
Back to school

3 weeks later Morgan's dad was able to leave the hospital, and Morgan went back to school that same day. When she arrived at school she froze at the entrance wondering if she dared to go inside.

"Hello, Morgan nice to see you again." cheered Mark.

"Hello, Mark. I was remembering our old school burning to the ground with everyone in it screaming in agony. I could've helped them but I didn't." She said while crying.

The memories of that day flooded her mind and they started to overwhelm her to the point she collapsed to the ground.

Mark sat on the ground with her and said, "It's going to be ok, Morgan. How is your father doing?"

"He is doing fine, but I am not. I am scared and feel all alone." cried Morgan.

"Hey, that kinda hurts. Morgan, I consider you my best friend. So your never alone you have me and your family." whispered Mark while wiping her tears away.

"Besties?" uttered Morgan under her breath.

He nodded smiling and Morgan hugged him smiling sadly.

"Being my best friend sounds nice." whispered Morgan, "My father told me that you went searching for me when I got kidnapped. That was so kind of you to do, and that old woman shooting him would have been cool to see."

Mark started to blush because he realized he was starting to like Morgan.

"Did I say something to embarrass you?" she asked him with a smile, "The way your blushing is kind of funny."

"No it's nothing," said Mark.

"Come on tell me please," begged Morgan.

"No, I can't it's personal." barked Mark.

"Mark, fine if you want to keep secrets from me then ok," said Morgan angrily.

She walked off he stood there shocked that he just got her angry. Then someone walked up to Mark and said, "You just got a girl angry that not good man. Not good at all. Morgan doesn't get angry, but whatever you did got her mad. You should go fix it before you regret it."

Mark saw her talking to some girls and laughing and smiling. She looked his way smiling still not looking mad at all. Suddenly someone pushed MOrgan and she fell twisting her ankle while she fell. All he did was laugh and his friends joined in. Her friends who she was talking to stood there shocked at what just happened and not doing anything about it.

Then one of them asked, "Are you alright, Morgan?"

"Does it look like I'm ok I just twisted my ankle," yelled Morgan.

She tried to get up and yelped collapsing to the ground. It was too painful to walk.

"Can someone help her? She can't walk on her own is anyone strong enough to carry her?" asked one of her friends.

The guy who pushed her asked, "Wait I hurt you when I pushed you?"

"Yes, you did! She is the kindest and most caring person in the world. Someone tell me one mean thing she has done." She waited for a response and continued, "See she's done nothing wrong to anyone. So help her jerk!"

12 people ran to her aid not only the person who pushed her. Most of the ones who ran to her aid were boys but two of them were girls.

"Everyone chill since so many people want to help her I will choose who helps her. Mark, Nathan, Matthew, and Ethan." barked one of her friends.

"Lily, Why these people?" asked one of Morgans' friends.

She shrugged smiling. The 4 boys helped Morgan up but she fell back down.

"I can't walk on it I've already tried. So I will hop the way there," said Morgan.

The boys nodded and helped her back up. They helped her hop the whole way to the nurse's office. The nurse called her father and he arrived a minute later. She thanked the boys for helping her walk and they even helped her to the car which made her smile.

Her father drove her to the hospital to get an x-ray. The x-ray showed that it wasn't a twisted ankle but in fact, she broke it in two places. They did surgery and put a cast on her leg. The doctors gave her an option of a wheelchair or crutches. She chooses crutches.

When they got home Mark was already there waiting for her. He helped her out of the car and handed her the crutches.