
Book 1 Meet Morgan

A curly blonde-haired baby was born on January 21. She was born on a ship, so her father named her Morgan which means the sea. She was born with beautiful blue eyes like her mother, and sadly her mother died from childbirth.


When Morgan turned 14 her father sent her to a public school. She loved the school and made so many new friends, but one day the school caught on fire and she was the only one who survived. The fire didn't harm her one bit. She had to break a window to get out and escaped then passed out from the smoke. When the fire truck arrived it was already too late the school was already burnt to the ground. A paramedic gave Morgan some oxygen and she opened her eyes and started to cry.

"I want my dad!" cried Morgan, "The fire alarms weren't working, so we didn't know there was a fire until my classroom was already up in flames. I ran out of the room looking for a way out and found the nearest window. Using a chair nearby I somehow broke the window and escaped. While I climbed out the window I could hear all the screams of my friends and classmates and suddenly it went silent. I think I am the only one who survived."

Her father arrived a minute later.

"Sir, she explained everything to me. She said the fire alarm wasn't working so they never know about the fire until their classroom went up in flames." said the fireman.

"I can still hear them screaming in my head." cried Morgan, "I could have helped them or at least gotten a few of them out but I didn't. I ran out and never looked back."

She fell over crying. Then she froze and remembered a strange-looking man in one of the halls he had a set of matches in his hand.

"I know who did this." yelled Morgan, "I saw him in one of the halls, but I never paid attention to what he had in his hand until now. He had a set of matches in his hand. I saw this man before in my life. How did he get past the office door without being spotted?"

"Good question." said the Fire inspector. "He had a tattoo on his arm it was odd with all numbers and letters. It was ma18n65fne9," said Morgan.

"How on earth can you remember that?" asked the fireman.

"My daughter has a photographic memory and she gets all As because of it." explained her father.

"Young lady, can you tell me what the strange man looked like?" asked the impressed fire inspector.

"He had brown hair, glasses, brown eyes, jeans, a sweatshirt, and tennis shoes with green laces. He said hello in a British accent and his left shoe had a reddish stain on it." explained Morgan, "He had a large scar on his right hand and one on his leg too."

"I'm very impressed good job. We can catch him for sure with the description you gave us." said the fireman.

"Do you need anything else?" asked Morgan.

"What time did the fire start in your classroom? asked fireman.

"8:09," said Morgan.

"I don't need anything else. You're free to go." said the fire inspector.

Morgan ran to her father's car. They drove away right when the police arrived.

"Here there was only one person who came out of that fire alive and her name is Morgan White. All that I wrote down and she has a photographic memory. She could be a policewoman when she grows up." explained the fireman.

"Dad, I dropped something on the grass at school. We have to go back." groaned Morgan.

They drove back, found her special pen, and were about to head back to the car when the fireman called her name, "Morgan White!"

She froze and turned then said, "yes that's me."

"Hello, Morgan White." said the police officer, "you have a good memory."

"You mean a photographic memory. " laughed Morgan.

"Yes, that's what I meant. You said all of that with just one look." said the police officer with a smile, "maybe you can help us solve this case since you're the only one who saw the guy responsible."

"I would love to help you," said Morgan with a smile.

"Actually you aren't the only one who survived." said the police officer, "actually my son didn't even go to school today. I am so glad that he didn't. Mark come out!"

Mark walked out of the car and Morgan looked away he was in the same grade as her.

"Morgan White is in my class dad," said Mark.

"I know that." said his father, "maybe you can help us too in the case."

Morgan told Mark how she escaped the fire.

"I didn't know our school was on fire. No one told me." gasped Mark.

Morgan started coughing.

"Son did you know that she has a photographic memory?" asked his dad.

"No, I had no clue," said Mark.

"Oh I should go my father is waiting for me," whispered Morgan sadly.

Her father stepped out of the car and walked over to her.

"Morgan, we need to go." cheered her father, "It's your birthday so let's go."

"Yea the worst birthday of my life." cried Morgan.

She ran to the car and got in crying. Her father stayed behind to talk to Marks' dad. Mark took this opportunity to run to the car and tapped on the window. She saw it was Mark and stopped crying and rolled down the window.

"Morgan, are you ok?" asked Mark.

"No!" said Morgan, "all my friends are dead. So no I'm not alright or ok."

"Happy birthday, Morgan," said Mark with a smile trying to cheer her up.

"Thanks, Mark, that made me feel a tiny bit better," uttered Morgan under her breath.

"Why doesn't your mom never pick you up from school?" asked Mark.

Morgan tried her best not to cry but failed.

"She died after giving birth to me." cried Morgan, "that's why my mom never picks me up from school."

She stopped crying and then started laughing.

"What's so funny?" asked Mark.

"It's the birthday card my dad got me." laughed Morgan, "It's too big to go through the window."

She opened the door and motioned for him to come in. He did as she asked.

"That is a big letter." laughed Mark, "What's that?"

"That is a tv screen." laughed Morgan, "let me open it."

She pressed a button and the screen appeared. Mark sat there in awe of it which made her laugh.

She pointed to the screen and asked, "Wanna watch something with me?"

He nodded.

"There are movies in the box over there or I can switch this to tv and we can watch the Disney channel," said Morgan.

"You choose it's your birthday." laughed Mark.

"I also have a computer that has Netflix on it," said Morgan with a smile.

They turned off the tv and she got out her computer off the floorboard. She turned it on and put in the password to Netflix.

"There is a new movie called Book of LIfe. Would you like to watch that?" asked Morgan.

He nodded smiling at her.

When the movie was over Morgan's father tapped on the window and Mark got out of the car.


2 days later.

"We are applying you to a new school." informed her dad.

"Grassland? Oh wait never mind," said Morgan.

"Did you say something?" asked dad.

She shook her head.