
Generation A

In the Year 2XXX, the threat of Extra- Terrestrials was brought upon to Earth. The only beings protecting it were those in Generation A.

Avidreamer123 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Seminar: Part 1

2:37 PM

The group had finally reached the entrance of the fortress. It was guarded by two big guys, one on each side of the Arkri door.

"Names and reason for being here." Said one of them.

"Captain Kira Ruse of Team Z and the rest of my teammates. We're here to escort President Mores."

The guard touched his earpiece and spoke into it. After a few seconds he nods his to the other guard, who opens the door.

"Thank you." Kira said while stepping forward.

The group stepped through the doorway and entered the main hall. Inside, were walls lined in more Arkri and steel. The group kept walking until the hall opened up into a large room with three glass elevators. They picked the elevator in the middle and pressed the button to get it and got inside when it arrived.

"So which floor is this taking place on." Pax asked.

Kira looked at her bracelet. "The email says its on the top floor. So press the 8th button."

Pax pressed the 8th button and the scenery slipped by as the went further up. They eventually stopped at the top floor, and the glass doors slid open. They all stepped out into a brightly lit room with grey and silver walls with hanging electric lights, representatives and soldiers everywhere. Everyone in the room turned to them.

"I guess President Mores wasn't the only one who thought getting personal bodyguards was a good idea." Whispered Hede.

"Who do these guys think they're staring at." Zak grumbled, trying his best to not get too mad. "Don't they know its rude to stare. If-"

Javes pushed Zak's head down so that he was looking at the floor.

"That's better, isn't it.' Javes said, smirking.

Mason removed Javes' hand from the back of Zak's head. "Play nice Javes."

Javes just rolled his eyes.

Suddenly, a person broke through the crowd.

"Ah, there you are." Said President Mores. "I was looking for you."

The group saluted.

"Sir, we are sorry for making you wait." Kira said.

"It's alright. You're early anyway. Come on, I want everyone to meet you." He nodded his towards the stage in the front of the room.

The group walked towards the stage, ignoring the stares-mostly. Zak looked ready to blow.

But they walked until they reached the platform. They all climbed the steps on the side of the stage and stood behind President Mores with their hands behind their back.

"Eh, em." President Mores said into the microphone. "Hello everyone. I am very glad you have come today. I am Timothy Mores- one the heads of Terra. Now in just a bit, we will be going into the strategy room to plan out somethings and, I thought I should tell you about the extra help we'll be getting." He turned towards the group.

"So, let me introduce to you the most powerful, most advanced team in our army-

Team Z."

The room burst into whispers at the mention of the name. Representatives stared with interest, while other soldiers looked at them with awe.

President mores motioned for Kira to take the mic from him and she did. Kira stood before the crowd as they quieted down. When things finally got quiet-

"Good evening, my name is Kira Ruse, captain of Team Z. It is very nice to meet all of you."

More whispers erupted from the crowd.

"Alright everyone, calm down." Called a familiar voice from the crowd.

General Turn stepped out from behind a man and walked to the stage. Kira gave him the microphone and went back into the line.

'Well that was nerve racking.' She thought.

"It is only common knowledge to use the leading figures' help in our strategizing." Said the General. "There is no problem, I hope."

To that there was no response, and Turn took it as a no.

"We'll the time is almost upon us, so if you could please follow me to the strategy room." He said while putting the mic back on its stand. He walked of the stage and towards one the hallway by the elevators. Everyone followed behind, suddenly stiff. They walked down the hall for a full minute, before reaching a metal door with locks and big wheel. Kira and Lucy, who were right beside Gen. Turn, stepped in front and grabbed the wheel.

The turned the wheel and it moved effortlessly. The metal door opened slowly, revealing a dim room with multiple large tables and a large holo-board at the front of the room. Already sitting down were 6 men and women, chatting quietly.

'The other heads.' Lucy thought. 'Its my first time seeing them in person.'

President Mores moved to sit with the rest of the heads and the team decided to stand in the back of the room-as did the rest of the Gen A soldiers.

Kira looked on as everyone took their seats. There were more than a hundred people in the room, from all continents and regions. It was interesting to see how people from different cultures could come together.

Helix slid to the ground while Javes and Hede leaned against the wall.

"I'm really excited." Wish whispered. "Its my first official seminar."

"I know right." Pax whispered back. "Especially when its about something important."

Wish nodded.

Suddenly, Gen. Turn stood and called, "The meeting will now commence." and the room went dark and the Holo-board lit up-showing a map of the continents.


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