
Genensis City: A Cyberpunk Journey

In Genesis City, a futuristic city where everything is digitalized and highly advanced. VR Games are not just a dream but can be played by anyone. This city revolves around two big factors - genes and spirit. One should have the genes to cultivate spirit energy inside them so that they can obtain a strong spirit. Higher the grade of the spirit the better. Luther lives a subdued life with his goal to keep playing VR games and maintain his number one position. He is a 16-year-old boy who stopped going to school and spending all of his time at home. But, whether he wants it or not his easy-going life will fall apart. He will have to become a part of something much bigger even if it's a pain in the** and maybe finally learn what it means to live. This is the story of how Luther, a shut-in along with Squad Zero become the unsung heroes of Genesis City who face all kinds of danger to keep their city safe but never get the credit for it. No one knows about their deeds as they have to suffer humiliation from others for being the most wasteful squadron in the city. This is the story of a city that has fragmented over the decades where strife and tension run rampant all around. Everyone is just waiting for the right moment to strike. When that moment comes, it would be complete mayhem and infinite chaos. -----------------------------------------------

King_Of_Abyss · Urban
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17 Chs

Cat Is Kind

Luther's desperate run profoundly stirred the trio to escape their pursuers, but his willpower couldn't carry him any further. About to crash on the hard ground, a blur flashed through the surroundings, and suddenly, soft hands gently held the unconscious body of Luther. Catarina had used her nimble agility to prevent him from falling.

She closely observed him as she strangely felt attracted to him, not in a romantic way but something else. She couldn't put a finger on what exactly it was.

Justice and Kazuki also came close to inspect Luther. 

"Who is this boy? Is he involved in the spiritual attack and that gunshot sound?" 

"I don't know him, never met him but he needs immediate treatment or he may lose his life." 

Catarina exclaimed loudly as she firmly gripped her senior Justice's collar, "What ?" 

The bear-like bulky man and the boy with sharp eyes, Justice and Kazuki were surprised by her sudden reaction. Justice cleared his throat, "There is of course a way for him to survive. The solution can be found in any hospital. This boy is showing signs of spirit awakening. It's almost probable that he obtained a spirit recently, about a few hours ago. The energy consumed during the process is too much for a normal body, that's why the process is always conducted in a protected area after adequate preparation. But this guy seemed to skip all of these steps and awakened his spirit." 

"Then let's go to the nearest hospital and administer him with the cure." 

"Cat, have you forgotten? We are running from our pursuers and our goal is to reach the Dead Will Club as fast as possible. It's the only place our protection can be guaranteed. Why should we care about some boy we found on our way??!" 

Catarina was appalled by Kazuki's reply. How could he think of leaving this boy to his death when they could save him? She wasn't going to do that. "Both of you can go, I am taking the boy to the nearest hospital and saving him." 

Justice lightly patted Catarina's head, "Your intentions are right but your decision-making is very poor. There might be people in pursuit of that boy who may come for him and we are already being pursued by the members of a renowned fighting club. The danger would just multiply itself. In such a situation you need as many allies as you can get but you're sending us away. This way you won't be able to save the boy and end up in a miserable situation. Besides, do you think I would leave him alone? Then, you are looking down on your senior. I gave myself the title 'Justice' because I will not tolerate any injustice in this world. What this boy is going through is a very big injustice." 

Kazuki spoke in an annoyed tone, "Fine, we are going to save the kid. But before that let's ensure our safety. Can't we do both of them?" Catarina glared at Kazuki, she was very offended by his attitude. "Hmph, I don't like him." 

"We can. The boy should have another 2 hours before he reaches the critical stage of spirit depletion by that time he should been administered the cure. So, we need to reach the Dead Will Club before his time runs out." 

"How do we reach the Dead Will Club from here? We can't possibly run on roads or jump buildings the whole way?" 

"No, we don't have the stamina to achieve such a feat. I was thinking more along the lines of borrowing a hover vehicle from a friend." 

"Mei, lead me to Hans Garage through a very crowded place with the shortest route." 

A small figure popped out of Justice's watch that floated around them as it slowly opened its eyes adjusting to her surroundings. An admonishing voice spoke from the fairy-like figure, "Justice Bladeheart, how dare you not call me out from 3 days." She glared looking at a few spots in empty spaces taking down the drones that were spying before relaxing herself. "I had been bored out of my circuit from having nothing to do. Those time-passing stuff for AI can only keep me occupied for so long. I am very angry, you won't be able to get out of this easily." 

Catarina and Kazuki's eyes shined in curiosity and wonder as they witnessed the little fairy express herself. In a cyberpunk city where everything was very advanced, AI was a common sight. But, such an advanced AI that can express its feelings so vividly was very rare. The rate of creating the perfect AI was very difficult and thus they were very expensive. Even people with the money to buy them might not be eligible to have it. The person had to be rich and eligible to have one. 

"Mei, we are not in a situation to have our fun. My life is in real danger and I need your help." 

"But, it cost you a lot Justice. I just shut down 4 drones with advanced cloaking technology. They have been observing everything that transpired here, they know everything." 

"Ha, what do you mean" The talkative and currently depressed AI, Mei, finally noticed two other humans looking at her with wonder. An unconscious human boy who didn't seem to be doing well was also in their midst "Heart, I heard your request. Move a km forward and take a left, and you will arrive at the Entertainment Gaming Street. It's filled with gaming shops and always attracts a large crowd. The area should match perfectly with your requirements. Move through the crowd as I lead the way to Hans Garage. Also, I just shut down 4 drones with advanced cloaking technology. They have been observing everything that transpired here, they know everything." " 

"Shit. Juniors, we need to hurry. Let's go." 

"Heart, now that I helped you, don't send me back to that watch. I promise to be helpful in this mission. I will even keep track of your enemies, please just don't put me back." 

"Hmm, if you are willing to be helpful for once then I guess I will tolerate you. But the moment you start to laze off, I will send you back.


People who had awakened spirits were much better overall than those who hadn't. Spirit continuously flowed through their gene circuits making them sturdier and stronger. They crossed the km within 2 minutes and came out of an opening as suddenly they were assaulted by bright light. 


Inside the Armored Truck 

"What a bad day. To think Plan A didn't work and now even Plan B might be a failure."The officer sighed as told the techie, "Put out the message to keep Plan C on standby." 

The techie asked with astonishment, "Will Plan B also not be enough? Are those guys who are helping the target much stronger than the 10 assassins of Killer Garden?" 

"One of them, with the name 'Justice' is a serious threat. I don't know his battle power but he should be able to at least deal with 2 enemies together. The other 2 are kids inexperienced in battle. The way they acted and fought like kids shows that they lacked professionalism. Let's say each of them deals with 1 fighter, then the 6 additional Killer Garden assassins should ensure its success. But this is the most favourable outcome for us. Battles are very unpredictable especially when we don't have much information about those people that we can't know the winner. Just in case, Plan B fails, I want Plan C to immediately act. Maybe today we might even have to use Plan D. That would be interesting in its way." 

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