
Gangster Godfather

Blood-stained youth, regretless vows, young love, sincere friendship, the dangers of society, and the complexity of human nature. A turbulent time that cannot be forgotten! A piece of unofficial history that has been passed down to this day! A group of brothers who share weal and woe in life and death! An out-of-print era that carries the flag and stands at the top! Watch the storm with a smile and move forward side by side! Brothers, let's go together.

aotianwuheng · Urban
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286 Chs

Chapter 229 Work hard

"Stop pretending, this is the evidence you used to threaten Wang Bin when you helped Jin Ling."

 Wang Yan sighed: "Sister Qi, just say you don't want to help. As for using this method? I have no idea what you are talking about."

 For Wang Yan, even if he stopped helping Deng Qinfeng with this matter, it would still be impossible to produce Liu Yanwang's original evidence.

 If this is taken out, the officialdom of Baoshi will decide that a major earthquake will occur, and Wang Yan will not be able to survive.

 Xue Qi watched Wang Yan's every move carefully, but could not tell whether it was true or not.

 Her attitude was firm: "If you are unwilling to hand over the evidence, then you can come to work here. I need help here."

 "There's no way I'm going to your place."

 "Then you should have a good rest."

 Xue Qi stood up directly: "Don't you have your own connections? Go find your senior management to run this matter."

 "As for the Metropolis, if you want to do it, you can do it. If you don't want to, just pull him down. Believe me, Liu Gabei is different from us. He doesn't have such a good temper."

 After saying that, Xue Qi turned around and left.

 Wang Yan grabbed Xue Qi's wrist directly and pulled Xue Qi back to the bed: "Let's just chat. Why are you having such a big reaction?"

 "You don't fucking care about me. You let me be a woman to support the water seal. After that, you still want me to run around and work for you. How can I be so mean?"

 "Don't be angry. I really can't leave the entertainment city."

 "Okay, if I don't do that for you, don't do that for me. Give me a sure thing in one day, either give me evidence or give me a water seal. Otherwise, I will Make sure Deng Qinfeng can't get up there. If it's over, you can let him blame you!"

 Wang Yan's eyebrows stood up, and he immediately regretted asking Xue Qi for help.

 But things have come to this point, and he has no other choice but to start being careless: "I really admire you."

 "I've finished what I have to say, you can figure it out yourself."

 Xue Qi pinched Wang Yan's crotch, stood up and left: "No matter what, you have to remember the promise you made to us. In the last week, it can't be any later. No matter how late you are, I won't be able to control what happens next. Liu Gabei has too many opinions on you. He has saved them all for you."

 "Isn't it inappropriate for you to tease me like this and leave right after you're done?"

 "Your bed is hard to sit on, and it will definitely be uncomfortable to sleep on. I'll wait for you at home. You are welcome to come anytime."

 After saying that, Sister Qi stood up and left.

 Wang Yan frowned and fell into a dilemma.

 First of all, this evidence must not be given to Xue Qi, otherwise this lunatic might do something.

 Secondly, he cannot return to the water seal. If he really returned to the water seal now, he would be on the opposite side of the artillery.

 If this happens in the future, Artillery and Xue Qi will really fight. The flax will be very difficult to make.

 But if he doesn't give evidence and doesn't return the seal, then Deng Qinfeng has no way to get the upper hand.

 If Deng Qinfeng can't go up, Li Wudi will have no chance.

 Then all Wang Yan's previous preparations were in vain.

 For Wang Yan, dedicating everything he had to helping Li Wudi move up was the most important thing, bar none.

 While Wang Yan was thinking wildly, Li Wudi came in with two lunch boxes. He sat on Wang Yan's bedside, picked up and ate.

 He and Wang Yan were not polite at all: "How are things going with Deng Qinfeng?"

 Since the last time Li Wudi communicated with Deng Qinfeng according to Wang Yan's instructions, Deng Qinfeng's attitude towards Li Wudi has become much more enthusiastic. The relationship between the two people is getting closer and closer.

 This time, Deng Qinfeng specifically pointed out Li Wudi's position regarding the director's position.

 He thought Li Wudi had someone up there. Moreover, he knew that Li Wudi's current qualifications would definitely make it impossible for him to take this position beyond his own, so he hoped that Li Wudi could help him. Good luck to everyone from now on.

 Li Wudi understood it and after agreeing, he told Wang Yan.

 But Wang Yan had not responded for so many days. Li Wudi became a little anxious and simply came over.

 Naturally, Wang Yan and Li Wudi couldn't hide anything.

 "At that time, I thought that dragging them would make them anxious. Maybe they would follow me."

 "But I still underestimate Xue Qi. She really doesn't like me at all."

 Li Wudi narrowed his eyes: "She still refuses to let go, right?"


 Li Wudi frowned: "According to rumors, this matter will be dead in a day or two. Deng Qinfeng does not have an advantage among the several candidates."

 "If you wait for this to happen, you'll have no chance at all."

 Wang Yan glanced at Li Wudi: "Have you used all the available connections with Deng Qinfeng?"

 "That's for sure. He can't eat or sleep these two days. I have become his last hope."

 At this point, Li Wudi changed the topic: "If it doesn't work, I will tell him that I have already said hello to him, and he will definitely be fine."

 "After the final candidates are announced, it will be considered as if he has met, otherwise he will be rejected. At most, he is a little disappointed. You can't blame me for anything, right?"

 Wang Yan said "Hey" and shook his head: "The most troublesome thing now is that I'm afraid that lunatic Xue Qi will cause trouble from the middle and push everything on us and make us take the blame. If that happens, I can't protect Deng Qinfeng. You still have to remember to hate us."

 "Why did Xue Qi do this?"

 "She is crazy. Just like that Wenwen, there is something wrong with this water-sealed woman!"

 "In that case, it's better not to look for her."

 "I'm not a god. I can't think of everything. Now that things have reached this point, there's nothing I can do."

 Wang Yan rubbed his head: "Go back first and tell him that the results will be out tonight."

 "How did you get the result?"

 "I'll figure it out myself."

 Li Wudi took a deep breath: "Don't be too embarrassed. Don't make decisions blindly."

 "I'm still young and I just came here, so there will be other opportunities in the future."

 "Okay, you don't need to comfort me, I won't force it."

 "That's fine, get up and eat quickly. Let's get rice bowl at the restaurant in front of the school."

 After hearing what Li Wudi said, Wang Yan hurriedly got up, washed up, sat down, and wolfed down the food.

 Li Wudi laughed and punched Wang Yan. Needless to say, the relationship between these two brothers.

 As night falls slowly, Maye Entertainment City is still crowded with people and brightly lit.

 Hu Ma was sitting in the office, loading money into the safe.

 Wang Yan walked in. He looked at the pile of cash on the flax table. He frowned subconsciously: "Is that much?"

 Hu Ma was proud of the spring breeze: "Why? Isn't too much good?"

 "Okay, okay, of course it's fine. Hahaha!"

 Wang Yan also laughed happily.

 Hu Ma threw a cigarette to Wang Yan: "Your business idea is indeed good. Otherwise, it would be impossible to get so much money back so quickly."

 "Hey, I learned it all during my years of working outside. Don't you know how to copy homework?"

 "Okay, there are so many people who have worked outside, why can't others come up with your ideas?"

 Hu Ma looked at Wang Yan: "By the way, when will the odds of our gambling machine start to increase?"

 "Start adjusting after one month. When adjusting, adjust slowly."

 "Don't make people unable to win money all at once, otherwise it will be troublesome. Use a very weak profit model to slowly attract people. Basically, just keep not losing money."

 Hu Ma frowned: "If this is the case, how can we generate income?"

 "Do a good job in the chess and card room downstairs."

 Wang Yan glanced at Hu Ma: "To be honest, I didn't expect our business here to be so good and have so many customers at that time."

 "Now that we have reached this point, we must seize this opportunity."

 "Everyone who comes to play gambling machines is a gambler. So they also gamble from above, and they also gamble from below, right?"

 Hu Ma understood what Wang Yan meant: "You want to use the entertainment city to attract customers and then build a casino. Is that what you mean?"

 Wang Yan nodded: "Let's rent another storefront from here. It's a teahouse on the surface and a casino privately. The real boss is here."

 Having said this, Wang Yan took out a document and handed it to Hu Ma: "The stick has worked in a casino before, and he knows a lot about it."

 "I have prepared a report for you based on my own experience and his suggestions. You can see if there is anything that needs improvement."

 "Just watch it, what else should I watch?"

 "Master Ma, this is your entertainment city, I still have to listen to you."

 "Pull it down, I'm just a cover. Who doesn't know what's going on? Wait for me to get my capital back. From now on, I will only take 10% of the profits, and the remaining 90% will be yours. Distribute it to everyone how you want."

 When Wang Yan heard this, he immediately shook his head: "Master Ma, stop joking!"

 "Do you think I'm joking with you?"

 Hu Ma looked at Wang Yan: "I'm old and can't do anything anymore, so this will be it for the rest of my life. You are different, you are still young. There is still a long time to come, and there are still many opportunities!"

 "So you must try every means to accumulate original capital. Then transition to other things as soon as possible. After all, casinos cannot be done forever. At most, it is a transition, understand?"

 "Master Ma."

 "Why are you talking so much nonsense? You work hard and don't live up to my expectations. Can you make a lot of money in the future and let me spend it however I want? Do you have to care about this little thing with me?"

 "What? Do you want to settle matters with me?"

 Wang Yan took a deep breath and bowed three times to Hu Ma: "I understand, Master Ma. I will definitely work hard."

 "This is right!"

 Hu Ma locked the safe: "Do you have anything else to do?"


 "Is it really gone?"

 "Yeah, gone!"

 Hu Ma's eyes widened: "Then what are you going to do about Xue Qi? Are you going to give her evidence, or go back and help her?"

 Wang Yan was stunned for a moment. He stared at Hu Ma with disbelief on his face: "Who told you this?"

 "Who could it be? Of course it's that crazy woman!"

 Hu Ma took a sip of water and said, "That woman will definitely care about my feelings, so she will definitely not tell me this, so she told me."

 "This stinky bitch!"

 Wang Yan became angry instantly and turned around to leave.

 "Stop the fuck!"

 Hu Ma roared, and Wang Yan stopped where he was.

 "What are you going to do?"