
Gangster Godfather

Blood-stained youth, regretless vows, young love, sincere friendship, the dangers of society, and the complexity of human nature. A turbulent time that cannot be forgotten! A piece of unofficial history that has been passed down to this day! A group of brothers who share weal and woe in life and death! An out-of-print era that carries the flag and stands at the top! Watch the storm with a smile and move forward side by side! Brothers, let's go together.

aotianwuheng · Urban
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286 Chs

Chapter 228 What evidence

The situation on Chen Cimao's side is not much better.

 First of all, there has been a serious split within Dapo Town, and it can no longer be as monolithic as before.

 Secondly and most importantly, the people of Dapo Town broke Chen Simao's heart.

 Chen Jimao has spent all his life and selflessness over the years, devoting everything to Dapo Town, so that he doesn't even have any savings.

 As a result, he was forced to have no way out by Sun Hao and Guo Han.

 Many people in Dapo Town believed in others' instigation and believed that Chen Simao had obtained a lot of benefits from all projects and took them for himself.

 These people easily rejected all Chen Jimao's efforts over the years. He made it clear that he wanted to draw a clear line with Chen Jimao.

 This kind of behavior was a huge blow to Chen Jimao, and it also completely chilled Chen Jimao.

 So Chen Jimao no longer wants to go back to Dapo Town. I don't want to deal with the people of Dapo Town anymore. I won't do anything for them anymore.

 Of course, not everyone distrusts Chen Jimao.

 There are still some people, especially those who are familiar with Chen Jimao, who believe in Chen Jimao very much.

 But the belief of these people could not warm Chen Jimao's wounded heart.

 As for the core personnel in Chen Jimao's hands, they also ran away, dispersed, and defected. There were not many left, and many of them were injured.

 Since they hardly have any savings on hand, even their medical expenses are actually paid by Jin Ling.

 Sun Hao was indeed doomed this time, but Jin Ling and Chen Jimao were indeed brought back to the starting point by him.

 This is really their good luck. At the critical moment, an interest alliance came out. Not only did they bring in the two and a half district chiefs of Tianbei District, but also the big forces in Tianbei Street, and more importantly, Wang Yan and the others. This little brother.

 Otherwise, things would never turn out this way.

 This is God's will, it has its own arrangements...

 After more than a month of hard work by Wang Yan and others, the decoration of Maye Entertainment City was finally completed.

 During the renovation of Maye Entertainment City, three entertainment cities, Lotto, Upstream and Taotao, were closed down and transferred.

 Other small billiard halls, game machine halls, and even some small chess and card rooms have also "inexplicably" closed one after another, or gone out of business.

 In this way, Maye Entertainment City not only became the largest and only entertainment city on Tianbei Street, but also directly monopolized this industry on Tianbei Street.

 The newly renovated entertainment city is magnificent and majestic. It has a chess and card room on the ground floor, a billiards hall on the ground floor, a game machine hall on the second floor, and gambling machines on the third floor. The prices are transparent and the fees are fair.

 Especially when it comes to the parameter settings of gambling machines, Wang Yan and the others are not shady.

 Not only is there no profit setting, but it is also prepared to lose money in the short term to attract customers.

 Therefore, before Maye Entertainment City officially opened, it attracted a large number of players when it was only in trial operation.

 With all kinds of word-of-mouth booming, Maye Entertainment City is crowded with people every day.

 In order to cater to market needs, Maye Entertainment City directly changed to a 24-hour operation.

 Jin Ling and Chen Simao's remaining people also came to work.

 Maye Entertainment City officially became the first base of Wang Yan's gang.

 On the day of the official opening, the entrance to the entertainment city was crowded with people, and there was an endless stream of people coming to congratulate them.

 Hu Ma stood at the main seat and cut the ribbon and fired off cannons. After the barrage, Hu Ma picked up the microphone and spoke loudly.

 "Thank you all for your enthusiastic support! Now I am announcing that Maye Entertainment City will offer great opening discounts, card discounts, and stored value rebates! The discounts are absolutely unprecedented! If you miss this time, there will be no next time!"

 After saying that, Hu Ma opened the door directly. With a smile on his face, he raised his hand and signaled: "Everyone please!"

 The huge crowd rushed into the entertainment city.

 Hu Pao and Liu Gang also came. They greeted Hu Ma enthusiastically, and one of them gave Hu Ma a big red envelope!

 There were lights and colorful decorations inside and outside the entertainment city, and it was very lively, but Wang Yan was nowhere to be seen. It seemed that all of this had nothing to do with him.

 But only those who know the inside story know that everything in Maye Entertainment City was planned and formulated by Wang Yan.

 There was a special reason why he chose not to show up.

 At this moment, Wang Yan was sleeping soundly.

 While I was sleeping soundly, the sound of high heels could be heard in the corridor.

 Xue Qi entered the room unceremoniously, picked up the mineral water on the table, pointed it at Wang Yan's head and started pouring it.

 Feeling the water droplets, Wang Yan opened his eyes.

 As soon as he looked at Xue Qi, Wang Yan sat up immediately. He rubbed his eyes vigorously, obviously a little angry.

 "Are you crazy? What are you doing?"

 "What did you say!"

 Xue Qi was very angry: "You want to take away so many people and so much news from us, but you don't do anything at all, and you treat our people as coolies. Are we really too spoiled to you?"

 "You turned a deaf ear to what I said to you back then, right?"

 "Wang Yan, let me tell you, everyone's tolerance has almost reached its limit. Liu Jiabei is now looking for a suitable new person to replace you."

 When Wang Yan heard this, he nodded quickly: "If that's the case, it would be great. Has he been found?"

 Xue Qi glanced at Wang Yan coldly: "Don't worry, even if I replace you, I will settle the account with you."

 "We don't have a good relationship. Isn't it bad for you to threaten me like this?"

 "I'm not threatening you."

 "Okay, okay."

 Wang Yan pulled Xue Qi to the bedside: "A month has passed here inside and outside. Do you have any new news? Tell me."

 "The information line is broken, and there are big hands blocking it. Nothing can be found."

 Wang Yan narrowed his eyes: "Okay. Then I understand. Tell everyone when you go back. If it's a few days faster, a week slower, no matter whether it succeeds or not, they will see the results."

 "There's something else I need to do before that. I hope you can help me."

 "Are you negotiating terms with me?"

 "What conditions can I negotiate?"

 Wang Yan sighed: "I'm just asking sister for help. It's best if you can help me. It's okay if you can't help me." Xue Qi looked Wang Yan up and down: "Tell me, what do you want me to help you with?"

 "The old director of Tianbei Street Police Station is retiring soon. You should know this, right?"

 "Of course I know, what do you want to do?"

 "I want you to help me clear the relationship and let Deng Qinfeng take over as the old director."

 Xue Qi frowned: "When did you and Deng Qinfeng meet?"

 "Don't worry about this. Can you help me?"

 Xue Qi stroked Wang Yan's cheek: "Baby, do you know how many people are jealous of this position?"

 "Do you know how many people want to sit in this position?"

 Xue Qi laughed: "You actually think that I can influence the selection of this position. Do you think too highly of me?"

 "This position is a fat one, so it's normal for many people to be jealous."

 "But if you analyze it calmly, Deng Qinfeng has worked here as the deputy director for so many years, and he is very well-mannered and sophisticated in all aspects. Does he deserve to take over the position of director?"

 "There is nothing reasonable about this kind of thing. There are many examples of airborne landings. I can't be the master of this!"

 Wang Yan lit a cigarette: "I couldn't believe you in the past. Now, I don't believe you at all."

 "Oh, why?"

 "Because your backer is stronger now than before! And the relationship between you and the old director is not ordinary."

 "So you can either clear the relationship with the higher-ups, or you can ask the old director for help."

 "If you are willing to sincerely help, Deng Qinfeng should be fine."

 There was something in Wang Yan's words: "Of course, if you don't want to help, there are plenty of excuses."

 Xue Qi chuckled: "Do you have such a high position for me now?"

 "You should go find Zhang Pei or Liu Jiabei. If it doesn't work, the artillery will hit you."

 "Cannon is the one with the worst connections among the four of you. He definitely can't decide. Zhang Pei and Liu Jiabei must be related, but there is a high probability that they won't be able to help in any substantial way in Tianbei District, so they can really It's you who can help."

 "Sister, I'm not a child anymore. Don't give me useless tricks. If you want to help, then help. If you don't want to help, just say you won't help. This kind of straightforwardness is more acceptable. . It's unnecessary to be hypocritical."

 Xue Qi looked Wang Yan up and down: "Do you know how much this so-called dredging will cost? Who will pay for it?"

 "Just tell me how much this costs. You don't have to worry about the rest."

 "What's the matter, does the opening of the entertainment city give you such confidence?"

 "You're overthinking it. The entertainment city belongs to Mr. Ma and has nothing to do with me."

 Sister Qi looked at Wang Yan with a "hehe": "Then you can't even afford the money."

 At this point, Xue Qi changed the subject: "Otherwise, this would be better. Let's make an exchange. I'll think of a way and work hard to see if I can give Deng Qinfeng a push, and I won't need you to pay for it. out."

 "But." At this point, Xue Qi changed the topic: "You have to give me a copy of the evidence in your hand."

 Wang Yan was shocked, wondering why Xue Qi was still thinking about this matter.

 He pretended to be shocked: "What evidence are you talking about?"