

"Can't I just be homeschooled?" said Morgan.

"No!" yelled her father.

He drove her to Grassland. She got her new backpack out of the van and walked slowly to the school. Running right into Mark.

"Mark, hello," said Morgan.

"Morgan, hi it figures we would end up going to the same school two times in a row." laughed Mark.

"Shut up, Mark." yelled Morgan, "It wasn't my fault our school burned down."

His face turned pale and he said sadly, "I know, Morgan, I wasn't blaming you for the fire. I am sorry for what I said."

Morgan punched him in the arm.

"That hurt," said Mark.

"I know that was the point." groaned Morgan.

A group of people passed and said, "Newbies."

Two boys stopped and stared at her.

"What are you looking at?" shouted Morgan.

"I know you." said one of the boys pointing to her.

"No, you don't. If you do then what's my name?" growled Morgan.

"M..... Morgan White!" yelled the other boy.

Morgan and Mark froze.

"What's your name? I don't remember you at all," asked Morgan.

"Mike and Sam," said Mike.

"Morgan, there is no one by those names who went to our old school," mentioned Mark.

She agreed and said, "So if you didn't go to our school then how do you know my name?"

"A friend told me who you were," said Sam.

They walked away from Mike and Sam.

"I don't think we should trust them," said Mark.

Morgan nodded in agreement.


1 week later Morgan's house got broken into. She was asleep but her father wasn't. He attacked the robber but sadly the robber stabbed her father.

He screamed, "Morgan!"

Morgan ran out of her room and screamed in fear. She grabbed the phone and called 911 but someone ran behind her with a huge bag and kidnapped her.

"Dad!" yelled Morgan.

Mark lived 3 houses away but he never knew he was neighbors with Morgan.

He saw a man with a huge bag that was moving.

"Help! Someone help me!" yelled Morgan, "It's Morgan White being kidnapped! Help!"

Mark froze outside his house he was too late the van drove off.

"Dad, Morgan White just got kidnapped," yelled Mark.

His father was by his side in a flash.

"She was the one who survived the fire at your school. Do you think the person responsible is behind her kidnapping?" asked his dad.

Morgan's dad crawled out of his house and Mark and his dad ran to his aid.

Meanwhile, Morgan was tied up and gagged. While Morgan was trying to escape Adam (Morgan's dad) was laying in a hospital bed fighting for his life. Mark put a bag of food together and he was going to go search for Morgan or at least find where the unknown man went. Mark was walking for 2 hours when a van drives too close to him. He recognizes the van it was the same one that kidnapped Morgan. Mark ran as fast as he could away from the van but it followed him. He ran to the nearest house and banged on the door and an old lady answered it.

"Can I come in, please? Some people are after me and I need a place to hide please they are close. That black van has been following for the last 2 blocks." begged Mark.

She motioned for him to come in. She quickly closed the door and locked all 10 locks.

"You are safe here young man." said the woman in a kind voice.

"Have you heard about the school that burned down?" asked Mark.

"Yes, sad isn't it." uttered the woman sadly.

"I agreed it is very sad. That was my school and that van outside are the kidnappers who took my best friend her name is Morgan White." cried Mark, "They must have figured out that I was looking for her and decided to either kidnap me or kill me."

A big bang came from the door.

"Let us in or we will blow the door down." yelled a man with a British accent.

"OMG! That sounds like the man who was responsible for the school burning down," yelled Mark.

"I will go look through the window upstairs." said the old woman.

"I will come with you I know what he is supposed to look like," said Mark.

"Yes, come quickly." said the woman.

"You stay here! I will call the cops and my father," yelled Mark.

He scaled the stairs 3 at a time. Suddenly he heard gunshots, then silent. Mark ran down the stairs to make sure the old woman was alright.

She had a big sly grin on her face and said, "They didn't know I had a gun did they."

The kidnapper was dead. Police cars parked in front of the old woman's house, Sam (Mark's dad) ran to the door and knocked the woman answered.

"Where is my son?" asked his father.

"Here, Dad," called Mark from behind the woman.

"Son, we found Morgan. She was in the back of the van the whole time." cheered his dad.

"Can I see her dad?" asked Mark.

He nodded and asked, "Who shot the kidnapper?"

"I did sir." squealed the old woman with a smile.

He grinned and explained, "He was responsible for burning down a school with people inside and kidnapped a 14-year-old girl."

Morgan was on the grass crying and the police were trying to untie her feet and hands.

"Morgan!" yelled Mark.

She turned and sadly smiled yelling, "Mark!"

The police finally finished untieing her hands and feet. She thanked the officers and got up and ran to Mark crying. He held her while she cried her heart out.