
Gantz Relife

A man fall from a tall building after he got hit by a comic book and died. Soon, he woke up only to be the main character of that comic. He did not dwell over his death and just lived his life as the new mc.

Thundertroy · Others
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90 Chs

Chapter 18: I Will Kill You

"Let's increase my agility first. Just in case that Kannon guy is able to attack swiftly, it would be bad if I am unable to react quickly." murmured Kurono.

Before he purchased the agility potion, he first checked his available SP.

Profile: Kei Kurono

System Points (SP): 105

Level: 1 (Average Human)

Stored Items: Non

His SP was enough for him to buy several potions. Suddenly, he remembered something, and asked his System Entities.

"Hey guys, can I buy those potions, and then give them to my friends?"

<Sure, you can. However, I don't recommend it.>


<Why do you want to waste your earned points on others? Besides, you will risk exposing the System to others.>

"True enough."

<Rather than thinking of wasting your SP on others, you should start accumulating SP, in order to upgrade the System. After the upgrade, you should be able to see a better function from the System.>

"Oh! Is there anything interesting after the upgrade?"

<I'm not going to tell you. No spoilers, okay.>


Kurono then purchased an agility potion, and consumed it. After that, he checked his stats.

Kurono's Stats

Strength: 39 (+30)

Dexterity: 47 (+30)

Intelligence: 31

Charm: 8}

It look like, his agility is interpreted as dexterity, as it added stats was on the Dexterity. Like the strength potion, it also added a temporary 30 stats. Such addition caused Kurono to feel his body become lighter than before.

As he reached the door of the building, he was thinking on how to keep those items in Kannon hands if he snatched it. Then he remembered the System storage. It should be able to store anything. The only question is how big is the size of the storage

"Hey Rose, how much items can I store inside the System storage?"

No one was answering.


"Helloo, are you there?"

{She just left. She got a call from her mother. She said, she would be back tomorrow.}

"...the heck!?"

{I'm here. So, you can just ask me.}

"...So Light, the answer?"

{Host, you can store up to 10 cubic meters worth of items, regardless of it's weight.}

"Okay, thanks." It was an awkward thing for his System Entity to suddenly disappeared, and have a human like reasoning at that.

Kurono temporarily forget about the System Entity, and opened the door. Inside, he saw the five familiar Buddhas, standing still like a statues. "Yo, Kannon. I've come to take you down. Any last words?"

"Ah, I forgot that you don't understand my language. Boring. I know, let's snatch your think and see what you are going to say."

Just as he said that, Kurono moved and appeared behind Kannon. He directly snatched away two round object with the sun mural from the hands at the left side.

In that moment, Kannon closed eyes Instantly opened. His face changed from a calm one to a very pissed expression. He turned around, and shouted angrily at Kurono.

"*Damn you human. Give me back my items.*"

(A/N: I decided to sound out the aliens language. So any conversation with the symbol "* *" is the translation language of the aliens.)

"You pissed? Sorry, I don't understand you. Try harder."


A laser attack was launched at Kurono, which he avoided it easily. As he evaded, he even smirked at the enemy, causing it to glare at him and launching more lasers.

Kurono moved agilely to evade those lasers. At the same time, he stored those Items that he snatched away. Done with that, he once again moved closet to Kannon and tried to snatch more items. This time, he snatched the same type of objects, but from the hands at the right side.

Kannon was enraged when it lost all of the restoring round items. At this time, it knew for sure that this human understand the function of the items in it's hands. Some fear started to crept into the mind of the statue-like alien.

Kannon decided to distance itself from Kurono. At the same time, it used the lamps to shoot laser towards Kurono. However, the human was too fast, and can easily avoid those lasers. Feeling annoyed, it shouted at those four unmoving guardians. "*What the f@#k are you all waiting for? Hurry up, and take him down!*"

Hearing their commander, the four guardians hurriedly jumped down from their respective position, and simultaneously attacked Kurono.

"Tired of watching? Come. Just what I wanted. This way, I can save some times." said Kurono, excitedly.

He didn't directly kill those guys. These guardians has some knowledge about martial arts. He wanted to try, and learn their martial arts movement first.

After about five minutes, he already roughly remembered their movement pattern, and could mimic it to a certain extent. He then decided to end the fight. Using four punches, he broke the heads of the four guardians easily.

"Okay. Now, it's only between the two of us. Come attack me." said Kurono, making a hand gesture to invite the Buddha with many hands to a fight him.

"*How arrogant of you, human. Don't think that I'm afraid of you. You will regret this.*" yelled the furious Buddha.

The Buddha guy once more attacked Kurono. This time, it was showing it's fastest attacking speed. It combined it's lasers and swords slashes to kill the human.

Kurono calmly evaded the desperate attacks. At the same time, he snatched one by one of those remaining items from that alien. Another minute, and Kannon was left with only one sword and a lamp on it's hands.

"*Bastard! How dare you stole those items of mine. I will kill you*"

"Okay. Play time is over. Let me just send you away."

Kurono started to feel sorry for the guy. So, he took his X-gun in order to send this guy away. He evaded another laser beam, and kicked the Buddha alien. This forced the Buddha's boss to lay down on the floor.

Kannon was really angry. The human is too agile like a jumping monkey. If it can, it wanted to just beat this little shit into a meat paste on the ground.

In it's regret, it suddenly saw something and showed a cold smile. It then hold the last lamp and shot a laser beam at Kurono.

"That's useless..."


Suddenly, a scream resounded from the back.The scream was so familiar to Kurono, that it shocked him so much. He hurriedly looked back as he knew the owner of the voice. However, the instant he looked back, he froze on his place in terror.

At the door of the building, Sakuraoka was holding Kishimoto's headless body, with a pale face. The laser beam managed to cut clean the neck, and bloods are starting to gush out from the wound.

Not far away on the floor, there was a head, which rolled for a bit, then stayed still. Coincidentally, the head was facing Kurono, and the eyes of the girl is looking at him with some sadness. Some tears flowed down on her cheeks. At the last seconds, a bitter smile showed on her face, and she closed her eyes.


Kurono screamed with tears already starting to flow out of his eyes. He run hurriedly, approached her head and hold the head in his embrace.

"Aaahhhh! Kishimoto!! Uhu hu!! Why did you follow me here!! Ahhh!! I told you...I told you to stay away...ahhh!! Why did you not listen?"

Kurono cried while hugging the head tightly. Sakuraoka on the side cannot help but also cry silently when she saw the saddened Kurono.

"Kurono. We need to finish the hunt." Sakuraoka reminded the young man. Although, she knew he was sad, but the hunt is not yet finish.

At the reminder, Kurono slowly stopped crying. It also reminded him of the guy who caused Kishimoto's death. This caused his emotion to Instantly turn from sadness toa great anger. He then glared at Kannon with a cold eyes, and shouted, "I WILL KILL YOU!!"

Kannon just smirked when it saw the rage in Kurono's eyes. "*You pissed? Sorry human. I cannot understand you. Try harder.*"

Kurono heard the guy, and almost understood it's meaning, causing him to become so furious. With a swish, Kurono disappeared from where he stood up, and swiftly appeared next to the Buddha guy.

A sword appeared in Kurono's hand, it's the sword that belong to Kannon. With his heart boiling with rage, he swiftly kicked the shocked Buddha and pinned it on the ground. After that, he slashed the sword horizontally on the neck of the helpless guy. The slash directly cut Kannon on it's neck and the head rolled to the side.


Kurono didn't stop. He kicked the head, causing it to hit the wall and bounce back to him. When the head is almost upon him, Kurono slashed the sword several times, and cut the head into many pieces.

Not done with that, he used the X-gun to shoot and destroy the pieces of head, along with the headless body.


Kurono let out several more shot before he started to calm down. Kurono then turned around. He took Kishimoto's body, and placed it on the floor. After that, he put the head on the neck of the headless body. He watched her for a bit with tears still flowing down on his cheeks. After that, he wiped his tears and decided it's time to go.

"I will certainly going to revive you back." saying so, Kurono left, heading to the other group. At the back, Sakuraoka followed him silently.

Entering the next building, the two were greeted by the sight of several dead people. At the side of the room, Kannon just killed the last surviving person, Kato.

"Man, you came late. Look, I already did a good work on your friends." Kannon smirked at Kurono, and spoke in human language.

"He can talk in our language?" Sakuraoka expressed her shock as she heard the alien.

"Did you ate someone else's brain?"

"That's unexpected. It seems you know how I managed to understand your language."

Kurono was too enraged to give his reply. He just used his speed to overpower the Buddha alien. This time, Kurono rampaged without care. Using the Kannon sword on his hand, he slashed and cut the guy into so many pieces.

Before the guy was able to restore itself, Kurono snatched every single items from it's hands. With that, Kannon was unable to revive itself again. It then died with an unsatisfied expression.

Just as the alien died, Kurono saw Sakuraoka is starting to get transferred back to the Gantz Room. A little later, Kurono also got transported back.


Inside the Gantz Room, Kurono looked around and only saw Sakuraoka. "So, they all really died. Is this the original fates trying to influence this timeline too?"

Kurono felt sad. However he was able to control his emotion. This is because, the same death has already happened in the original story, and it was even worse as the original Kurono was left alone. At least this time, he got Sakuraoka to accompany him. As for the dead, he could revive anyone who died as long as he lived, and obtained enough score.

Sighing, he just sat down on the floor, and waited for the ball to tally their scores. Seeing him sitting silently as if he lost his mind, caused Sakuraoka to feel sad. She sat behind him, and hugged him, saying "I'm sorry for your loss. I really am sorry."

Kurono didn't know what to say. He just let her be, and continued staying there silently.



Points: 16

Accumulated Points: 16 (84 more to reach 100 pts)

Too much staring at Berserk Kurono, too much stalking Berserk Kurono.

"Ah! Wha!? I did not do that!" Sakuraoka flustered when she saw the details. She glanced at Kurono and tried explaining herself, "That think is making it up. Don't believe it!"

Seeing her behave like that lighten Kurono's heart. He exhaled a big breath and sighed once more.

Seeing his unresponsive attitude caused some pain on the girl's heart. However, she tried her best to hide her emotion.


Points: 72

Accumulated Points: 138

Congrats for reaching the 100 threshold. You can choose from the below option at the cost of 100 Points.

1. Have your memory erased, and be free.

2. Get a powerful weapon

3. Revive someone from the memory.

Kurono was surprised. Unexpectedly, he got more than 100 Points. On the side, Sakuraoka also felt shocked, but for other reason.

"So, after we reached 100 Points, we can choose one from these three? Is that even possible?"

"It's possible. At the previous hunt, one guy reached the 100 threshold. Then, he chooses no. 1 and the Gantz let him live his free life." replied Kurono.

Sakuraoka looked at Kurono and said, "If that the case, you should...revive her."