
Generation A

In the Year 2XXX, the threat of Extra- Terrestrials was brought upon to Earth. The only beings protecting it were those in Generation A.

Avidreamer123 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

The Supply Core

1:50 PM

Inside, they were surrounded by multiple shops and people from all teams and regions. As the group walked further into the plaza, more teams stopped to either greet or salute them. The group politely waved them off and kept walking.

The Supply Cores main building was sectioned off into 3 levels-The inner circle, The middle circle, and outer circle. The outer circle-which was on the first floor-was for off duty soldiers, or more specifically, normal civilians to shop and mingle, the middle circle on the second floor was more for Gen A soldiers to shop and buy things for weapons , and the third floor was the inner circle, where you could trade.

The team walked to the elevators on the other side of the first floor. There were 6 in total and all had long lines behind them. So they picked an elevator and decided to wait. While they were waiting, they had decided to go over safety protocols for meetings. The line slowly got shorter and, after 10 minutes of waiting, they finally stepped into the elevator and the door slid closed behind them. Serenity who was closest to the button panel pressed the top button.

The elevator glided gracefully up the shaft, and passed the second floor before stopping on the third floor. The doors slide open and the team step out and into a bright, dark marble space with little to no soldiers present. Today was the first day after all.

The team walked deeper into the inner circle, passing all kinds of trading shops like, 'The Head Depot' and 'Eye for an Eye', both major trading businesses that were allowed inside the Supply Core. But they were heading for a different business.

After a couple of minutes of getting lost, and stopping to look at maps, they finally found the store they were looking for.

"The official Supply Core Trading Center, huh." Zak said aloud. "For such an important store, you'd think it be easier to find."

"I'm pretty sure they do it to swindle people." Pax voiced. "I mean, the customer becomes tired from all the searching they had to do-add onto how they tired must be already after fighting aliens- then you have yourselves an easy target."

Zak thought about it. "If that's true then this must be a shady place."

"What part of the Supply Core isn't shady?" Wish asked, shaking her head.

"Alright, alright. Lets go- I don't wanna be here any longer than I have to." Kira said, pushing her teammates forwards.

Inside of the store, they were surrounded by iron and marble walls, with marble flooring. 2 big electric lights were on the ceiling and there were multiple speakers around the store as well. There were 5 main trading counters in the back of the store and at least 15 smaller counters near the front, and since basically no one was here they walked to the main trading counter and Kira pressed the button that said 'Ring for Assistance'.

No more than 3 seconds pass before someone came out the back- a tall woman with light brown hair- with a cart. She was wearing a gray robe with the Supply Core logo, the letters S and P surrounded by 8 little moons on the left arm of the robe. The name tag on the left side of her chest said 'Hi, my name is Arabith.'

"Hello. How may I help you?" Arabith asked.

"Were here to trade some loot." Kira said, motioning for Mason to put the bags on the counter.

Arabith took a look in the bags. "Alright. I just need you to verify which team you're apart of then we can head to the back and get things sorted out." She said before grabbing a bracelet scanner from under the counter and pushing it towards Kira. She then loaded the bags onto the cart.

Kira waved her wrist over the scanner, which turned green with a ding, and Arabith pulled it towards herself and pushed a button under her desk that opened a walkway to the side of the counter. "Please follow me." She said, turning to the door she had came through. The group went through the space and to the backroom.

Inside, there were people in robes like Arabith's, who were putting things into different colored bags and sending them through tubes that sucked them up and delivered them to who knows where.

Arabith pulled the cart to a table in the middle of the room, and hefted the bags onto it. The group stood on the opposite side of the table and watched as she examined the hearts. The group were staring around the room before Arabith started asking questions.

"How many in total?" She asked.

"Seventy-eight." Kira replied.

Arabith nodded her head. "When were they harvested?"

Kira tapped her bracelet. "About an hour ago."

Arabith nodded her head some more, before putting the hearts back into the bag. She looked up.

The price I can give you is 3,000 inx per heart. Is that alright with you?" Arabith asked.

Kira looked at her teammates, who nodded their heads. "Its fine by us. Where do we scan?"


After the money had been transferred to the teams joint bank account, they left the 3rd floor and went to the 2nd to buy some stuff for their next missions. MALUM enhancers, tool sharpeners, etc. After they finished shopping, they went down to the 1st floors cafeteria and had something to eat, and talked, before leaving the building. They walked towards the aircraft hanger and spotted their own aircraft and quickly walked towards it.

Mason climbed the steps embedded into the aircraft and pulled open the hatch. He and the rest of the team dropped into the middle lane. Javes went to his seat at the front of the aircraft and booted up the computer as the others took their seats.

"Javes Miester- registered. Welcome aboard." Said the A.I

"AL, make preparations to land at Carmala." Javes said.

"The Carmala in Asi?" AL asked.

"Amerc. "

"Yes sir. The Carmala landing base expects your arrival in 35 minutes."


Javes did his thing and soon they were out of the hanger and into sky, on there way to Amerc.

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