
Genius cultivator in the apocalypse

#WPC 274 - Cultivation Gran Blew was a genius of the mysterious Blew clan who lives in the mountains. The Blew clan was a clan of cultivators who hid their cultivation from the world and only appear as an economic empire. By 15 he has reached the peak of qi refining and has no way to breakthrough, not because he is untalented but that's the limit of this world! One day everything changed, in his search for a breakthrough method, the apocalypse descended upon the world. Would he find the answer to his problems in this new era of zombies and magic? With his qi refinement realm, how would he fit in when the world starts to use mana? Cover image is not mine.

Poopedy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

Mana Circuits

[Name: Gran Blew]

[Personal Info: ...] +

[Class: None]

[Bloodline: None]

[Race: Advanced human]

[Skills: Mount Gaia Martial Arts, Mana Sense, Unknown Martial Arts(Incomplete)]

[Mana: 290/400]


[HP: 1030 | STR: 260 | AGI: 220 | STA: 530 | VIT: 530]

That fight pushed Gran passed the so-called '3rd level' of mana tempering, and then some more.

The female stalker crept up on him and hugged him from the back, like a crazy fan she refused to let go.

"That was so cool! OMG! How do you do that magic thing! There was a freaking huge volcano, kaboom! Ahaha!" She's gone mad. Her legs wrapped around Gran's waist refusing to let go.

Not minding it, or it could be said that he was just done, he bend down to pick up the simmering white core. Rolling it between his fingers, he admired the perfect dimensions and remarked on how incredibly hard it was to create a perfect sphere.

The serene picture of a wild woman strapping onto a younger male god, standing amongst a pile of burned corpses and shredded rat parts was reflected on the CCTV screen as a faint sound of exclamation rang out from the darkness.


'Hmm?' Gran perked his head up to glance at an unassuming CCTV at the corner of the garage, a thought flashed past his mind.

"Let go and let's go. There's nothing noteworthy here anymore." Gran turned around and walked towards the entrance he came from, not realizing that he had looked down and insulted the accumulation of fancy cars and untouched hovercrafts that was still parked distances away from the battlefield.


On another battlefield, somewhere in the same city.

When they reached the midsection of the hotel where the huge swimming pool was located, Dacol and Angelia found themselves faced to faced with a strange water monster.

It looked like a floatation device that kids usually have when they were still learning how to swim, something like a donut. The water donut monster had tentacles made of transparent jelly attached to its donut-like head, it floated just above the pool's surface.

A white core was revolving in a weird manner at the back of its donut-shaped head, as the head looked like it had lost its material surface and had transformed totally into a transparent jelly-like substance.

The duo froze in horror as the water donut monster turned to 'face' it, at least that was what it felt like since it was lacking eyes.

From the corner of their eyes, shriveled half-naked corpses of zombies and humans alike could be seen.

"Do we fight?" Dacol asked with surprising courage, vigour could be seen replacing the fear in its eyes.

In his hands were two identical knives, an upgrade from the chef knife he was originally using. The new knifes had a slight curve to their blade, with their handles pitch black.

He looted these babies from the hotel room of a beast hunter. A lucrative occupation that pays as much as a top executive, only if you risk your life for it.

With the ramped-up preservation of wildlife campaigns that peaked in the mid 22s century, animals became less threatened and started propagating again. Because of this, after a few decades, the wild animals started evolving in an environment that left their ecosystems untouched. The fierce beast became fiercer and the not-so-fierce beasts are starting to fight back.

As a result, beast hunters came to be as those beasts often threaten the borders of humankind and the animal kingdom.

The knifes Docal had were also artifacts, a set even.




[Dual Hunting Blade][Set 2/2]

Made to hunt wild beasts. After tasting the blood of many beasts, the faint blood intent could affect mental states.


Although there was no message showing potential extra attributes, it was still useful for Docal.


With a swift, fluent movement, Angelia unsheathed her sword. The blade of the sword became eerily cold as it gradually showed its hidden potential after going through multiple slaughters.

Angelia got into her sword stance, her beautiful face turned cold as she and her sword became one.


The water donut monster made a weird sound as if to acknowledge their presence and the threat they posed to it.

"Of course, we fight."

Before the words left her mouth, she was already gone from her original spot.


Sitting crossed-legged once again in his training room, Gran studied the white core in his hands for the umpteenth time.

On his lap was a lustful demon, with arms hooked around his neck, she stared into his concentrating eyes. She pressed her cleavage closer to his firm chest as she tried to pry his attention away from the stupid core and toward them.

"Is that core really more interesting than me right now?" She couldn't help but say, as her actions were not returning any results.

"Well, to be honest, yes."

A reply that would gain 0 points from his mother.

With a pout she started, "I would like to use my chance for this week!"

Finally, Gran put down the core and asked while looking into her eyes, "What is it?"

Tension could be felt as they stared at each other.

'I have to build up the atmosphere.' May thought as she recalled all the dramas she have watched over the years.

"Hug me tight." She said, remembering not to be too pushy at the start.

One thing could lead to two, which could lead to babies! The Great Dao!


"Ok," Gran replied, his voice almost a whisper as he closed in on her face.

He wrapped his thick arms around her waist, pushing her body even closer to his.

His right hand slowly caressed her back, feeling the line that separates her tone back muscles.

From her neck, all the way down to her lower back.

The woman in his embrace shivered, as goosebumps could be seen forming on her pure white skin. Another side effect of mana tempering.

May's breathing hastened as Gran's fingers made their way back up her spine, slowly repeating the movement.

Her legs, which were wrapped around his body tighten as she tried to rub her precious parts against the tent that was slowly forming, not trying to be subtle.

She closed her eyes as a feeling of excitement rose from within the depths of her body, and even though the room was quite cooling, sweat started forming on her body.

"Mmm," She let out a moan, enjoying his gentle caress with closed eyes.


Different from May, Gran could keep his thoughts straight.

It would be a disgrace to the entire Blew clan if he couldn't keep his emotions in check.

Although his body was reacting as it should, his mind was doing something else.

As his hands swept past her body, he used a small amount of mana to scan it, getting a clear picture of how her body had changed since the apocalypse.

'Oh?' He saw something shocking. Where the meridians should originally be, were she a cultivator, an array of circuit-like patterns took its place. They pulse like veins as mana flowed through them, all over her body.

Although they were still faint, he could feel the power emanating from them. 'It is something similar to meridians, but for mana?'

As he gathered mana in his fingertip, he tried tracing a line of mana circuit along her spine.

That elicited another round of moaning and shivering from the cute guinea pig in his embrace. "Haaa.. Haaa... W-what did you do to me?" She asked, her mind on cloud nine.

"Nothing much," Gran whispered in her ears.

He sensed her mana circuit glowed with more power as his mana invaded them.

'This could be something.'

Like nerves, mana circuits were connected throughout the host's body. They were sensitive to any outside stimulus that was not their own mana. Imagine using a feather and tickling the nerves directly, that was what Gran had done to May.

With a light pat, he said softly to May in his arms, "It's time to get up."

After some time, without her noticing, she had stopped her lewd act and had fallen asleep. What was evidence of her past actions, however, was a faint alluring scent and very wet pants.


Gran had fully understood what he could from May's body and now it was time to put some of his thoughts to the test.

After a shower, May came out refreshed but dissatisfied. She had failed! She had actually fallen asleep! Curse that gentle touch of his!

In a bad mood, she stomped towards the dining room, where some of the food they had scavenged from other houses could be seen on the table. Giant claw lobster, flightless chicken, jade cabbage...

All top-notch ingredients filled the table, matched by a chef's touch and you get world-class cuisine.

'Oh, this irresistible man.' May thought blankly as she stood there, opposite her was a handsome male god, sleeves rolled up as he leaned on one arm against the dining table.

He wore a smile on his face as he beckoned her closer.

"Enjoy," he said to May as he chuckled. At this point, every word he said was music to her ears and accompanied by the aroma coming from the food on the table, she was ready to ascend to the nine heavens.

"But after you eat, you will have to try some things out for me, and you do that?"

The mood suddenly shifted as she had a faint premonition that the superb treatment had ulterior motives behind them.

She gulped, not knowing if it was due to the tantalizing food or the thought of what was to come after eating.