
Generation A

In the Year 2XXX, the threat of Extra- Terrestrials was brought upon to Earth. The only beings protecting it were those in Generation A.

Avidreamer123 · Fantasy
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31 Chs


2:32 PM

Carmala was a major scar on the already scarred land. In some ways it was like Opal; with its bare plains and uninhabited cities. But Opal still had some structures and even animal carcasses lying around. Compared to Carmala, it still had a lot going for it.

As the aircraft flew over desolated landscape and polluted waters, The group inside of it were reminded of the incident that caused it.

*Flash Back*

"In 2XXX, the Combat and Strategy Core -or CSC- had an operation where they tried to make a biological weapon that would do the work the Gen A soldiers did since- back then, the idea of children fighting aliens wasn't that well received. A leak in one of the energy tanks caused an explosion which killed 13 researchers and 15 other scientists-not to mention the surrounding wildlife and civilians. Not many workers were harmed since it was during a holiday. Still, the Explosion of Carmala was a disaster that killed thousands and left no one unharmed." Mr. Lecno said.

"That's horrible. I feel so bad." Said Serenity.

"Yes. It was a horrible day that went down in history books. But after that disaster, the people of the world finally realized that they had no choice but to go along with the idea of children being soldiers and asked to kill at a young age-if they wanted to survive. That was called the Great Relent."

"That's where well be going tomorrow. So make sure you have your bags packed." Mr. Lecno said enthusiastically.

"Yes Sir."

*Flash Back End*

"Its even worse the second time you see it." Said Mason, looking out through one of the windows.

"It looks rather ugly, doesn't it." Hede said, messing with his bracelet, barely paying attention.

"Ugly or beautiful, this land belongs to the CSC, and as long as were still soldiers, well be seeing this place a whole lot more." Kira said, watching the land pass by.

After a more minutes of flying they finally saw the 8 story, silver, Arkri reinforced, floating building in the sky.

Kira stood. "The silver fortress. The place where all the bigwigs meet."

As they got closer, they noticed the multiple aircrafts Helicopters present on the stabilized landing pads suspended in the air.

"It looks like they're S-parking. Javes."

S-parking is parking in the sky. They do this so its not as easy to steal an aircraft, because some thought locking your craft was degrading.

Javes flew over 2 full landing pads before finding one with space, floating over it and said, "AL deploy the Gravity Stabilizers."

"Yes sir."

The ship shuddered for a bit before becoming still. Javes slowly lowered the aircraft until it was a few inches from the ground and turned it off. The aircraft still floated in the air.

Javes opened the hatch and everyone climbed out, leaving their bags behind. Javes locked the aircraft, and the group walked to the floating structure a couple of yards away.

"Did we have to park so far away." Helix whined. he was in the back, moving no faster than snail.

"I bet if I throw hard enough, I can get you from here to the fortress." Kira said, irritated. "Want to test it out?"

"Uh, I'm good. I actually love walking." Helix said.

"Pity." Kira mumbled under breath.

"Is President Mores already inside?" Wish asked.

"Yes, he emailed me saying he would be by the entrance way." Kira replied.

"Did he say where the snack table would be?" Zak asked.

Kira sighed. "No Zak. He didn't."

"I guess I have to find it myself."

"Zak give me a ride on your back. I'm tired of walking." Helix said, grabbing onto Zak.

"No way dude. You weigh like 200 pounds."

"112 actually," Corrects Hede. "Plus, I've seen you bench-press at least 500 pounds and run miles. This should be easy."

Zak thought about it. " Only if you give me half of you're candy back home."

"That's so not cool," Huffed Helix. "but fine."

Zak stopped and Helix jumped on his back, before continuing walking a second later.

"Oh my god." Kira said. She was getting headache. "We are about to be in the presence of really important people you two. Please stop."

"I see no problem with it." Hede said, amused.

"Of course you don't." Kira said, not amused. She stopped walking and pulled Helix off of Zak with one hand. She put him back on the ground.

"Walk with your own legs." She said.

"But I'm tired." Helix whined again.

"So is everyone else so quit it."

Helix grumbled, started walking.

"Were making progress." Kira said, and followed behind.

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