a boy. Lu Sichen was still looking at Su Xia. Su Xia coughed, "If you have any questions in the future, you can ask us. Eat quickly, or it will get cold."

Lu Sichen rubbed the back of his head and replied, "Um, okay, I'll trouble you two in the future." He then turned to his meal.

In the afternoon, everyone was busy with their work. Su Xia was discussing a topic with Yu Man when her phone vibrated on the table. She answered the call and looked surprised. After a brief explanation to Yu Man, she grabbed her bag and hurried to the underground parking lot, started the car in one go.

After parking at the hospital, she ran all the way to the ward door. Suddenly, she stopped. At this moment, she was a little scared to go in, a little afraid to face that person. When she heard the doctor tell her, "Your boyfriend is awake. Come over quickly," she felt shocked and happy, and now she was just afraid.

Su Xia took a deep breath and gently turned the doorknob, opening the door to reveal his sharply defined profile. The soft light filtered through the glass and fell on him. He was sitting on the bed, his head slightly turned, staring out the window.

Su Xia closed the door and walked over, standing lightly in front of him. When he saw someone standing in front of him, he turned his gaze to Su Xia, looking her up and down, thinking to himself, "The nurse just said your girlfriend will be here soon. Is she your girlfriend? Why don't I have any impression at all?"

Feeling a little at a loss under his gaze, Su Xia asked softly, "Hello, you... you're awake! Um, do you feel uncomfortable anywhere? I'll call the doctor."

The man didn't speak, just shook his head. "Then I'll go find the doctor first and ask about your condition. Will you be okay here? I'll be back soon."

With that, Su Xia walked out of the ward, glancing back step by step. The man kept staring expressionlessly in the direction Su Xia had left. Yes, this voice often appeared in his dreams, urging him to wake up quickly. It seemed that she was really his girlfriend, but why couldn't he remember?

In the doctor's office, Su Xia listened to the doctor talk about the man's condition, saying that he was recovering well and would be discharged soon if everything went well. Su Xia thanked the doctor and returned to the ward.

Her phone rang in her bag, and Su Xia stepped out of the ward to answer it. It was Yu Man's voice, "Su Xia, where did you put the interview with Chen Lao? I can't find it. We're all waiting for it."

"Ah!" Su Xia rummaged through her bag. "I put it in my bag in a hurry just now. You wait, I'll send it over in a moment."

After hanging up the phone, she was about to leave but turned back, walking to the man's side. The man on the bed looked up at her. Su Xia hurriedly said, "I'm going back to the company to deliver something. I'll be back soon. Um, I asked the doctor. You're recovering well and can eat now. What would you like to eat? I'll bring it back later."

The man shook his head again. Su Xia frowned in concern, "Shaking your head? What does that mean? You haven't eaten anything for several days. Aren't you hungry? Forget it, I'll just buy something. I'll be back soon." Suddenly, she remembered something and added, "Um, if you need anything, just press that bell," pointing to the call button on the wall.

She hurried away.