
Generation A

In the Year 2XXX, the threat of Extra- Terrestrials was brought upon to Earth. The only beings protecting it were those in Generation A.

Avidreamer123 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Team T

11:55 AM

After everybody had their bags loaded in and everyone had sat down, Lucy turned on the car and began the drive back to the base.

"Alright guys, I just got more information on the seminar in Carmala." Kira said as she looked at her bracelet. "Apparently 7 of the 8 heads are attending, excluding Head Daim- and 15 representative from each continent are coming as well," She looked up towards Hede. "including one Abbadon Ruse." Hede looked visibly uncomfortable.

"Hey Kira, any chance we can cancel on President Mores?" Hede asked.

Kira shook her head. "I'm afraid we cant do that." Hede deflated like a balloon and sulked all the way back to the base.

Once they arrived at the landing base a couple minutes later, Javes immediately hopped out and started towards the building where the three original pilots stood. Mason hurried to catch up to him.

"Mr. Miester, welcome ba-."

"Yeah whatever, here's my bracelet. Go get the aircraft." He tossed his bracelet at the one in the middle and went inside the base.

"Uh-" said the blonde.

"I'm so sorry for his attitude." Apologized Mason. "I swear he's nice once you get to know him."

"No it's alright, really." Said the blonde. "We'll go get the aircraft now."

Mason nodded his head, turned and went inside to find Javes.

Everyone else had walked passed the three pilots at that point, acknowledging them with a simple nod, and were now near the door. The pilots then went off to get their aircraft in the hanger.

Inside, the group had taken their seats and were just idling around when one of the other teams in the base came up to them. There were 8 in total, wearing the standard uniform, some with carry on bags and others bare-handed.

The only thing that differed was their bracelet. While Kira and her groups bracelets were black and had a white 'Z' on them, this team had the letter T on theirs.

The boy who was in front of the other seven did a quick salute and stood at attention. He was a tall, pale guy with blonde hair and green eyes. The people behind him also saluted. He was rather good looking but looked really nervous at the moment.

"Mark Dirnham, Captain of the T Team. It is very nice to meet you."

Kira and most of her team stood and saluted as well. " Kira Ruse, Captain of the Z team. The pleasures all mine, Captain Dirnham." She gave a quick introduction of her teammates.

Mark smiles a big, excited smile. " We saw you walk in a minute ago, and my team and I were eager to meet the strongest team in the generation. Speaking of team, let me introduce them." He turned to his left. "This is Kareem, Jerry, and Mora." They gave small waves and a few 'sup's. He turned to his right. "And these are Rowen, Herman, Anya, and Dmitri." Hi's and more sup's. The others greeted them as well.

"My other teammates, Hydra and Jazmyn, are in the bathroom right now." He explained.

"I see, you're already on your first mission like us, right? The Cores just don't want us to catch a break?" Hede said.

"Were actually here because we were supposed to be your secondary's for your mission. When we heard the news, we decided to wait for you here."

Secondary's are teams that take over after another team refuses to do the mission. This perk only applies to the top 10 teams in each Division.

"Oh, that's-, Wish started but was cut off by Mora.

"Are you heading to the Supply Core to turn in your stuff? We could come along if you'd like." She nodded towards the bags in two of the chairs.

Kira replied, "No its alright. We don't need any company. Thanks for the offer thou-,"

"No I insist. We were also planning to go there for some more supplies. We can carry some of your stuff." Said Dmitri, piercing into their skulls with his intense staring.

"Um, its alright. We can manage." Mason says politely. He looked up from them and spot the pilots coming. He looked back to his team and gently pushes them forward. "If you'll excuse us, we have to get going now." The team gets his message and quickly pack up their stuff and walk around the other team, saying their goodbyes as they hurriedly walk out the door, the pilots behind them.

Once outside, the team all breath a sigh of relief. That team was really set on following them.

The pilot in the middle of the 2 other pilots handed Javes' bracelet back to him, which he put back on before nodding his head in gratitude, and walking away from them, and towards the aircraft. Mason said goodbye, and went after him.

The others also said their goodbyes and thanks for taking care of their aircraft and went to the craft and sat down, ready to leave. Javes was already to take off when the last person sat down.

As the aircraft had been started before hand, Javes slowly lifted of the ground immediately and took off to the northwest.

They were headed to the main Supply Core base, where soldiers could trade their loot from missions or buy all the supplies they needed. It also specialized in other things, but none as important as the former. It was located in Vultus-in a region called Gallia. Its one the most advanced regions in technology, in one of the most history rich continents.

The group chatted and rested for an hour before arriving in Vultus, and another 5 minutes spent getting to Gallia.

As they flew over many of the tall Arkri-reinforced buildings, something large appeared in the distance. It was a mostly glass dome with small towers surrounding it, and a large concrete area behind the dome. To the left of the dome was a large, gray hanger for aircrafts and to the right was a parking lot for any other vehicle.

Javes slowed down, took a left and came to the entrance of the hanger. He brought out the wheels at the bottom of the air craft and rolled inside the massive hanger. He saw a good spot near the west wall and slowly wheeled that way. After he had the parking position settled everyone was up and moving towards the hatch- well, everyone but Helix. He was fast asleep clutching one of his daggers to his chest.

"Zak, wake him please." Kira said as Javes pressed a button that opened the hatch lid.

"Helix," Zak said, shaking him roughly "wake up dude. We're here already." Helix grumbled, but slowly pried his heavy eyelids, squinting even against the low LED light. He stood and stretched his limbs and yawned deeply, before releasing his weapon and getting his bag that was under his chair. He climbed the ladder out of the hatch and stood on the concrete outside.

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