
Genius cultivator in the apocalypse

#WPC 274 - Cultivation Gran Blew was a genius of the mysterious Blew clan who lives in the mountains. The Blew clan was a clan of cultivators who hid their cultivation from the world and only appear as an economic empire. By 15 he has reached the peak of qi refining and has no way to breakthrough, not because he is untalented but that's the limit of this world! One day everything changed, in his search for a breakthrough method, the apocalypse descended upon the world. Would he find the answer to his problems in this new era of zombies and magic? With his qi refinement realm, how would he fit in when the world starts to use mana? Cover image is not mine.

Poopedy · Fantasy
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24 Chs

The Central Blk 1

After the sumptuous meal, May and Gran sat in the living room, face to face.

For some reason, the atmosphere was tense. Gran was leisurely swirling the liquid in his wine glass while he stared at May, scanning her body.

Although during normal times May would welcome this sight, this time she couldn't help but think back at what he said before dinner.

'Urghh, I couldn't get that thought out of my mind.' She couldn't properly enjoy the dinner due to the words Gran had said, feeling gloomy.

As she fidget about on the comfy sofa, seeing as Gran wasn't saying anything, she asked with a careful tone.

"S-so, what would you like me to do?" May asked.

"Hmm, nothing much. Just a few experiments. It may even benefit you."

Although Gran sounded casual, May almost got the fight of her life.

'I knew it! Experiments again! And here I thought I had escaped those horrifying times.'

Dread could be seen on May's face as thought back to when she was first learning under Gran. How he treated her as an experimental object, calling her 'Subject' this and 'No side effects' that. Thinking about it still gave her the chills. She didn't ever want to have to go through that again.

"A-aha, aha umm, well you don't really need me right, there are plenty of people here willing to go through with your experiments. I-I could compensate for the real by other means! How bout a massage! I'm really good." May tried to pry herself out of this situation but to no avail.

"Nope, you are the best candidate, having accumulate more mana into your body. I reckon that your mana circuit is the best one amongst the survivors. Your time has come to prove your worth my guine- uhum, my disiple." Casually ignoring the slip he let out, he got up and head to the training room.

"Come on, stop with the dilly dally, this is best for you too," Gran said as he disappeared into the room.

'I heard that you know.' May grumbled in her mind as she trudged into the room behind him.

None of them noticed a ghostly figure on the ceiling, observing them.


Sitting face to face, Gran one of May's arms.

May's body stiffened as a result. "Relax, stop acting like I'm going to harm you." Gran sighed, "Now, close your eyes and try to feel the mana inside your body."

"I'm sure there is a mass of mana where most of your mana is stored. Try connecting to that."

With a frown on her face, May left everything to fate as she tried to do what she was told.

"I think I feel it."

"Good, now see if you can move that mana."

After trying for a few minutes, her brows relaxed as she said in an excited voice, "I did it, it's like pulling on the dough!"

Gran nodded as he took out a voice recorder, "Subject has succeeded in preliminary mana manipulation test. Proceeding to next stage."

A wave of discomfort passed through her body as she heard the familiar words, but she pushed it down and tried to remain calm.

"Now, I am going to channel some mana through your mana circuits, try your best to feel it. It may feel weird at first."

"Huh wha- AHHHH, HAHAHA STOP!" May couldn't help but laughed as she felt a tickling sensation on the arm then Gran held.

"Try to bear with it, feel the circuit."

With a nod, May tried her best feeling for the mana circuit, occasionally wiggling on the spot as she felt tickled.


*Bam Bam Bam*

Loud sounds of heavy-hitting could be heard, echoing throughout the large training room. The surprising thing was May's figure hitting the punching bag with such power that Gran doubt a zombie's metallic head, known to be able to withstand blunt attacks, could survive a few hits without absolutely shattering apart.

May felt ecstatic, she never felt so powerful before. After successfully powering the mana circuit with her mana, she felt her arm gain immense strength. Only until she tried out the punching bags did she know how absurd her strength increase was.

She felt like a superhuman.

She stopped with labored breath as she looked at her teacher with sparkling eyes. He was right, she did gain some benefits. A huge fucking load of benefits, and he said that this was the start?

How amazing.

"More. Give me more." Like a power-hungry psychopath, May stared at her teacher with a pleading gaze. Who wouldn't, after getting high on something like absolute might, no one would not be tempted by the thought of gaining even greater power.

"First you have to get used to it, find out its limits, how long you can last, to what extent is the strength boost. I am sure that if you tried the mana boost for other parts of your body, you will have different effects." Gran said calmly, "Also, you have to train your mental state too, you look like a third-rate villain how unsightly."

His admonishment dunked a bucket of cold water on her head as May regained her bearing, with a cough she said, "So, how do I get used to this new strength, I don't think your punching bag can withstand much longer."

"We hunt, of course, we just have to find somewhere with more prey. Although we are almost done with clearing out the whole block so we may have to go outside." Gran said.

"I can help with that." Suddenly out of nowhere, a third voice entered the conversation.


With a flash, Gran pointed his sword at the supposed neck of the entity that was floating behind them.

With a flustered voice it said, "I-I mean no harm, I just couldn't help myself but overhear what you were saying. I am sorry! Please don't turn me into ash!" The entity floated in his spot, the dark mass that it was made out of tremor.

"G-g-ghost! AHHHH! GHOST!" May went absolutely batshit. She subconscious channeled mana into her legs and leapt back, crashing into the wall behind her and passing out.

"What a talent," Gran said, looking towards May's slumped figure, not knowing if he was referring to her usage of mana or her ability to make a fool out of herself.

Turning back to the 'ghost' he said, "well, explain."


"My name is The Central Blk 1." The entity floated as he said.

"..." Gran and the entity stared at each other for a good few minutes, "Uh... uhum, like I said my name is The Central Bl- "

"I heard what you said, shut up and let me think."

"O-okay." The entity quivered and stay silent while staring warily at Gran, like a mistreated puppy.

After a while, Gran finally said. "So, you are this building?"

"That is correct sir." The Central Blk 1 replied politely, not daring to be rude.

"I'll call you Centy from now on."

"A-ahh.. Ok." Centy could only reply with a deflated look. It quite liked its name actually.

"So, how did you... came to be?"

"By absorbing mana sir."

"Stop with the sir, my name is Gran."

"Yes sir Gran."


"Hik! Yes, Gran!"

"So you absorbed the remaining mana from the zombie corpse? And with enough mana, you have gained sentience? Interesting. I guess you could move around unhindered, and this whole building is your body and your core is hidden somewhere? You were also the one peeping at me when I was slaying that rat thing? Hmm. Quite a quirk you have there I must say."

"Ahh... Huh? What? H-how do you know all this?!"

"I'm a genius, it would be weird if I couldn't tell from you appearing out of nowhere, I felt a presence too back in the garage. Not to mention, I can't see any core floating inside your.. body."

Gran was right, a monster or being created from mana with something as a medium will usually have a mana core to store said mana it was created from, it is their source of power. Unlike zombies, who were made from thin air, Centy was made using the building as its medium.

"Excellent Gran, truly remarkable, to gain so much insight with so few clues!"

"So, you said you could help, I'm assuming you want something in return?"

"That is where you are wrong Gran, I am a building, I cannot move from my spot. There is nothing I seek except for companionship!"

"That is wanting something in return dumbass."



Somewhere on Mount Gaia, in the Blew clan's ancestral land.

A surge of mana suddenly appeared rushing toward the core of the ancestral land.

Slowly a figure could be seen in the vortex of mana, slowly forming its body.

First, long legs, with tone muscles but not too much, thick thighs that could choke a grown man, but still maintain their feminity.

Next, a pair of slim arms, long slender fingers with delicate nails.

Afterward, a torso endowed with the most attractive parts a man could ever wish for, with hips at the right size and breasts with perfect curvature. Tone abs could be seen on the figure's naked body.

Lastly, a face that shouted 'I am a Goddess' appeared, though it blurred automatically. If any male were to view her face, they would see their definition of perfection.

All this lasted in an instant, as a magnificent cloak wrapped around the figure's body, covering most of her body parts. What a shame it was, as they would never see the light of day again.

The figure lifted up her hand and examined it closely. Suddenly she smiled.

'So, I have gained a body.' The figure, named Gaia said.

After so long, he is still in the apartment! Should I just call this the apartment arc! Haha, I'm joking. The outside world will be filled with many more crazy adventures I promise.

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