
First Love

3 weeks later she got the cast-off and got it replaced with a walking boot that she wears for 7 weeks to make sure the ankle is completely healed.


When Morgan got into 10th grade. Mark went to the same high school as her. That year she got her driver's license and got a new car on her birthday. She got a new black Bugatti La Voiture Noire and she made a point to park it closest parking spot to the school. Everyone stared at her when she got out of the car.

"Is something wrong with my car?" asked Morgan.

"Dummy it's not just a car it's a Bugatti La Voiture Noire." laughed her least favorite person.

"I know that duh. Is there a problem with me owning one? My dad got it for me for my birthday." said Morgan rolling her eyes.

No one answered and she laughed. Her father is a multi-billionaire and he has a habit of spoiling her rotten. She ran into the school and froze when she saw her father standing in the middle of the hallway.

"Dad! What are you doing here?" asked Morgan confused.

"Wait that is your father?" asked some guy.

"Yes, my father is Adam White." laughed Morgan.

"Adam White is your father!" yelled a teacher.

She nodded and said, "yes, then how would I have gotten a Bugatti La Voiture Noire for my birthday."

He ran to his daughter and shouted, "Who here likes pizza?"

Every high schooler ran out of the classrooms.

He motioned to the head teacher and asked, "Do you mind?"

"My dad never visits me at school, so this is a very rare treat." cheered Morgan.

They ran into the lunch room and Adam White followed them.

"So this is how it's going to go. Everyone write your name and what you want to eat and I'll go get it for you," explained Adam.

25 people wanted Chinese, 30 people wanted cheese pizza with soda and fries, and the rest wanted Mexican food. He ordered it and everyone loved their food.

"I only did this because it is my daughter's birthday." yelled Adam, "Happy birthday, Morgan White!"


1 week later Morgan walks into Mark.

"You kept a secret from me for years when are you going to tell me it." groaned Morgan.

He started to blush and then stopped. He leaned over and whispered in her ear, "I've liked you since middle school."

Her mouth fell open and she asked, "Really?"

He nodded blushing harder. She grinned and replied, "Well I have a secret for you too. I've also liked you since middle school."

His mouth fell open so far it could have hit the floor. She laughed and he blushed even more.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" asked Mark.

"Yes, I would like that." laughed Morgan.

Morgan drove herself home and there sat a smiling Mark. The second she parked her car she got out and ran to him sitting next to him.

"Dad wants me to move to an old castle that was converted into a school for rich kids. That means you can't walk over to see me anymore. You should leave before my dad gets home. " cried Morgan, "I am going to miss you so much."

Before Mark ran off he gave her a long hug and they kissed. He ran off crying she watched him go then she turned and ran inside crying.

"Morgan is everything packed and ready to go. Don't worry about your car. I sold it since you will be riding in a limo from now on." explained Dad.

She nodded and said sadly, "Yes everything is ready. Is the limo here yet?"

Mark saw the limo drive past his house and knew it was the same one that was going to take Morgan away from him. Her father pointed to the long black limo and smiled then turned to her realizing she had a sad look on her face.

He asked, "Baby girl, what's wrong?"

"I am leaving all my friends and even my boyfriend behind." cried Morgan.

The driver stepped out of the car and opened the trunk as well as the back door. Morgan got in and watched as the driver put her things in the trunk.


1 week later the new year started and Morgan was unpacking her clothes in, putting them away. Before she left her home dad took her shopping and he bought her new clothes like a new gown in case there is a ball, a blue silk dress, a couple of fancy heels and non-formal shoes, a couple of school uniforms, and so much more. When she was done putting everything away she put on her bikini and got a towel heading down to the school pool. Before she could leave her room someone knocked on the door. She opened the door to see two boys wearing the school uniform.

"Hello my name is Samuel and this is Daniel we wanted to welcome you to the school," said Samuel cheerily.

"So your the famous middle school fire survivor as well as kidnap victim of the person who was responsible for the fire," uttered Samuel under his breath.

Morgan gasped from shock and punched Samuel in the face then demanded them to leave. They refused to leave her room.

"Is this some sick joke to you." cried Morgan, "Get out of my room before I call my father and have you two kicked out of this school."

With that the twins left her room they could hear her uncontrollable crying through the door. After two hours of uncontrollable crying and a PTSD episode, she decided to go through with her swimming idea. She got her things together and headed down to the Olympus-size pool. To her surprise there sat the twins on the edge of the pool.

"Oh great." groaned Morgan.

"Hi," said Samuel in a sad tone with a guilty look on his face.

She turned around ready to go inside and forget going swimming today when she felt an arm around her waist. She turned her head to find Samuel hugging her from behind. He had tears in his eyes.

"I shouldn't have said those things to you. When you kicked us out of your room we could hear the crying and it broke my heart knowing that I caused you to cry like that. Please forgive me? I deserve to be kicked out of this school for how I treated you. Just please let my brother stay he tried to stop me from saying anything stupid." cried Samuel.

She turned around and hugged him back.

"Samuel, I forgive you. All you did was ask a question I was the one who overreacted. The second you asked me that question all the memories flooded back. The same ones I shoved so far back into my mind that I forgot about them." said Morgan smiling sadly.


Over the years Samuel, Daniel, Morgan, and Mark became close friends. Every summer they would go somewhere exotic and new to them.