
Life after Highschool

Morgan graduated from high school and started working with her father at his company as a partner. They worked wonderfully together and her father loved having her around. Life was great then four years later he dies of a heart attack. Morgan found him dead in his office chair. A week later the will was read and everything was left to her his cars, houses, business, everything he had now belonged to her. She walked into her business wearing a long black professional jumpsuit. Her first order of business was to replace his chair with a new one and had the old one taken to her home so it could be her at-home office chair.

"Hello boss I am so sorry for your loss." said her secretary.

"Thank you," said Morgan with a tear in her eyes, "Ok can everyone help me move my dad's office things to my at-home office and bring my things into my new office. Thanks."

Everyone did as they were told.

"Does anyone want my old office?" she asked smiling.

No one responded so she pointed to Lillian (The loyal personal secretary) and said, "You choose who gets the office."

Lillian smiled and nodded.

All of a sudden the door to Morgan's new office opened and two people from the streets walked in.

"Who let them in!" yelled Morgan, "Lillian! Call security!"

Security escorted the strangers out of the building and one of the strangers tried to fight their way back into her office. Lillian gave him a stern look and said, "Don't do that! Or the police will be the ones who throw you out."

Lillian ran back to Morgan's office and found another person standing there. She started to lead the man out of the room when Morgan stopped her.

"Lili, he is fine you can go now," explained Morgan.

Lillian nodded and walked out.

"Mark, what are you doing here?" questioned Morgan.

"I wanted to say hi," replied Mark, "I heard about your father dying. I am so sorry for your loss."

"Mark, tell me why you here?" she asked once more.

He groaned and said, "I wanted to see you."

"You can't just come into my office without an appointment. I am at work and I'm very busy so can you go please," explained Morgan.

Mark walked out with a devastated look on his face. Seeing the reaction on his face she decided to call a limo. It soon arrived and she thanked the driver for picking her up at short notice. The driver grinned and said, "Miss, it's my job to drive you wherever you want to go."

"What I mean is thank you for all your hard work." laughed Morgan, "Here is a thank you present."

She handed him a 100-dollar bill. Her driver grinned and thanked her repeatedly. When they arrived at her house she stepped out and gave her driver the rest of the day off. Which made him smile. She unlocked her front door and the butler welcomed her. She handed him a 100-dollar bill and walked away laughing. She could see him doing a happy dance from the reflection in the mirror. This made her crack up laughing.

The doorbell rang and the butler answered it.

"Who is it, Arnold?" asked Morgan.

"Miss, it's Mark do you want me to let him in?" asked Arnold.

"Yes, please let him in." laughed Morgan.

Arnold let Mark inside. Morgan motioned for him to follow her. She led him to the living room and they sat down beside each other. They caught up with each other and all of a sudden Morgan said, "Mark, I'll need you to go."

She thought to herself 'I am afraid he is going to kiss me, but at the same time, I really want him to. Ugh, I'm in a mini-battle with myself.' Mark smiled as if he knew what was on her mind. He placed his hand on the back of her neck and pulled her in for a kiss.

"Mark, how did you know what I was thinking?" asked Morgan.

"It was kind of obvious because you were staring at my lips." laughed Mark.

Morgan covered her face in embarrassment. Seeing her reaction made Mark laugh. He took her hands and removed them from her face. She looked at the ground shyly he put his finger under her chin making her meet his eyes.

"You are so beautiful when you are embarrassed or shy," whispered Mark.

They kissed again and again. She got up and he raced after her upstairs where she changed into a bikini. Then she raced downstairs he quickly followed. She jumped in and he soon followed.

"Oh hello, baby!" cheered Morgan.

"Hello, baby girl." laughed Mark.

They kissed and she splashed him in the face.

"If I asked you to marry me would you?" asked Mark with a serious tone.

Morgan laughed and said, "Yes, of course, I would."

"Glad to know that. So will you marry me, Morgan White?" asked Mark.

"Yes! I already said yes!" laughed Morgan.

He picked her up kissing her while swinging her around in the air.