
Generation A

In the Year 2XXX, the threat of Extra- Terrestrials was brought upon to Earth. The only beings protecting it were those in Generation A.

Avidreamer123 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Seminar: Part 2

2:42 PM

General Turn walked to the board, where he picked up a pointer from one of the shelves.

He turned towards the board and it changed to the symbol for the Information Core, the letters I and C encased in a blue star. He pointed to the symbol with the pointer.

"The Information Core has found out about a possible landing spot for a large Foha in two months in Asi. They estimate for there to be around 1000 aliens with 15 supports. The danger level presumed at 5.3 on the Gant Scale."

Supports are beings that fight alongside aliens. They supposedly have consciousness and are even more dangerous than the aliens themselves. One of the real reasons Gen A's are needed is to defeat these types of aliens- which cant be destroyed by normal human means like other aliens can.

"I personally propose we use the Patterns and Elements Divi-" General Turn was interrupted by a voice.

"I'm afraid I wont allow that." Said the voice. A woman with dark brown hair and a crisp business suit stood up and walked to the board.

'That's Tina Novikov, General of the Elements Division.' Kira thought. 'She looks stern.'

"The Elements Division has their hands full for the next few weeks training the newbies at Hybrid Academy." General Novikov said.

"Its my first time hearing of this." General Turn said questioningly.

"We accepted the offer just yesterday. So instead of us," She flipped her bracelet over the screen- changing it to another symbol. "I think the Plants Division should do just as well."

"No, that wont do." Said General Ace Kim, who was still in his seat. "I'm having them train right now."

"I see." Gen. Turn said, sighing. "Does anyone have any suggestions, then?"

After a second of silence, someone spoke up. "How about the Letters Division."

Everyone flicked their eyes to Mataus Bask, the head of Vultus. "They don't seem to be busy." He said as he stared at the team, or more specifically, Javes and Zak.

"That's true, isn't it General Turn?" General Novikov.

"Yes it true, but I don't think its necessary." General Turn reasoned.

"No, you should let them. That way it can be only one Division instead of two." Said Head Truse Sarz of Frigus. "Plus, I also want gauge their skills."

General Turn thought about it. Then after a few seconds, he turned to the group in the back.

"What do you think." He said.

Everyone turned to look at them.

"Uh," Said Kira, suddenly in the spotlight. "I suppose we have no problem with it."

"Then its decided, in two months the Letters Division will head to Asi to fight the aliens." General Novikov declared.

The group in the back saluted. "Yes ma'am."

"Then, I suppose we should talk strategy." General Turn said. "Since-"

Kira slowly raised her hand.

"Do you have something to say, Ms. Ruse?" General Turn asked.

"Sir. I would like permission to strategize the plan myself with the others in my division. If that is aright with you." Kira stated.

"You wish to do this with your entire division?" He asked.

"Yes sir." Kira said.

General Turn pulled stroked his moustache, something he did when he was thinking. "Very well. Organize the meeting in 3 weeks."

"Understood. Thank you sir."


After it ended, the door was opened and slowly people filed out. Outside, the android servants set up a small banquet for the people in the seminar. Zak had dragged Helix off to one of the tables with sandwiches, Mason and Javes were off somewhere, and Lucy, Wish, Serenity and Pax were chatting with the other teams there.

That left Kira and Hede who were trying to hide in the crowd.

"Hede it wont be that bad." Kira said from behind him.

"Wont be that bad? He freaking hates me!" Hede whisper-yelled.

"He doesn't hate you. He just doesn't like you...at all." Kira said, grabbing his arm and pulling them out of the crowd. "And why are you whispering?"

"So he doesn't hear me obviously."

"He c-" Kira was cut of by a deep, brooding voice from behind her.

"Kira, what are you doing?"

Kira took a deep breath, then turned around. In front of her was a tall man with dark caramel skin, black hair and stubble and cold, grey eyes. This man was Abbadon Ruse.

"Father, its been awhile." Kira said solemnly.

"Yes," Abbadon sighed. "you didn't come home the one week you were off, so its expected."

"I was at Mom's house." Kira replied.

"Hmm." His eyes flicked to Hede who was trying to shrink into the floor.

"Boy, will you not greet your father?" Abbadon said coldly.

Hede spun around. "You are not my father, you bas-"


"You will not speak to me that way, boy." Abbadon hissed. Everyone in the room was looking at them now.

"Father, that is enough." Kira said coldly, stepping in front of Hede.

Abbadon glared at her. "You will come home, MY home, on your next break, understand?" Kira nodded stiffly. "That goes for you too, boy. Your mother wants to see you." Hede just glared.

With that, Abbadon turned and left, leaving the room in silence.

"Hey Kira," Hede mumbled.


"Can we go home?"

"Yeah, lets go."


9:00 PM

The ride home was one in silence. Hede stared out the window the whole time, a far away look in his eyes.

Upon arriving at the hanger, Kira called a lift while Javes parked.

Once they got home, everyone collapsed on the couches with a sigh.

"What a horrible first day." Serenity groaned.

"Being the best isn't easy." Zak said, closing his eyes.

"Ah, Zak. You shouldn't sleep on the couch. It'll hurt your back." Mason said.

"Ease up dude. Kira has no problem with it. Right?" He opened his eyes to look at Kira, but she wasn't listening.

"Kira?" Zak said.

Kira jumped a little. "Yeah?"

"You alright?" Zak asked.

"I'm fine. I just have a lot of things on my mind."

"Things like Abbadon?" Pax asked.

Kira sighed and stood up. "I'm going to bed. Goodnight."

"'Night." "Goodnight."

A few minutes after Kira had went upstairs, Helix, Zak and Wish had decided it was time turn in, as did Mason, Javes, Pax, Serenity, and Lucy.

Hede was the last one to head upstairs, and when his head hit the pillow, he instantly fell asleep.

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