
Generation A

In the Year 2XXX, the threat of Extra- Terrestrials was brought upon to Earth. The only beings protecting it were those in Generation A.

Avidreamer123 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Southwest Team

"5 down, 33 to go." Pax mumbled.

--------S.W Team--------

The southwest team waited a second, before the aliens came into view with Javes running ahead of them. The moment they saw them they had their weapons ready and started on their activation.

Kira and her scythe, raised above her head- 'Mighty Stars, give me the strength to conquer my opponent in the form of my weapon. Enhance'

She rushed forward, her scythe curving through the bodies of 3 aliens.

"Yo Mason, your up." Kira said, slicing through 2 more aliens and helping Javes section them off.

"Alright!" Mason replied.

Mason pulled on his a bit gloves on his hands- 'Great Stars, help me fight against my adversary by using my option weapon. Enhance'

He then took a huge leap into the air and slammed his hands against the ground as he came down.

The ground split in two with a huge crack, making a large crack in the ground.

Multiple aliens fell into the crack with a loud thud, and all sound immediately stopped. Mason looked into crack and saw aliens on spike like skewered chicken.

Lucy had pulled out a few of her throwing knives.-'Deity, give me power to defeat enemies by way of weapon. Enhance' The knives changed from their dull gray to a sparkling silver with a black handle.

She threw 3 knives from her right hand towards one alien, and the spiraled all the way to its head and sliced through its skull, before stopping in its path and returning to Lucy's hand. The alien fell on its back-dead.

Serenity had put her staff in front of her-'Lovely Stars, give me courage to crush my challenger with my best weapon. Enhance.' The wooden staff got heavier and became fully gray. She spun around in the air, before leaping into the air above a group of 3 aliens.

She raised the staff's end in the air and slammed it down on of their head. The head burst open with liquids spilling out. She used the falling aliens body as a foothold to leap and hit the other two across the head as well.

With most of them dead, the group started cleaning up the rest.

--------S.E Team---------

Hede grabbed 2 more grenades and put 1 in each hand. Zak pulled out the long-sword strapped onto his backside and said his activation phrase. 'Amazing Stars, provide me the power to vanquish my attacker by weapon. Enhance!' His long-sword's dazzling silver tint, got darker and became jet black. He ran towards the aliens and made a huge leap into the air flying overhead his teammates and landing on top of an aliens, shoving his sword through its head. "{IGNITE!}" He yelled, and his sword burst into blue flames. He took the sword out the aliens head, and jumped back to the ground, not watching as it burned to death.

"Wow Zak, you're soooo strong," Said Hede, sarcastically.

Zak laughed, "I kno-,"

"However," Hede said, smirking. "You aren't nearly as strong as me, so I suggest that you stand down."

"Oh, is that a challenge I smell?" Zak asks.

"Guys this is really not the time." Yells Pax over the loud growls of the aliens.

"Maybe. You up for it?" Hede questions, completely ignoring Pax.

"Guys, come on!" Pax whined.

"Let's do it. Whoever can kill the most wins 500 Inx" Zak said.

"Wait guys, can I join in on this?" Helix Asked.

"Helix, not you too" Pax cried

"Of course dude!" Hede said.

"Guy- Pax started, but stopped talking when she felt Wish hand on her shoulder.

"It's no use Pax. They can't hear us anymore." Wish said in a pretend monotone voice.

Pax sighed in defeat. "There's no hope for them."

Wish shook her head.

While all this was going on, the aliens had formed a giant circle and now looked like they were about to shoot a GigaBlast.

A GigaBlast is an aliens most destructive move. It uses concentrated energy to form a ball of energy which is then shot out of their mouths. Even the weakest aliens can form GigaBlast powerful enough to wipe out at least 20 people.

Though this had not gone completely unnoticed by Wish, who was keeping an eye on them before she had decided to intervene in Pax's rant.

"Guys, the aliens are planning something" She yelled after she finished comforting Pax.

The boys stopped talking and looked up to see 15 aliens ready shoot them with a GigaBlast.

"Well, didn't expect that." Hede mumbled.

--------S.E Team---------

Kira was sitting on the dead body of an alien, her scythe leaning against her shoulder. She was looking at an order she had received through her bracelet.

"Hey Kira, do you think the other guys are done yet." Serenity asked, wiping her.

Kira looked up from her bracelet. "Yeah they should be done, by now."

She turned towards Lucy. " Hey Lucy, do you have the all the hearts yet?"

All aliens have hearts in the center in the body. After Gen A soldiers defeat them, they then take their hearts as proof of defeat and turn them into the Information Core. What they do with the hearts, no one knows or cares.

Lucy replied, "One more." as she climbed out of the crack Mason had created. She turned over on the fallen aliens and stabbed one of her knives into it and cut a hole in the center of its body. She pulled the out the excess flesh and tossed it aside. She then stuck her hand into the whole and moved it around in search of the heart.

After a few seconds of moving around, her hand finally clasped onto the something and she pulled it out.

"Now I'm done," Lucy said stuffing the last heart into one of the bags. "Should we go check on them?"

Kira looked back down to her bracelet in concern for a second, before putting on a neutral face, and nodding her head. "Lets go."

--------S.W Team----------

"Everyone get behind me." Pax yelled , pulling out the longbow that was on her back. Everyone ran and half crouched behind her. She put the upper limb against her forehead. "Creator of life, lend me the advantage to end my foe. Enhance." The bow turned a dark shade of red and a grey broad head arrow appeared on the bow. Her forearm also changed color and a bracer was soon in its place. She placed her finger on the arrow and pulled back. She then muttered an extension verse. "{Level 3, Armand's Shield.}"

A soldiers weapon comes with multiple levels that only they know of, an extension to their original power. The soldier says the number (higher number is more powerful, but depends on individual) and name of the level (they decide the name themselves) and use the weapon accordingly- that is an extension verse.

She released the arrow a second before the Aliens had a chance to shoot, and instead of going straight ahead-it stopped a foot in front of her and split into 5 directions, creating a large light gray shield.

The aliens shot their blast at the team in 15 beams of light, but all were stopped by the shield. After about 5 seconds of continuous firing, the beams eventually let up and Pax released her shield with a snap of her fingers. The team wasted no time in cleaning up the aliens, this time without just idling around. After a couple minutes of slashing and stabbing, all aliens were dead and Helix was taking their hearts and stuffing them in the bags when the Southeast team showed up. The Southwest team did their quick salutes to Kira before giving their reports.

Pax said, "We were doing just fine in the beginning, but then-,"

Zak interrupted. "and then me and the guys started acting stupid and ended up almost getting blasted to dust."

Kira frowned and turned to Hede and Helix. "Is this true?" They nodded their heads slowly. Kira hmm'd slightly before frowning and sighing. "I really should be reprimanding you for this but it was my bad forethought that caused this, so I'll let you off this time." The boys sighed in relief. "However," They gulped.

"While this was partly my fault, I should probably remind you of the job we do. The stuff we do is not for fun or excitement, we do it to protect innocent lives against aliens that want to hurt them-or worse. Playing games with those things will not help with that task. Still, you may have all the fun you want because I know how boring it is to be the strongest-as long as there is no risk of hurting others. Pax and Wish, this also goes for you too. I know you had nothing to do in the horseplay, but next time do everything in your power to stop it. Sitting by could seriously hurt someone."


"Do you understand?" Kira asked, with a raised eyebrow.

Yes, ma'am" They mumbled.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you."

"Yes, Ma'am!"

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