
Gene (Dr Blush Side Story)

Second part of Dr Blush (Dragon Ball Fanfic) further into the future where ALCHEMI has grown into a large organization and some events related to the original plotline take place. It takes place away from the influence of Dr Blush introducing effects created by her along with the adventures of her newly created homunculus bio android named Gene and a few others. Disclaimer: Chapters are quite short and the story will pick up from many things that have not been covered in Dr Blush so there may be some occasional descriptions of events that take place in Dr Blush or what may be considered as spoilers for what is not covered in what has been written in it. Dr Blush link: https://en.webnovel.com/book/24047389305498405 Kofi Page link: https://ko-fi.com/dancematdan

dancematdan · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs


Upon hearing the familiar voice of Dr Blush that she had heard often during her time in stasis, Gene sat down obediently and looked towards the screen with innocent eyes.

On the screen was a female demon who looked very youthful with pink-colored skin, red eyes, green hair, and pointy ears.

She looked around the age of fourteen or fifteen and when she spoke, her sharp fangs were shown.

She adjusted her genie-style outfit a little before speaking again. "Urgh.. this tight space is uncomfortable and too small. One moment."

Dr Blush who was shown on the wide TV screen started to move closer to the screen then as she made contact with the screen, one hand pushed out.

What followed was the rest of her body which squeezed out of the screen and then appeared outside of it like a 3D projected model of her. "Cool huh? This is just one of the many uses of my magic. I thought this would be better than a normal video recording. Anyways.. onto the next part."

Gene reached out her small arm and her tiny hand passed through the body of Dr Blush which made her black eyes light up with fascination and shock. "Wow.."

The immature voice that came from Gene caused her to pause for a moment since it was the first word she had spoken in her life.

Dr Blush remained in place with a caring look in her eyes as she watched over her creation. "Welcome to the world Gene, my perfect creation. During this time, I have tried to drill the basics of the world and how you can function in it. There are many other things to help you get started and adjusted to the world.

Now onto your body and my pursuit of perfection. What is contained within your genetics is my design which will maximize your potential, versatility, and survival.

Right now you are still imperfect and need to work hard to bring out that potential. You will have a much easier time than many others, you will start weak and as you grow stronger, you will unlock hidden abilities one more powerful than the last. Martial arts and Ki training will help with that so work hard!"