
Genis Manifestation

Kaile an orphan and a seemingly ordinary young boy, was adopted by a loving family at 8 years old because of an overprotective father. Now Kaile is 20 years old, living with his loving sister and mother, due to an unknown reason, he is extremely overprotective of his family. But out of nowhere, an unfathomable woman claims him as her husband. And to top it off, her dowry was…Evolution! The world is on the brink of destruction, but nobody knows about it! An ancient being cultivated from a mortal, broke the boundary of their home planet, reached the zenith of her universe and even surpassed it, yet now countless years later as she looks down on the countless cosmos beneath her feet, she feels unfulfilled, taking a glance up and spotting the boundary of the reality with just a glance, she knows she can brake past it but… ‘’What’s the point in all this strength, if I feel this lonely inside?’’ Follow Kaile the Mc and Eleonor his first wife, as he and even the plants around him evolve, see as Kaile and his wives experience evolution and how that evolution affects their mentality. Watch as Kaile and his loved ones simply become overpowered, and find out the reason as to why the world is on the brink of destruction…

Confligere · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 36. Glimpse of understanding already!

Chapter 36. Glimpse of understanding already!

The weapon the captain from the X carrier is using is called a anti peron laser battery, meaning it's very accurate and will not inflict damage on other beings within the surroundings of the target.

Seeing the laser get brighter and brighter, Kaile made a snap decision. 

On board the ship that's firing the weapon. 

''Captain the weapon is charged and holding at 99%, with the word the laser can be fired.'' The crewmember responsible for reporting anti personnel laser information reported respectfully.

This report also echoed out for all to hear, this is also what made Kaile instantly move. 

The captain looked at the red mark below him. 

The red mark was the head of Eleonor, the unknown person who entered the Nuit family house, despite all the advanced surveillance systems surrounding the place. 

Just before the captain fired the weapon, he saw Kaile turn around and jump pushing Eleonor out of the way with his right arm and side body, while turning in mid air to cover the rest of her body, but unbeknownst to him, her body was pretty much out of the way of the laser by now. 

At this point in time, the captain could have re adjusted the laser, and shot the head of Eleonor, as Kaile has indeed acted one second to early, but due to the weapon been laser based, and him not being able to move at the speed of light, no matter what he does, the captain will always be able to re adjust the shot before hand.

However, due to spite, the captain did not do this, and instead ordered the lazer to be shot anyway, fully knowing the initial target will not be harmed.

The laser dark orange in colour shot out as Kaile had turned his upper body to face the laser, while covering what he believed to be the body of Eleonor using his whole body, but in actuality, he just pushed her away from the targeted area entirely.

When the laser shot, creating a bright orange line that extended to the ground, from the carrier not even 1 second later, a small hovercraft white and square in shape, blocked the rest of the laser beam.

The hovercraft rumbled, the shaking of the craft was viable to everyone, as it looked like it would fall apart at any second.

At that very moment, the butler on board of the neutral carrier showed a twisted expression, not expecting any of this to happen, his calm demeanour instantly changed, although he knew the hovercraft would be fine, it still didn't stop him from becoming angry, before the captain could say anything he used his authority as the head butler to project his image outside of the ship, his angry eyes glaring at the X carrier's captain. 

At the same time the butler projected his image outside, the hovercraft below activated its shields, an ocean blue shield honeycombed in pattern appeared around the ship with a radius of 10 metres. 

The ship landed on the ground, while simultaneously allowing the Nuit family to enter the shield barrier, if not the shield barrier would have crushed everyone below.

While all of this was happening, Kaile suddenly felt his body become a lot lighter, he also lost the feeling on the right side of his body, as he was still within mid air after jumping, he got a glimpse of his body as he fell down to the ground with a thud. 

The right side of his chest was missing, along with his right arm, after getting this realisation his vision went blank.

It was only at this time the rest of the family reacted.

Eleonor with her vast experience was the first one to react, as she had lost 99% of her previous strength, in return for quality, of the 1% of her strength in comparison, suddenly rushed over while shouting Kaile's name. 

Emma upon hearing Eleonor shouting started rushing over as well, tears started to form within the corners of her eyes, her voice was choked and her right arm outstretched, she couldn't believe what happened, Emma began to blame herself for what was happening as she ran. 

With her ability to read people like a book, she should have seen this coming, after the change of the character of the captain from the x carrier, at that moment she should have taken over from Kaile, and begun to disarm the captain.

By the time she got to Kaile's body, her knees hit the grass, and although her right hand that was previously outstretched was touching Kaile's body, and her eyes were focused on him, her mind was elsewhere. 

As someone that prides herself on calling her trait her own personal superpower in a world without them, she was quickly able to understand what's happening to her, by the time she reached Kaile's side.

As Eleonor panicked for the first time in a long time, because she lost all her strength in a time of need, and Sophia just stared blankly at the fallen body of Kaile without blinking, still unable to get over the shock temporarily.

Emma while kneeling next to her son, muttered under her breath softly. 

''We've become too Prideful...'' 

Eleonor heard her say this as becoming a hybrid enhanced her senses, calming down a little, and allowing her to think about how to save Kaile, instead of calling out his name over and over again in panic, this also awoke Sophia from her momentary daze, but instead of rushing over like the rest of them, her eyes reflected a blue holographic screen only she could see. 

Sometimes, when a person's limit has been broken abruptly due to shock, they can often become very calm and collected afterwards, while this isn't a common trait, it isn't hard to find within people either. 

Sophia is a person with this type of trait, normally however, this would not be a problem, but with her recent race changing to one of a hybrid race, between a witch and ancient vampire, her calmness in this moment can be referred to as eerily silent.

Due to her witch progenitor side that seeks knowledge, on top of the trait of being calm after her limit has been broken, she was able to quickly understand something no-one else has at the moment, not even Eleonor with all her vast experience.

At this point in time, the hovercraft's transportation door opened up, the door was wide enough for 5 people to walk in side by side, Salia Dune quickly rushed out of the craft, carrying a pentagram shaped device within her right hand, her blue fancy dress that reached her knees fluttered as she ran. 

''Quickly move away!'' She shouted

Salia then threw the device in her right hand onto the ground next to Kaile's body, the device then started to shapeshift, it looked like a bunch of nanites changed its shape from one to another, within 3 seconds, the pentagram shape of the device, that was able to fit within the palm of Salia's hand, now was the shape of a sleeping pod, with a glass cover. 

''Quick, help me put him inside!'' Salia shouted, with the size of Kaile now, she doubted she could even lift him. 

Then all of a sudden, Sophia who had been quiet this entire time said as she appeared behind them at some point in time. 

''Make sure to turn the glass of the sleeping pod opaque.''

Salia frowned her eyebrows, not understanding why she would do such a thing, but with no time to argue, after placing Kaile within the pod, they entered the hovercraft with the door closing behind them. 

High up in the sky, the captain that shot the laser beam just looked at the ship coldly.

Currently he is allowing his overflowing negative emotions, and patriotism to cloud his judgement.

With a gesture he commanded his crew. 

''Activate the anti transportation weaponry.'' 

The crew was heard in the background of the projected hologram, the other projected captain's and the Dune's family butler heard everything very clearly. 

''Have you gone insane captain? You actually dare to fire at the ship the young miss is on.'' The butler's angry voice rang out. 

The other captain's spoke out at this moment as well, while simultaneously connecting their live feed to the place their leaders are staying. 

The captain's of the other ships, tried to calm the X captain's carrier down, stating the mission is to capture and not kill.

The captain didn't respond, but the determination in his eyes depended as he watched the hovercraft begin to take off.

Back within the pentagram school, the leaders underground meeting place, the pentagram table.

A very realistic hologram showing the ongoings of the entire scene can be seen within the centre of the pentagram table.

''Do you see this! This is why i said using traumatised people, and moulding them via manipulation to become the most loyal subordinates is nothing but foolishness.'' Mr Johnson said in frustration. 

''Just because your Arly family is the world leaders on medical knowledge, doesn't mean you can mould people in such a manner without consequence.'' Mr Blight said.

Mr Arley, the leader of the X country, and the one responsible for the current mess, is now carrying a dark expression hearing everyone admonish his family's generations of effort, just because of one screw up, but soon his expression relaxes drastically, like he found the solution. 

Thank you for reading!

I'll contuue to update untill the end of the story, the quality of the story will only continue to grow, as i improve my writing skills.

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