
Genensis City: A Cyberpunk Journey

In Genesis City, a futuristic city where everything is digitalized and highly advanced. VR Games are not just a dream but can be played by anyone. This city revolves around two big factors - genes and spirit. One should have the genes to cultivate spirit energy inside them so that they can obtain a strong spirit. Higher the grade of the spirit the better. Luther lives a subdued life with his goal to keep playing VR games and maintain his number one position. He is a 16-year-old boy who stopped going to school and spending all of his time at home. But, whether he wants it or not his easy-going life will fall apart. He will have to become a part of something much bigger even if it's a pain in the** and maybe finally learn what it means to live. This is the story of how Luther, a shut-in along with Squad Zero become the unsung heroes of Genesis City who face all kinds of danger to keep their city safe but never get the credit for it. No one knows about their deeds as they have to suffer humiliation from others for being the most wasteful squadron in the city. This is the story of a city that has fragmented over the decades where strife and tension run rampant all around. Everyone is just waiting for the right moment to strike. When that moment comes, it would be complete mayhem and infinite chaos. -----------------------------------------------

King_Of_Abyss · Urban
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17 Chs

Dangerous Experiment

Hrithik walked back to his office with a smile but internally he was furious. He had been spending quality time with his son after so many years when the sudden emergency meeting was called. So, it was cut abruptly and Luther left. He only saw him once in a year and even that time had been cut. 

Sakura, Hrithik's PA, is one of the only two people who could discern his mood. She immediately picked up on his mood and she also knew about his meeting with Luther. In such moments she had to tread carefully even though no one realised. 

Both of them entered the office as Hrithik took his seat he spoke, "When did Luther leave Genesis City Lab?"

"Right after sir left for the meeting." 

"Hmm, what about our meeting in 3 days?"

"Sir, Luther will send me the place of his choice soon. I should know about it within 2 days."

"Why would he send you the details instead of me?" 

"Sir, with all due respect it's very awkward for him to message you because of your strained relationship for years. He would be more comfortable in sending it to me." 

Hrithik sighed in defeat, "You are right, I haven't been a good father to him or Amara. I must try harder ..." his eyes bulged in shock as he exclaimed, "Why is the glass empty? What ??!" 

"Sir?" Sakura was startled by Hrithik's reaction as she came close to him. Indeed, an empty glass was placed on the table." 

Hrithik turned around staring into her eyes, "Did you drink the contents in this glass?" 

"Of course, no sir. I would never." 

"Then how can the glass be empty? I had brought here filled to examine it later." 

"Sir, I sent Luther into the office in your absence to wait for you. He must have been thirsty and drank the contents of the glass thinking it to be water." 

Hrithik's eyes became bloodshot as he immediately made a call, "Protection guard head, I order an elite force of fighters to be sent for Luther Rawat, my son. Bring him to my office quickly."

The other replied a yes and got cut. 

Sakura became very worried at the mention of the protection guard head and elite force. "Is Luther's life in danger?" 

"I can't be sure but I am not going to take any risks. He must return to me quickly, the liquid he drank thinking of it as water is a heavily concentrated spiritual energy concoction I have been working on. It can help awaken the dormant genes in the body and even call for strong spirits." 

"Isn't that a good thing for Luther?" 

"No, it hasn't gone through enough testing and there will be unknown side effects. Such experiments should only occur inside a lab where his protection is guaranteed. He might even die due to the side effects. I can't let that happen. Never." 


Three figures, one in a grey hoodie and the other two in black hoodies hopped from atop one building to another. The man with the grey hoodie had a steady expression, and his pace was constant, though breakneck for novices. The boy and girl pair in black hoodies were much younger and had steady expressions but were barely able to catch up to the man's pace. 

"Both of you juniors can go much faster. Let's pick up the pace. We have to reach the headquarters as fast as possible or we will be in big trouble."

The girl - Cat spoke into her comm device, "Senior Blade, this is the maximum speed I can go. I am sorry to disappoint you." 

The boy - Mori also spoke into his comm device, "I don't want to admit it, but I am also at my limit. Senior Blade is too impressive to be able to go faster." 

"It would have been better if the vehicle hadn't been destroyed. The Vr0wn is so powerful, we would have reached so quickly." After a slight pause, "But, this challenge is interesting. Finding solutions to complex problems is one of the best things in life." 

Mori is a boy with Japanese roots and insults like one too, " We are in a complex situation because of your carelessness. Don't try to sound cool after making a mistake." 

Catarina joined her Senior Blade's enthusiasm, "You can do it, Senior." 

 "The three of them suddenly lost balance during their jump. Blade fell on the next roof in a bad posture, while Cat and Mori barely managed to land safely on the ground. They were affected by spirit energy that suddenly spread out. Their sense which was reliant on spirit energy had been overloaded. 

Blade shook off his weakness and jumped from the building landing next to his juniors. "I didn't expect to come under a spirit attack in a place like this. That attack was quite fearsome and if we were lucky, those bastards from Love Pride have also been affected. Now, the source of the attack seemed to be from there" He pointed in the right-hand direction. 

"Chinck, boom" The sound of a bullet being fired rang out in their surroundings, and the 3 of them straightened up after hearing the sound. "We need to move quickly to that area."

All of them began sprinting the distance running at a very high speed crossing a lot of distances in a short time. 

During their sprint, a confused Kazuki asked, 'Why are we heading to the source of the spiritual attack? Nothing good will come from going there. I think we should go from a different direction and avoid that area."

Justice replied with a smile, 'The situation we are heading into is not common. First, we came under a spiritual attack and then the gunshot sound. As protectors of this city, we must investigate this and resolve it." 

Catarina spoke with her pleasing and sweet voice, "Senior, is courageous and the best. To be able to enter headfirst into a crisis to help those in need." 

"Hehe, I guess I am." 

All of them came to a halt as they noticed a boy, seemingly around Mori and Catarina's age, running unsteadily. His eyes were bloodshot, closing and opening as if he were on the verge of losing consciousness. Despite his condition, he persisted, taking one faltering step after another, moving forward even if it was just by inches.

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