
Gangster Godfather

Blood-stained youth, regretless vows, young love, sincere friendship, the dangers of society, and the complexity of human nature. A turbulent time that cannot be forgotten! A piece of unofficial history that has been passed down to this day! A group of brothers who share weal and woe in life and death! An out-of-print era that carries the flag and stands at the top! Watch the storm with a smile and move forward side by side! Brothers, let's go together.

aotianwuheng · Urban
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286 Chs

Chapter 230 For no reason

"She broke my bottom line."

 "She broke your fucking bottom line."

 Hu Ma walked up to Wang Yan and pushed Wang Yan to the sofa.

 "Let me tell you the truth, I really dislike this woman, but I think what she told me this time is not wrong, and there is nothing wrong with what she said."

 Hu Ma said every word with extreme seriousness: "You have to take this opportunity to push Deng Qinfeng forward. This has only advantages and no disadvantages for you."

 "Your future will definitely not be in this entertainment city, nor will it be in Shuifeng. So you need to accumulate your own connections."

 "I will keep an eye on the entertainment city for you. If anything happens, I will report it to you."

 "As for Shui Feng, just go and help her. You must help her with all your heart, and then exchange more connections from her to improve yourself."

 "Remember, the most powerful thing about Xue Qi is her connections. No one can compare with her."

 "As for what you are worried about, I know very well."

 "Believe me, Artillery is unlikely to have any friction with Xue Qi in a short time. So you won't face any choice in a short time."

 "Even after a long time, when they really want to fight, the artillery may not be able to use me. Even if the artillery is used, it will not affect the two of us."

 "If it really doesn't work, you can leave and leave it alone, right?"

 "Master Ma, this Xue Qi is not an ordinary character. If he really walks in, he may not be able to escape."

 "Who is she? Do you want me to tell you? You need to enrich and improve yourself as much as possible now. Everything else is not important. We will talk about the future things later. Take the current path first."

 Hu Ma glanced at Wang Yan: "Deng Qinfeng has no help now. If you can help him, this kind of feeling will affect your life. What's more, there is also Li Wudi here, isn't it?"

 Hu Ma suddenly became more serious: "Xiao Yan, you know, I want face the most."

 "So, never make me feel like I'm a burden to you, okay?"

 "Master Ma, what you said is serious."

 Wang Yan stood up quickly: "I really don't mean that."

 "I know you haven't. Then just listen to me, okay?"

 "Remember, the mountains that support you can fall, and everyone who relies on you can run away, so you are the only one who is most reliable."

 "You are the person that I, Hu Ma, like, so you can only fight for my face and you can't let me down. Do you understand?"

 Wang Yan sighed, stepped forward, and hugged Hu Ma tightly: "Master Ma, remember, no matter what you say in this life, I will listen to you."

 Hu Ma's eyes turned red and she slapped Wang Yan: "Don't play these sensational things, it's useless."

 "Call Xue Qi quickly before it's too late."

 Wang Yan sighed and smiled self-deprecatingly: "In the final analysis, I still didn't escape her big hand. Alas."

 "So you must make yourself strong, otherwise you will always have to accept the mercy of others. Come on, little boy, I'm optimistic about you. Among these people in the entertainment city, whoever you need to use, just bring them over to help you."

 Speaking of which, Wang Yan had no other choice.

 He dialed Xue Qi's phone number.

 As soon as the call was connected, Xue Qi laughed, her words revealing her confidence: "Come on, let me show you my water seal!..."

 After several months of hard work, the water seal has also taken on a new look.

 Under the cover of night, the majestic building exudes a fascinating and luxurious light.

 A red carpet is spread out at the door, like a red route leading to an endlessly prosperous fantasy land.

 Stepping into the foyer, the lights flicker, casting a colorful light.

 Gorgeous crystal chandeliers hang from the high ceiling, and each crystal emits star-like brilliance, illuminating the entire venue.

 The walls are decorated with elegant marble veneers, and the golden veins sparkle magnificently under the soft light.

 Wang Yan had long known that the renovated water seal would be more magnificent than before, but he really didn't expect that it could be so luxurious.

 Just looking at the decoration, it is not inferior to that of Fenghuo Imperial City.

 Wang Yan stood there blankly, unable to calm down for a long time.

 Xue Qi wore a pair of over-the-knee high-heeled boots, and her long and straight legs were looming.

 The close-fitting T-shirt and mink fur jacket are all luxurious!

 She patted Wang Yan on the shoulder: "Everything today is prepared for you."

 Wang Yan followed Xue Qi into the main dance floor area. The rhythm of the music gradually expanded, and the shocking subwoofer and exciting dance music filled the entire space.

 The walls around the dance floor are decorated with huge LCD screens, which constantly play fascinating visual effects and dancing patterns, adding a dazzling color to the carnival night.

 A variety of fine wines and bartending tools are placed on the bar in the bar area. Zhang Xuan holds the bartending utensils in one hand and dexterously and skillfully prepares cocktails with good color and aroma.

 The seats in front of the bar are made of high-end leather material, which is soft and comfortable, making you feel extremely relaxed when you sit down!

 Xue Qi pulled Wang Yan to the center of the dance floor. She smiled at Wang Yan, and then danced gracefully in front of Wang Yan.

 Her posture is like flowing clouds and flowing water, and her dance steps are like the wind, exuding intoxicating charm.

 Her figure is graceful, her lines are smooth and graceful, and every movement is full of a combination of strength and grace.

 She spun lightly, and her graceful arms danced with a flower-like tenderness. Her dance is like a blooming flower, elegant and agile.

 Under the interplay of light and shadow, her dancing posture is even more moving against the light, and every movement is like a painting.

 Wang Yan has known Xue Qi for so long, and this is the first time she knows she can dance.

 And he can dance so well.

 He has been attracted by Xue Qi's dancing, attracted by Xue Qi, and is intoxicated in the music, as if he is in a beautiful dream.

 As the dance music paused, Xue Qi also stopped.

 She walked up to Wang Yan, gently hugged Wang Yan's neck, and kissed Wang Yan's lips.

 Wang Yan responded instinctively.

 After the two kissed for a long time, Xue Qi hugged Wang Yan's arm and sat at the bar.

 Zhang Xuan handed over two cocktails.

 Xue Qi raised her glass to Wang Yan: "Manager Wang, this place belongs to you from now on."

 Wang Yan looked at Xue Qi in disbelief: "You removed the bathing and guest room massage?"

 Xue Qi smiled: "The bath is removed, but the massage in the guest room is not."

 Xue Qi pointed upstairs: "The first floor is a disco, the second and third floors are private rooms, and the fourth and fifth floors are guest room massages."

 "What about underground?"

 Xue Qi stared at Wang Yan and did not hide it: "The underground is planning to build a large-scale and formal casino."

 "You want to open a casino too?"

 "What do you mean I want to open a casino?"

 Xue Qi's voice was low: "There has always been a casino in Shuifeng, don't you know?"

 Wang Yan opened his eyes wide and looked at Xue Qi blankly.

 Xue Qi smiled: "I'm going home. Let Zhang Fenglei accompany you to visit slowly. Starting from tomorrow, you can officially recruit people. Zhang Fenglei will tell you the relevant benefits. Help me take care of it. Good Shui Feng, I won't treat you badly. As for things in the metropolis, you'd better pay close attention. Oh. By the way, you don't have to worry about all the girls. I have someone here who will take care of the girls in need. bring it here."

 Xue Qi raised her hand to Zhang Xuan, and the two of them left.

 Wang Yan was the only one left in the huge water seal.

 He lit a cigarette and puffed away, his mind filled with the scene of Xue Qi dancing just now and the scene of the two kissing.

 I have to say, Xue Qi is so charming.

 This kind of mature woman's charm, ceiling-like appearance and emotional intelligence are really not something that ordinary men can handle.

 Wang Yan kept reminding herself to be careful and in control. This Xue Qi was definitely not a simple woman!

 But the more I want to control it, the less I can control it.

 He was very reluctant to admit it, but he also had to admit that Xue Qi had entered the depths of his heart.

 After thinking about it, Wang Yan laughed and laughed at himself: "I shouldn't fall in love with a woman who is so many years older than me, right?"

 While he was talking, Zhang Fenglei walked over and handed Wang Yan a document sheet: "Everything you want to know about work is here."

 Wang Yan put away the document bag: "When was this place decorated?"

 "It's been a while."

 "Then why not open sooner."

 "Waiting for you."

 There is something in Zhang Fenglei's words: "Before this place was even decorated, Xue Qi had made it clear that you would come to work here. I thought she was blind at first, but I didn't expect you to actually come."

 There was something in Wang Yan's words, and he laughed helplessly: "Yes, she doesn't suffer at all."

 "She helped me establish a relationship with Deng Qinfeng, so she has to let me use this relationship to serve her. In Tianbei Street, as long as she doesn't cause anything special, Deng Qinfeng can solve all problems."

 "Isn't this quite normal?"

 Zhang Fenglei stared at Wang Yan: "Who in this world would be nice to you for no reason?"