
Gantz Relife

A man fall from a tall building after he got hit by a comic book and died. Soon, he woke up only to be the main character of that comic. He did not dwell over his death and just lived his life as the new mc.

Thundertroy · Others
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90 Chs

Chapter 19: This is My Wallpaper

"I... won't."

"Huh? Why? Didn't you said before that you will certainly revive her back?"

"I did say that. However, I won't revive her for the time being." said Kurono. He knew that there are still many mission to come in the future. That's mean many more dangerous situation for all the Gantz fighters.

On the other hand, Kishimoto is just a fifteen years old girl, and a timid one at that. Reviving her will only risk her life one more time. Therefore, Kurono decided to revive her at a later time.

"Gantz, please revive Kato." Kurono decided to revive his friend. At least, this guy has a better chance to survive the next mission.

A light was radiated from the ball, and Kato started to appear. After a moment, Kato completely appeared in a Gantz suit.

"Aaahhhh!!? Huh?" Kato was stunned when he suddenly felt the surrounding changed. Looking around, he saw the Gantz Room and the other two survivors.

"where is everyone else?"

"Actually, everyone else is already died, including you." Sakuraoka answered his question.

Kato was surprised. "Wait, if I died, how did I got back..." Suddenly he thought of a possiblity.

"He asked the ball to revive you back." replied Sakuraoka, pointing at Kurono.

"I'm going home. See you next time guys." Kurono was not in the mood for some chatting. He just left through the opened door.

"Ah...hei! Wait..." Sakuraoka hurriedly followed him.

In the room, Kato stood still. He didn't expect that Kurono will revive him back to life. Did he not have any hatred towards him for causing his death?

"Wait, where is Kishimoto? Did she died too? Wasn't she and Kurono in a relationship?"

Kato then remembered Kurono's gloomy expression. Did Kishimoto really died? Then, why did he not revive her? Why revive him instead? The question really bothering him.

"Let's think about it later. I will thank Kei-chan next time we meet. For now, I need to come home."

Kato was still worried about his little brother. Therefore, he decided to head home.


At this time, Kurono is heading towards his house. At his side, Sakuraoka is accompanying him along the way.

After a some time, Kurono stopped in his track. He looked at Sakuraoka on his side, and asked, "Why are you following me?"

"I...just wanted to prevent you from doing any dumb thing, like...suicide."

"Why should I do that? I'm not that narrow minded."

"Who knows. You might say that for now."

"Let me tell you this, I am still young. I appreciate my own life. So, you don't have to worry about me."

After that, Kurono walked away. Sakuraoka looked at his back with some sadness. She feel agitated. Then she braved herself to say what she really feel, "I love you."

Kurono stopped his step.

Seeing him stop gave the girl a little more courage. She then confessed, "I fall in love with you from the moment I saw you."

Kurono heard her, but didn't look back. He sighed, and looked up at the dark sky. After that, he continued to head home without giving his reply, or looking back at the girl.

Sakuraoka just stood there, feeling the cool wind of the night, blowing softly on her. Some tears fall down on her cheeks as she looked at the distance youth.


The next day.

Kurono woke up early in the morning, and felt refreshed from all the fatigue from last night. Looking at his side, he sighed as he no longer feel the presence of Kishimoto.

"This feeling is suck. Sigh, I should have revived her. Haah. I really miss her."

Seeing the girl's pajamas still hanging inside his closet caused him to sigh again and again.

"Should I go see her original self after school? Might as well then."

After that, Kurono prepared himself to go to school. After some breakfast, he then headed out. As he opened the door, he was stunned to saw someone was sleeping in a sitting posture. That person is Sakuraoka.

Seeing her pale hand and lips, Kurono was convinced that the girl stayed overnight outside his house. He sighed again. Why is this girl so persistent in following him?

"Hei Sei-san...wake up."

Feeling the sudden touch surprised Sakuraoka, and woke her up. She hurriedly looked up, only to see Kurono in school uniform, looking at her.

"... It's you. Ahcee!!"

Seeing her hugging herself, and sneezing early in the morning caused Kurono to sympathize with her.

"Come inside. I'll give you some warm drink." invited Kurono. He then come back inside the house, followed by Sakuraoka. He let her sat on a futon, while he go to the kitchen. A moment later, he came out.

"Here, have some breakfast." Kurono served her his leftover breakfast that he warmed up, and a hot milk.

"Thank you." Sakuraoka thanked him, and started eating her breakfast.

Kurono just waited at the side silently. He watched her eat the breakfast slowly. As he looked at her, he realized that she got curvaceous body. Looking at her face, he thought in his head, she is beautiful!

"I am a married woman."

The sudden sentence almost caused Kurono to fall down. "Huh!? What did you just say?"

"Ah sorry. My mistake. What I wanted to say is I was a married woman." Sakuraoka corrected what she said.

"...I see." Kurono felt a little ache in his heart. So this girl is no longer virgin.

"But you don't have to worry. After I got revived by the Gantz, I realized that I am ...pure once again."

Kurono's eyes subconsciously brightened when he heard that. Feeling the changes in his own emotion made him feel embarrassed. What was I thinking? He tried to act as calm as ever.

However, Sakuraoka still saw the small changes in his expression. A small smile crept on her face. She then continued to eat her breakfast. Somehow, the breakfast tasted good.

"Ah, I'm late. I need to go to school." Kurono looked at his mobile phone and saw the time. He quickly headed out. As he moved away, he tossed a spare key to Sakuraoka, saying "Just take a rest here. If you wanted to head out, please lock the door, okay. Bye."

Sakuraoka caught the key, then watched as the youth run away and disappeared into the distance. She smiled sweetly as she looked at the key on her hand.


At school, Kurono felt bored. The lecture was so boring that, he feels he could sleep for ages. He then decided to check on his System. He checked on his profile.

Profile: Kei Kurono

System Points (SP): 130

Stored Items: Buddhist Swords (8), Buddhist Lamp (8), Buddhist Mandala (8), Buddhist Locust (2).

"These Buddhist items...I don't think I can use those lamps and these mandala things. The other two should be useful for me if I ever get in trouble. As for my SP...huh, how did it suddenly become 130?"

<That's because of Dark mission. You killed some alien and earned 32 SP.>

"Oh, Rose. You are back. Where is Light?"

<Dunno. He was sulking because you didn't complete his second mission.>


Well, Kurono can't help him with that. Those mission could have been completed if those girls followed his instructions. Unfortunately, those three didn't listen to him. Kishimoto and Sakuraoka decided to come after him, and Suzumura still decided to stalk on Hojo. In the end, except for Sakuraoka, the two girls died.

<Never mind about him. Host, when are you going to make your move on the other Kishimoto?>

"...I don't know what you are talking about."

<Hei, I gave you that mission, remember?>

Kurono decided to just ignored her. It caused her to throw some dirty words and curses at him. He ignored it all.

After the school ended, Kurono decided to check on the original Kishimoto. He still remembered her house when he and the other Kishimoto first checked on her. It didn't take long for him to arrive at the neighborhood, where Kishimoto's house were.

He waited for her to come back from school. Like last time when he and the other Kishimoto waited, it was not that long of a wait. Kishimoto walked and passed by. Kurono wanted to talk to her but feel undecided.

<Come on. Just call her.>


However, Kishimoto still walked away as if she didn't hear his call.

"Hei, hello. Excuse me!"

After a few call, Kishimoto turned around and looked at Kurono. "What?"

<This is it. Come on tell her. Tell her that you love her.>

"I...I'm sorry."


<Hey, what are you saying?>

"I'm sorry. I didn't manage to save you." Kurono bowed down. A tears was starting to come out of his eyes. Feeling the warm tears, he hurriedly swept it away. After that, he bowed down one more time to Kishimoto, before he run away.

"... what's up with him?" Kishimoto was confused. Did he knew her? Or did he knew about her suicide attempt? But how?

Kishimoto wanted to ask him, but the youth quickly disappeared. She sighed and decided to just enter into her house.

At this time, Kurono was running away and heading to his house.

<Why did you leave? It's your opportunity to make her yours.>

"Shut up Rose. She is an innocent girl. I don't want her to be involved in my life."

<Then why say those words? It will only cause her to misunderstood.>

"I...I was unable to control my emotion at that moment. I just blurted it out."

<Sigh. She will be thinking about you right at this moment.>

"She won't. I'm just a stranger to her."

<Come on. Don't just give up. She is listed in your mission.>

"Forget about it. Just erase the mission."

<You! You will regret this.>

Rose suddenly become furious. Instantly, she disappeared and no longer talking to Kurono. However, Kurono didn't care. He headed home to calm his sudden surge of emotion.

"Hey, you are back. Welcome home."

As soon as he came home, Sakuraoka greeted him.

"Huh? You are still here?"

"Do you hate me for staying at your place?"

"...no. I don't mean that. I just thought that you might have your own home because you already got married." Kurono still remembered what the girl said this morning. Although she said she is once again a virgin, she is still a married woman.

Sakuraoka looked outside the window and said, "I cannot go back there."


"My ex-husband burned the house."

"What? Why?"

Sakuraoka looked at Kurono and asked, "Do you know how I died?"


"Do you want to know?"


"My husband killed me."

Kurono's expression changed as soon as the words come out of Sakuraoka's mouth.

"About a month ago, I saw a handsome boy near a retail shop. Immediately I've fallen in love to that boy. I thought I should go and express my feeling to him. However, I was not courageous enough to confess my feeling." said Sakuraoka.

Huh? A story? Does it have anything to do to how she died? Kurono was confused, but still decided to listen silently.

She continued, "I didn't confess, but I took a picture of that boy and used it as my phone wallpaper. I really wanted to confess my feeling to him and see if it will work out between me and him."

"Hold on. Aren't you a married woman?"

"Actually, at that time, I was in the process of getting my divorce. My husband is a member of some gangster. He have a bad temper, and often used violence to solve any problem. I couldn't tolerate him and failed a divorce.

After that, I live separately from him, and stayed in a house that I rented. However, that man tracked my new staying place. He brought a gangster and attacked my place.

I tried to run away, and call for help. However, he drove a car and hit me. In the end, I appeared in that room."

Finishing her story, she breathed out. Sakuraoka suddenly felt her heart become lighter after telling someone about her story.

"That man really is a bastard. I feel sorry for you."

"Thank you."

"So, what about the boy that you met, did you go and find him after you get back from the Gantz Room?"

"I didn't. When I died and stayed in that room, I saw him once again."

"You saw him? Wait...it couldn't be..."

"Look. This is my wallpaper."

Sakuraoka, showed her phone wallpaper to Kurono. Kurono's heart suddenly thumped faster then usual. On the phone, he saw his own picture standing near a retail shop.