
Gaming In The Underworld

I pulled an Elvis… not in a cool ‘I have an amazing singing voice and I’m suave as fuck’ kind of way. No sir not me. I pulled an Elvis in the most embarrassing of ways. I somehow died while sitting on a toilet dropping the fattest deuce. Now I’ve got letters floating in front of me telling me I died. That’s not why I’m angry though, I’m not even mad at the embarrassing way I died I’m mad at the fact that ‘You Died’ was in Comic Sans. Fucking Comic Sans! *All recognisable characters belong to their respective owners. I only own the OCs* *Status: Complete

Vargr_the_Skald · Movies
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

War Crimes

Confirm Race Change





I hovered over the 'yes' option. My hesitancy was born from the worry that I would lose all my hard earned perks, skills, and stats. Despite Hera's constant affirmation that I wouldn't lose anything I still had lingering doubts. This was a big decision and I didn't want to jump into it considering the fact that I didn't know if it was permanent. I had gotten attached to my wolf form after all. 


'And you're sure that I can change back to the different races I've already unlocked before hand?' 


For the last time Blake, yes I am. The Fates have assured me that the changes are not entirely permanent


'Aha! Not Entirely Permanent. That sounds like they will be permanent one way or another!' 


The goddess sighed, it was almost comical in a way. Arguing with the disembodied voice of a goddess. 


The choice is yours Blake, I will not tell you what to pick. Just know that I only have your best interest at heart


'Yeah, except for the fact that you apparently need me to clean up a mess you've made in your world.' 


Hera remained silent, I dismissed the system and glanced over to the bathroom where the shower had been running for some time now. Selene had been in the bathroom for nearly an hour. I didn't really want to pry but even for a woman this was an unnaturally long shower. Thinking nothing of it I reopened my system and explored the different tabs. Spotting one that I had never seen before I selected it before grimacing at what I read. 


Familiar Summoning System


Familiars Available: 1/10




I had nearly forgotten about the whole 'Familiar' thing since getting back. I didn't know if it would summon all the other werewolves tied to Alruna so I decided to hold off on summoning her till I had more space. Backing out of the FSS tab I opened my Inventory tab and grinned at all the stuff I had gained during the 'vacation' in the other world. Seeing no need for the countless sets of swords, crossbows, and armor I sold them all on the Gamer Shop and got a hefty sum of money. I now had a little over $30,000,000,000. Way more than I could ever spend in several lifetimes. With the obscene amount of money I could buy a country and still have enough to live lavishly for thousands of years. That would be boring though so I opened the Gamer Shop and looked around for anything that would catch my eye. There were various things that were being sold. Everything from high end cars to full on mecha's from anime's that I had never heard of. I even spotted a listing for petrified dragon eggs from the Game of Thrones series. 


'Hera where does the stuff in the shop come from?' 


I'm not sure, the system runs the shop autonomously. More than likely the system pulls them from the various worlds and universes


'So there aren't a bunch of other people like me with Gamer Systems?' 


Not that I'm aware of


'Good… I'd hate to run into some edgelord hellbent on being a total cunt.' 


Even if there was I don't think you'd ever run into them with the near endless possible universes 


'You don't sound too sure…'


I see you haven't made your choice


'Real subtle change of topic there… I'll pick later, I have some things I need to do first.' 


Don't wait too long Blake, we may not have much time left


I wasn't bound to an oath, nor had I made any promises. But I did say that I would help, and it actually sounded like it would be fun to travel to another world. I had already accepted the fact that my life wasn't going to be as quiet as I had hoped it would be. My relationship with Selene was proof of that. I had come into this new life wanting to lay low while also doing everything that I had always wanted to do. I should have known that it would have snowballed in such a way that I would be in the position I was in. Here I was, a hybrid of two species, powerful enough to level cities, immortal, infinitely rich… simping for an icy goth vampire, soon to have a child with said vampire. Well, I guess she was a hybrid now too, but that didn't change the fact that my plans for this life had changed drastically. 


'No plan survives the first contact…'


I got out of the comfortable spot I had been laying in on the bed and made my way over to the bathroom. The shower had been shut off a few minutes earlier. Raising a hand to knock on the door my eyes bulged when it promptly swung open. Selene finished tucking the towel around herself and smirked at the look I had on my face. She sauntered over to the room and picked up her discarded clothes from when we first left to go to the other world. Shaking my head clear of the intrusive thoughts I had I stepped into the steam filled bathroom and shut the door. She must have really enjoyed that shower, she practically flooded the room with steam. I stripped off my clothes before taking a quick shower letting the hot water wash over my tense muscles. A downside of having lost Gamer's Body was the fact that I now had to suffer through soreness and pain. Not that it really did anything other than mildly annoy me. 


I stepped out of the bathroom completely naked meeting Selene's eye with a wink. She huffed before turning away and I chuckled at her antics. 


"What? You can dish it out but you can't take it when I do the same?" 


"I was in a towel." 


"Doesn't change the fact that you were still teasing me." 


"Just get dressed." She huffed before throwing on her coat. 


Still chuckling, I opened my inventory and put on a clean set of clothes before picking up everything we had dropped on the floor. Chucking everything but my own coat into my inventory I marveled at the difference in quality between clothes from the medieval times to modern fabrics. There shouldn't have been a comparison. But the fact that everything had been comfortable was astonishing. Sure modern cloth was softer but the older fabric was more durable and in the long run it was comfortable enough to sleep in. Pulling my coat on I followed Selene out of the hotel room. We checked out of the hotel lobby and made our way to the parking garage. Looking around for any witnesses and cameras I pulled the Bugatti out of my inventory and took a deep breath as I slid into the driver seat. I had missed the new car smell. 


"Are you sure you still remember how to drive?" 


"Buckle your seatbelt and clench your cheeks love, we're about to find out." 

[Scene Break]

"I think I may have made a mistake…"


"YOU THINK!!!" Selene screamed. 


Weaving in and out of traffic pulling close to 200 went as good as it sounds. After nearly pulverizing a stray dog, two police officers, and an errant old lady we finally came to a screeching stop at the backlot of the airport. Selene couldn't have left the car fast enough as she dry heaved off to the side while I stuffed the Bugatti back into my inventory. Selene shot me a withering glance. 


"Next time I'm driving." She huffed before stopping towards the main entrance. 


"I could have just teleported us." 


"Not the time." She bit back continuing through the automatic doors. 


Shrugging, I scanned the crowds as we made our way to the ticket booth. She stopped half way there and slowly turned around as if realizing something. She grabbed my hand before dragging me towards an isolated area of the airport. She looked at me expectantly while crossing her arms. 


"What?" I asked, holding back a laugh. 


"Teleport us back to your mansion." 


"What's the magic word?" 


She sighed, "Can you please take us back to your house." 


Nodding in mock approval I grabbed her shoulder but she raised a hand to stop me. 


"Preferably without the fiery theatrics." 


"I know, I know. I don't want to get marked as a terrorist." 


I saw her lips twitch upwards, "You don't need to do that to look like a terrorist." She said while eyeing my beard that I had chosen to grow out. 


"Hey! I think it makes me look ruggedly handsome." 


She rolled her eyes, "Just take us back." 


Putting a hand on her shoulder I teleported us back to the sitting room of my mansion with a subdued flash of light. She looked around and tensed, noticing her reaction. I pulled her guns from my inventory and handed them to her. Taking my own weapon from my storage space I listened intently to the area surrounding my home. It was quiet, unnaturally so. I sniffed the air and frowned, I could still smell Lucian's scent but it was faint. Nearly a few days old, there was also the distinct coppery scent of blood coming from outside. 


"I can smell blood outside, there doesn't seem to be any sign of a fight in here but it wouldn't hurt to check." 


"I'll clear the house." Selene whispered. 


Nodding, I flicked off the safety of my 2011 before silently making my way over to a window. Peeking through the curtains I noticed bodies strewn around the grass of my yard. Some of them were naked, others were dressed in ragged clothing. Checking my security I found no intruders around the perimeter of my property so I made my way outside and walked over to the closest body. Kicking the body over so that it was facing up I sighed in relief that it wasn't anyone I knew. The sound of approaching vehicles drew my attention and I looked over to my main gate as a convoy of blacked out SUVs stopped at the entrance to my property. A uniformed man jumped out of the lead vehicle and I recognized him as the guy I dubbed 'Greg'. Selene came out of the house a few minutes later shaking her head when she met my eyes. 


"The house is clear, I didn't find any signs of Lucian." 


"Fuck… we may have a problem then." 


I let the Cleaners in and shook 'Greg's' hand. The rest of the Cleaners set to their task of erasing the evidence of a fight while Selene and I spoke with the head Cleaner. 


"Do you know what happens?" I asked. 


"No boss, we just got here. I assumed you would know." 


"We just got here too, from what it looks like a bunch of Lycans attacked my house while I was away. Lucian was here but he's either been captured or he's in hiding." 


"These bodies look maybe a week old tops, there's signs that there was more bodies but it seems like who ever attacked took their dead back to wherever they came from." 


"Do you think our world has been discovered?" Selene asked with a frown on her face. 


"It's unlikely, we were able to cover up the Sancta Helena's explosion as well as clean up the mess back in Hungary. There should be no reason for anyone to suspect the existence of the supernatural unless we slipped up somewhere in the past and they've been tracking us since then." Greg replied. 


"Unlikely as it is we've got to play it safe, do you think you can have some men look into this. I'll send some more help as soon as I can." 


'Greg' nodded, "I'll get some people on it." 


"And could you maybe send a few pallets worth of uniforms, I need enough to outfit maybe 200 men and women." 


He raised his eyebrow at the request but conceded nonetheless. "I'll have it shipped over once we're done here." 




He waved his hand dismissing the thanks, "Please, this is nothing. I'm just glad we still have our jobs." 


He walked away before barking out orders to his men, I glanced over to Selene who looked around at the Cleaners picking up dead bodies. 


"You seem to have a habit of finding yourself in the middle of trouble mister Corvin." Selene said with a teasing smile.


"Didn't you know? 'Trouble' is my middle name." 


Something about the attack felt off to me, with the defense I had put up around the property, no enemies should have been able to pass the turrets in the first place. I could smell the lingering smell of vampire blood. The attack could have happened anytime between when I left for Hungary to the day I got back. Frowning at the implications I failed to notice the inquisitive glance Selene sent me. 


"What's on your mind?" She finally asked, pulling me from my internal debate. 


"I fear that there may have been a traitor. Come on, I've got to go check something." 


I took her hand and flamed us to a hidden room in my basement. Flicking a hidden switch on the wall the room lit up with fluorescent lighting. Selene looked around in mild surprise while I made my way over to a control panel. Activating the advanced machine I pulled up a security feed that was constantly being streamed to a personal server in another room. 


"Where did all of this come from?" Selene asked. 


"I'm a bit paranoid, so when I had this house built I installed dozens of cameras all over the property. All of them are small enough to look like fleas so I doubt whoever broke in even noticed them." 


"This is far more advanced than any technology available today." 


"Perks of being me I guess. I have access to all sorts of things in my personal shop." 


Selene looks intrigued by my answer, no doubt she was probably thinking about what sort of weapons I could buy for her. Pulling up the appropriate files I started searching for the moment that my home was invaded. It didn't take long for me to find it. I watched the recorded feed and let out a low growl when I recognized the man leading a dozen uniformed vampires through the gate. James, the man I had hired to work as my driver and security guard, looked around in my video feed as he ushered in the masked vampires. They made it past the doors with several men restraining Lucian. They were about to clear the gate when a group of Lycans ambushed them. There were regular men wielding guns mixed with the Lycans. That pretty much squashed any thought of them being a part of Lucian's pack. A stocky man with shoulder length hair pointed at the vampires holding Lucian. I watched as Lucian was taken from the vampires by the rouge Lycans before the werewolves disappeared back where they came from. The remaining handful of vampires dragged their dead away and were stuffed into an unmarked van that James drove away. 


My suspicions confirmed I clenched my fist in annoyance. The audio from the surveillance video had basically told me that James believed me to be a rich businessman and that the vampires he was with were mercenaries hired to capture Lucian. He seemingly had a deal that guaranteed him a large sum of money but that plan was thwarted by the arrival of the rogue Lycans. The coven here had been slaughtered by Markus so the vampires were probably from a different coven. They looked a bit more organized so that took out the Nordic Coven from the list of candidates leaving only one. 


"What do you plan to do?" Selene asked after a short pause. 


"Obviously this is some sort of power play, if not a plan to get a ransom." 


"Who would be stupid enough to attack Lucian though. Surely word would have spread that both Markus and Viktor have been killed." 


"That honestly probably egged them on." 


"Well what now?" Selene said after a moment. 


"We could always negotiate with the coven responsible. Or we could 'Take Ass and Kick Names'." 


"How would we negotiate, to them you're an abomination and I've more than likely been marked as a traitor?" 


The question gave me pause… then I remembered that I had a vampire elder napping away in my inventory. I wanted to facepalm with how I had nearly forgotten about the comatose Amelia in my storage space.


"I just may have a way." I muttered. 


Selene raised a delicate eyebrow at me but nodded anyway and I teleported us out of my hidden room with a flash of light. 

[Scene Break]

Something about pulling a sentient creature from seemingly out of nowhere caused me to snort. I set Amelia's unconscious form down on the ground and looked at her with a keen eye. She was no longer injured, her wounds having been healed by the blood we had pumped into her when Lucian had first brought her over. Yet she remained unresponsive, Selene had even slapped the Elder Vampire hard enough that it made me wince. 


I shrugged before activating an ability my eyes had causing a face to appear in front of me. Selene took a step back at the sudden appearance while reaching for her holstered gun. I lifted Amelia and threw her carelessly into the face's mouth which promptly began to chew. Selene gaped at the sight before glaring at me. 


"Blake! What the hell? I thought you had a plan. You just fed her to this- this… thing!" 


"Relax love, I think it's called the King of Hell or something. It'll spit her back out fully healed of whatever is keeping her unconscious… I hope." 


"For the love of-" 


Before Selene could finish her rant the face spat a disheveled Amelia out onto the ground before grinning at me and disappearing. Selene huffed while I fought a snicker as Amelia immediately gasped while sitting up and coughing. For all intents and purposes she really did look like she got chewed up and spat out. I didn't even really know how it worked. Everything I knew about my eyes' abilities had come from wiki pages. 


"What the hell happened?" Amelia said between breaths. 


"Long story short, the Eastern Coven which you are in charge of has done something dastardly and I am in need of your help dealing with it." 


"Why should I help you? I don't even know you."


"The other option is I wipe the entire coven off the face of the earth with holy fire." 


"You woul-" 


"Yes, yes I would. I wouldn't hesitate to burn the entire vampire race to ashes should they become a threat to my mate and people I care about." 


Amelia glanced over to Selene who had remained silent up until that point. 


"You would let him slaughter our kind?" Amelia asked. 


"I would help him, he has shown me how treacherous our kind can be to those they see as nothing more than insignificant specks. Besides, I am no longer just a vampire." Selene said with a smirk, her eyes shifting to their glowing golden form. 


"You… you're an-"


"Finish that sentence and I will turn you to ashes before bringing you back to life just so I can kill you again." 


Amelia gulped, "What do you wish for me to do?"


"They came after a friend of mine. I want to know why, and if you would be so kind as to pass a message for me."


"What is this message?" 


"Stay the hell away from me and mine." 


 "I- I will see what I can do." 


"That's all I ask." I replied with a grin. 


Amelia stood up from where she had been regurgitated. Giving Selene and I one last look she disappeared in a blur of speed.


"Was it really a smart idea letting her go like that?" Selene asked. 


"There is no one that poses a threat to me in this world, Selene. And I doubt it'll be much different for you. You've grown more powerful since our little soirée into the other world." 


Selene hummed before giving me a grin, "Let's go find the rogue Lycans then. While Amelia questions the Eastern Coven for us." 


"Excellent idea, where do we start?" 


"Tracking them, obviously." She replied while rolling her eyes. 


Seeing how excited Selene was to use her newly acquired strengths I left her to her task of tracking the rogue Lycans through my surveillance network that could access multiple cameras throughout the city. I had pulled up the Gacha tab of my system and looked at the coins I had amassed for completing quests. Using the three mythic coins I had, I spent them one by one until I had three new prizes presented in front of me. Dismissing the system screen I looked at the items with Observe and grinned. 

Special Dungeon Ticket: 

A ticket that once used will transport the player to a special dungeon. The dungeon can be a pocket universe to a whole world filled with life. The player can not leave the dungeon until they defeat the dungeon boss. Once defeated the play will be able to leave the dungeon will all their looted items and gained experience.


Narya (Lord of the Rings):

The ring of fire, one of three Elven rings crafted by Celebrimbor in secret to combat the tyrannical rule of Sauron. The wearer inspires strength and willpower to overcome domination and despair, Narya also hides the wearer from all forms of observation along with granting the wearer unparalleled control over flames. (All flame based abilities are 100X more effective, the user is granted pseudo immortality, shields those around the user from remote observation and mind control.) 


Dark Sister (Song of Ice & Fire):

The legendary Valyrian steel sword once owned by Visenya Targaryen. The mythic steel is said to be able to cut through lesser steel with ease as well as dispatching supernatural threats such as White Walkers and Wights. Valyrian steel is forged with enchanted fire giving those with an affinity with fire a closer bond with the blade. 


'The way the three things I got connect almost make it seem like the Fates want me to do something.' 


I had pretty much accepted the fact that the Fates weren't beyond nudging me along to a path they wanted me to take. I looked at Narya before putting the ring on my pointer finger next to the Corvinus ring. The rush of power I got from the mythical ring of power sent a shiver down my spine. Taking another look at the sword I picked it up and marveled at the weight of the blade. It was much lighter than I had expected. The long sword was about three and a half feet from the tip of the blade to the pommel and was only three inches across at its widest. The sword was clearly crafted for someone of a smaller build but I wasn't going to complain. Holding the sword made it feel like an extension of my arm. The balance was incredible and the sword practically sang when I gave it a few test swings through the air. 


The special dungeon ticket was rather plain for what it was and what it had cost. It looked nothing like a mythic item, it looked like an average ticket you would get at an arcade. I wondered if it was a dud or a joke prize. 


'Hera, what the hell kind of prize is this?' 


Don't ask me, the Moirai have complete control over that aspect of the system. They must want you to use it 


'What happens when I use it? Will time be frozen here?'


I would assume so, it is a dungeon first and foremost. 


'Fine then, I've made up my mind as well.'


You will evolve then? Very well Blake, I look forward to the new heights you will achieve


I let out a sigh before opening the Race Change tab again, selecting the Demonlord option I pressed 'yes' and waited for a change to happen. A few seconds passed and nothing did, I was about to question Hera when I felt pain like never before. Doubling over I gasped as my body was set on fire from the inside. I could feel the power being absorbed by my core and I grit my teeth to stop myself from screaming in pain. A blinding white light filled my vision before I lost all sense in my body and I was sent flying through another empty void. Fear spread through me, Gamer's Mind did not function as it should have to restrain the emotion. 


'No, not again… not this place. Hera! Are you there?!' 


No one replied, I couldn't feel my body. I drifted through empty space as images flashed before me. Scenes of things I had done played out like a movie. The countless numbers I had killed in my quests, the pain they felt was my own. Their rage and their fears mirrored in my own mind. I felt like I would go insane. I had lost track of time once again before the images faded, replaced by my memories of being with Selene. Her smile, her laugh, the way she looked at me when she didn't think I was looking. Her image faded into the blackness once again a new vision was displayed. This one was of the people I had met, the friends I had made, and the connections I had formed. With a shout I forced myself free from my unseen bonds and broke them. The empty void rumbled as I began to absorb its very essence into myself. Everything around me was forced into a single sphere of light. I reached out for the sphere and grasped it in my hands before it exploded and I was slammed back into my body. 

Power exploded from within me as I sat up gasping for air, my skin tingling with restrained power. I looked around and found myself laying in a circle or scorched grass. Selene was standing a few feet away with a concerned look on her face. I didn't notice I was naked until a gentle breeze of air made me realize that my clothes had burned off. Thankfully none of the rings had burned nor had the new sword I had gotten which still lay where I had dropped it earlier. 


You passed the test… I'm glad. I knew my faith in you was not misplaced




You have been granted a power that can transcend even the gods. It did not come without a test to see if you would destroy all life and reality as we know it


'I could have died?' 


No, but you would have lost all your powers had you failed 


'I don't like that I wasn't informed of this, but I can understand the need for it to have been done. Can I see my new status?'


Instead of replying, Hera pulled up my stat screen and I took in the new information displayed. 




Name: Blake Corvin

True Name: Balthazar Corvinus

Race: Demonlord

Title: Lord of the Void

Level: 289 Next Level: 43,765/150,000XP

HP: nul

MP: 10,000,000/10,000,000 (200,000 per sec)

SP:  5,000,000/5,000,000(200,000 per sec) 

(200% when transformed)

STR: 2,001 DMG: 100,050, per hit ( STR/2 x 100 )

DEX: 1,971

VIT: 1,971

END: 1,971

INT: 1,971

WIS: 1,971

Luck: 120




Gamer's Mind:

Protects Player from any and all outside influences. Includes but not limited to, telepathy, legilimency, psychoactive drugs, and brainwashing. Player has the option to temporarily disable this skill at will. 


Lord of the Void:

You have absorbed the very essence of the void becoming its sole ruler. You can travel through its space unrestricted and should you choose to, you can trap beings in the void. Beings trapped in the void can not escape unless you release them. (Warning: divine beings can still use their powers even if they can not escape.)


Corvinus Bloodline:(Patriarch)

As a direct descendant of Alexander Corvinus, the founding father of immortality. Having consumed the purest of immortal blood from Alexander Corvinus you have risen to the head of the bloodline. Your blood, willingly given, can be used to create hybrids and enhance the strength of those who consume small amounts of it. 


Corvinus Strain Hybrid: (Pureblood) 

Being descended from Alexander Corvinus your blood has adapted to the werewolf and vampire viruses making you the perfect Hybrid of both species. You can still access your wolf forms due to your bloodline. You have also unlocked the racial traits of a vampire. Being a hybrid of both species you lack the weaknesses of either. Silver will no longer have any effect on you nor will sunlight ever burn you. As a pureblood hybrid you can turn others by feeding them your blood.


True Immortal: (Divine Essence)

You have ascended to the ranks of divinity. You are no longer bound by mortal necessity. You can not be damaged by anything except for divine means. Should you 'die' you will reform after a set amount of time. The more people worship you the stronger you become


Perk: Moon's Lover: 

Perk rewarded for reaching 100 affection with Selene. You gain a 200% boost to all stats under the light of the moon. Player also gains experience 50% faster in the same conditions. 


Champion of the Sea: (Poseidon's Champion) 

The Greek god Poseidon has claimed you as his champion to aid you in getting stronger. Water based skills are 50% more effective. Relevant Skills have been absorbed and evolved. 


Champion of the Hearth: (Hestia's Champion)

The goddess of the hearth has not forgotten that you noticed her of your own volition. Hestia has granted you the title of her champion. You can summon food from the table of the gods.  Relevant skills updated and evolved.



Through your efforts you have broken through your limits. For each level gained you get a permanent boost in your six basic stats. 


Observe: (Active) Lvl. Max

While activated Player can discern basic information about the targeted object or creature. 


World Maker: (Active) Lvl. Max

Due to your new status as Demonlord of the Void you can now create pocket dimensions that you alone control. Your ability to enter dungeons has been absorbed into this skill and you can still access all previously available dungeons.

Dungeons: [Zombie: Cleared][Demon: Cleared][Angel: Cleared][Mage: New][Kaiju: New]


Divine Aura: (Active) Lvl. Max 

Due to divine status, skill has evolved to match the player's new status. Lesser beings will cower before you, you can restrain this ability should you choose to but lesser beings will still be wary of you. 


Void Step: (Active) Lvl. Max

While active, Player is rendered invisible to the naked eye. Player can travel through the void to cover large distances. The void will construct a shadow world so that the player can navigate through the emptiness. Player can also mask their presence completely by shrouding themselves with the void. 


Et tu? Brute?: (Passive) Lvl. Max

Player deals 100% more damage with daggers and short swords. Bonus 200% damage to stabs into the targets back. 


HearthFire: (Active) Lvl. Max

Due to Hestia's blessing you have gained the ability to manipulate fire freely. Your flames can destroy or heal depending on your intent. All healing spells have been absorbed into new skills. 

(Cost: 150,000 MP per sec)


Wind Blade: (Active) Lvl. Max

Sends out a wave of air that acts like a sword.

Damage is half the casters INT stat. Melee stat boosts apply to this skill. 

(Cost: 200 MP per blade)


Earth Shaker: (Active) Lvl. Max

Due to Poseidon's blessing you have gained the ability to cause earthquakes. You are also able to imbue this power to your limbs and melee weapons. 

(Cost: 100,000 MP per minute) 


Water Control: (Active) Lvl. Max

Due to Poseidon's blessing, you have gained the ability to freely control all liquids with in a 100 foot radius. 

(Cost: 10,000 MP per second) 


Storm Bringer: (Active) Lvl. Max

Due to Poseidon's blessing you can summon a storm to bombard enemies. Chain Lightning has been integrated, any lightning bolt produced by the storm will jump between targets. 

(Cost: Varies on size of the storm)


Falling Star: (Active) Lvl. Max

A combination of the four basic elements, water, air, fire, and earth. A spell that erases everything in the area the spell is cast. Each level increases the area. 

(Current AoE: 1000M)

(Cost: 5,000 MP) 


Dead Thrall: (Active) Lvl. Max

Resurrects a dead body as an undead companion. So long as the body is intact enough it can be brought back to life. 

(Cost: 100,000 per body) 


Blood Feast: (Active) Lvl. Max

Your blood enters the target's body and causes the target to explode. Chances of target exploding get lower with depending on their DEX stat. 

(Cost: 30,000 per cast) 


Time Manipulation: (Active) Max

Through the constant use of Chronomancy, Time Lock and Event Horizon have evolved into Time Manipulation. You can now freely control time at the cost of MP. *Warning* Tampering with the past can result in dire consequences. 

(Cost: Freeze Time 10,000 MP per second *MP will no longer recover while time is frozen*) (Speed Up/Down: 100,000 per minute) (Travel: 25,000 MP per day moved)


Aviator: (Active) Lvl. 25 (0%)

You can pilot most common aircrafts and not crash. Your level determines the success of aerial maneuvers you attempt. Each level reflects the success rate of a maneuver by 1%. 

(Current success rate: 25%) 


Teleportation: (Active) Lvl. Max 

Being the champion of two gods you have gained the ability to transport yourself to a location that you have accessed before. Flame Travel and Mist Travel have been combined, you can still choose to travel using flames or mist should you will it. 

(Cost: 200,000 MP 10,000 per passenger)


Subjugation: (Active) Lvl. 1 (0%)

Due to the amount of enemies you have defeated you have gained the ability to bend a target's will to that of your own. The target is compelled to obey your every command. WARNING: Will not work on targets of higher levels than you.

(Cost: Varies on Target Level. The stronger they are the more MP it will take.) 




The changes were few but the few things that did change set off a string of questions that I answered myself the more I thought about them. The ability to actually create pocket dimensions was something that I welcomed. I had always wanted to make my own pocket dimension that I could hide in. I had even thought about using my inventory when I found out I could put people in it but seeing that I couldn't put myself in my inventory I had scrapped that idea. I wasn't completely sure of the whole divinity thing nor did I really understand why my alignment had disappeared. Though I felt like it was probably because of some reason along the lines of; "You're a god now, you can do whatever you want." 


'Hera? Why is my alias suddenly my true name ?'


All divine beings need a true name Blake, it hold power over us and allows our followers to invoke us in their prayers


'I don't have any followers, thank fuck for that. I don't know how I would handle being able to hear people praying to me constantly.'


Not even if they would grant you more power with their prayers?


'I'm not sure, I'm new to this whole divine being thing. How does it even work?' 


Your system should explain the basics of it, something it won't explain is the fact that there are ranks to divinity. As of the moment you are comparable to a minor god in my world


'If there are ranks that means I can get higher on the totem pole right?' 


That is correct, the stronger you get the higher your rank rises. You can get stronger through levels or by defeating other divine beings and taking their domains


'Sounds complicated, I'll stick with leveling up.' 


That make take a while, you only rank up once every 1000 levels


'That sounds achievable… I'll take my chances. I'd rather not have a bunch of responsibilities I don't want. That's what it sounds like I'll have if I absorb random domains.' 


Very well, what is your plan now?


'Test out my new powers, rescue Lucian, clean up any loose ends in this world. You know, the usual.'


Don't dally too long, we still need your help


'Yeah yeah, I know. I'll wrap things up here as soon as I can.'


I shall await your arrival Blake


'Wait, before you go I have two more questions.' 


What is it?


'What are the tiers in divinity?' 


By tiers I assume you mean the titles and ranks?




There is only four ranks Blake, the first is where you are at now. Followed by Overlord, God, then finally Primordial you will evolve to each as you gain levels


'Strange titles, but I can work with that. My final question is about my true name. Seeing that I'm currently a Demonlord, does this mean that someone who knows my true name will be able to enslave me?' 


All knowledge of your true name has been wiped from those who knew it prior to your ascension. While you can be controlled by someone who discovers your true name, the people strong enough to summon you are practically nonexistent and you can choose to respond to those who unknowingly try to summon you


'That sounds like a headache and a half.' 


All the more reason to get stronger to prevent things like that from happening


'They won't know my name, how will they summon me?' 


Humans have always been a bit foolish Blake


'I didn't even get to choose my true name, my system just picked an alias I made up.'


You can change that Blake, it should be well within your abilities to do so 


'I see, very well. Thanks, Hera. I'll get moving now. I've been standing here like an idiot for several minutes.' 


I looked at my status screen one more time and clicked on the 'True Name' section. Selecting 'edit' I changed my name,  drawing inspiration from the ring of power on my finger I typed in Belegûr and fought a giggle. Tolkien himself would have found my use of the name appropriate. Taking one last glance at my screen I swiped it clear just as Selene jumped into my arms in a flying hug. 


"I'm alright love, I'm alright." 


"I was worried, you burst into flames and I couldn't even approach you. What happened?" 


She pulled away and I gave her a grin, "Let's just say that I'm even stronger than before." 


"That's not an answer Blake, what happened?" She said while crossing her arms. 


I gave her a short summarized version of what had happened that led up to my ascension to Demonlord. She took it all in stride, she even had a few ideas as to how I could potentially get stronger. 


"I'm willing to spread your name through the world, my love." She said with a barely concealed smirk. 


"I already said that I don't want the attention." 


"To be mated with an actual divine being, never in my life would I have seen myself in this position." She sighed, completely ignoring me. 


"Oh for the love of fuck, let's just move on. What did you learn about the rogue Lycans?" 


"Well, My Lord ," she giggled. "I have learned that they are holed up in a warehouse by the docks. We can get there within the hour if we leave now." 


"I'll ignore that you just called me that… what else have you learned?" 


Still grinning at me she took out a scrap of paper from somewhere before handing it to me. 


"What is this?" I glanced at the paper and noted that it was a list of addresses. 


"All the hideouts, the rogue Lycans seem to be hiding something in all of these places. They have a set of guards at each of those. They've even managed to get a few mortal police officers patrolling the streets nearby." 


"Interesting, what do you suggest we do? There's too many targets for us to hit on our own." 


"We could get the Cleaners to help us. They're already out there scrubbing through the various areas we've been through."


A thought crossed my mind, remembering that I had access to Familiars I smiled at Selene. 


"I have a better idea, get to the house and make a call to the cleaners. They'll have more on their plates later." 


"Alright, but what are you planning to do?" 


"I'm going to hit all of the targets at once."


"You're not going to tell me are you?" 


"It's a surprise, now go. I don't want the mortals to find anything before we can clean it up." 


Selene huffed before stomping back to the house. I pulled up my system screen again and navigated to the Familiar tab. I summoned Alruna and watched as a ball of light shot out of my chest before forming into the red haired woman in front of me. Alruna immediately knelt and bowed her head causing me to want to slam my head into the ground. 


"My lord, you have called for me." 


"Just call me Blake. I have a job for you Alruna if you want it that is." 


"I live to serve you my lo- Blake. What is it that you need?" 


"For one please get up, none of that bowing nonsense. You are a part of my pack after all." 


"But, my L- Blake, you are our leader. I must show you the respect you deserve. I can sense that you have grown in power." 


"Even so Alruna, I'd rather we act as friends." 


"Very well, what would you have us do?" 


I quickly gave her a summary as well as the location to all the targets Selene had given me. Once I was done she shifted into her werewolf form and hundreds of glowing orbs shot out of her body as more werewolves filled the area we stood at. She gave me a nod before letting out a howl conveying orders to the other werewolves. They all disappeared in flashes of darkness. 


'Huh, must be a new ability they got from my new status.' 


That isn't far from the truth, they are your familiars


'Hera? What do you mean?' 


With your new status they have also evolved with you. They are still your familiars but they are also now tied to your void abilities. They will continue to evolve with you unless you dismiss them from your service 


'An army of werewolves that I command? I'll keep them on. Thanks for telling me, Hera.' 


A wave of happiness came from Hera. I shook my head with an amused smile before looking around. While Alruna was away dealing with the rogue Lycans I had a bit of spare time in my hands. Taking out the Special Dungeon Ticket I shrugged before activating it with a thought. The ticket burst into flames in my hand and the world shifted around me. 


My feet touched down in a snow covered patch of ground. I could sense a large amount of signatures off to the distance and frowned. I could feel that they were powerful, they also lacked beating hearts so they were most definitely some sort of undead. With a snap of my fingers I froze time. With my new energy levels I could maintain the skill for over 15 hours now. That gave me plenty of time to explore my new abilities. Just then a screen popped up in front of me and I couldn't help but chuckle as I read it. 

Special Dungeon Entered


'Twilight of the Volturi'


Dungeon Clear Requirements:


Eliminate the Volturi: (0/4,529)


Don't Let Cullen Clan take any losses:




1,500,000 XP


x2 Legendary Gacha Coins

Overall the requirements weren't too tough, defending the Cullens was probably going to be a bit tougher. I was mildly amused at the fact that I'd have to kill a bunch of sparkly vampires who had a glaring weakness to fire while in possession of Narya and a sword made with enchanted fire. With time still paused I activated my World Maker skill and stepped into the portal to my newly made pocket dimension. While I was still in the dungeon I couldn't leave to return to my own world but that didn't stop me from making a new world inside the dungeon. 


I found myself standing in a barren landscape, a quick observation told me that my thoughts affected the creation of pocket dimensions. Focusing a bit I looked around in wonder as vegetation and life sprung up in the once barren world around me. It seemed that I had complete control over the pocket dimensions I created. Once the world around me settled I explored my abilities and let out a sigh of relief when I found that I could still shift into my full wolf and Lycan forms. I also discovered that blood still nourished me and I had no doubt that I could gain memories from blood like before. 


I also found out that with my new freedom in making pocket spaces, that I could 'step' into my inventory as if it was a room. What surprised me was the level of organization I found inside my personal storage space. There were shelves labeled in alphabetical order with everything I had ever placed in my Inventory. Further back in the plain white room was a large vault. Opening the vault reveleaved the large amount of money I had amassed. I learned that while I was inside my inventory physically, that I couldn't just magically pull the object out of nowhere and I had to summon it from the location it was stored at. 


Leaving my storage space I stepped back into my freshly created world and looked around. Remembering I had an ungodly amount of swords in my inventory I focused a bit and imagined a sword shooting out of my inventory. The regular sword flashed out a ripple in the air behind me and struck a tree causing the tree to explode in a shower of wood. 


'Pretty sure I'm stealing this idea from an anime somewhere but fuck it, I can shoot weapons out of my inventory. I wonder what the limit is?' 


I experimented a little bit and found out that I could shoot just about anything from my inventory at eye watering speeds. 


'Do I even need guns anymore? Ah, who am I kidding, shooting guns will always be fun.' 


Focusing back on the world I made around me I focused a bit more and smiled when various farm animals started popping up. 


'It seems that I'm limited to animals and I can't create a sentient life form… oh well, it's probably for the best. I'd really rather not have people start worshiping me. That sounds like a great way to get a big head.'


I stepped out of my pocket dimension and back onto the snowy ground. In a flash Dark Sister was buckled at my hip. I unfroze time and made my way over to the clearing where I knew the fight would be. 

[Scene Break]

Cold fury radiated from the blood red eyes that glared at the small group standing in the distance. He could feel the army that had gathered to answer his call itching to tear apart the treacherous clan before him. A sneer found its way onto his lips as he watched the seer approach. The woman would no doubt attempt to show him a vision to dissuade him from slaughtering her pathetic family. 


Carlisle watched Alice approach Aro with apprehension clear on his face. He knew if it came to a full out fight that the family he's built wouldn't survive. He could only hope that his granddaughter would be able to escape. He would gladly give up his life for that chance. Beside him Esme tensed as Alice finally reached where Aro, Marcus, and Caius stood at the front of the thousands of vampires that had come from Volterra. Even though he didn't need to breathe he couldn't help but hold his breath as Alice began to speak with the leaders of the Volturi. Few words were exchanged. Alice reached out to touch Aro's hand so that she could show him their proof that they hadn't violated any laws. 


A few nail biting moments passed, the frigid air was still. No one moved, Alice let out a gasp that they could all hear from the distance they stood. She was practically shouting by the time she had taken a few steps back from Aro, it wasn't hard to hear what she was saying. 


"It doesn't matter what I show you… even when you see. You still won't change your decision." 


Fear clouded Carlisle's mind when his adopted daughter turned to them and mouth 'now'. It had come down to a fight and they were sorely outnumbered. 


Alice felt panicked as she was grabbed by two vampires. She couldn't break free of their grasps. She wondered if this was where she would die. 


"Take her away." Ordered Aro.


'Of course, my ability is too valuable for him to throw away by killing me. He'll no doubt seek to force me into his service.' 


"No! Let her go!" Carlisle's shout made her eyes snap over to him. 


She wanted to scream, to shout for him to stand down. He was already running towards the vampires that held her. She could only watch as Carlisle jumped to attack. Aro smirked and jumped to intercept him. This was it, in her vision Carlisle would die, his head having been removed by Aro's counterattack. 


Only Aro was sent crashing back to the ground, Carlisle landed on his feet. The attack didn't come from him, he was just as shocked as everyone else. Alice looked around trying to find the one responsible for potentially saving her adoptive father. The sky darkened, she felt the air swell with electricity. With an earth shattering crack thunder struck the ground blinding everyone with a flash of light. 

[Scene Break]

I had watched the Twilight movies back when they first came out. I didn't really know why, maybe it was some strange attempt at fitting in with the crowd. They were entertaining when I watched them. Not for their intellect or storylines. I was more interested in the fact that such a poorly written story had gained such a massive following. Then again, vampires and romance went hand in hand in terms of popularity. 


I watched the infamous scene play out in front of me and chuckled. I had never realized that Aro and Lucian were both played by the same actor back in my past life. Now that I was witnessing it first hand I could help but giggle at the fact that here, in this dungeon, I was looking at Lucian's clean shaven doppelgänger who was a vampire. I watched as the cute pixie cut vampire was seized by the cloaked douche bags. Only for the blond dude, I think his name is Charlie or something, charge at the men holding the short haired vampire. The vampires of this world were definitely much more attractive than normal but that was about all they had. Sure some of them had fancy powers but that didn't change the fact that they were all pretty much the same in terms of strength and speed. I watched as the blond ran in what might have been an impressive speed to humans, but to me they were all painfully slow. 


Sure I wasn't a fair judge, seeing that I could shatter the sound barrier with my speed, but I couldn't help but to wonder why they were all so slow. 


They're not normal vampires Blake. I also think their diet of animal blood plays into their startling weakness 


'Hera, I didn't think you'd be here with me.' 


I thought I should take a moment to see what you were up to. To say I was surprised to find you in about her world yet again is an understatement


'Another world? Isn't this place a dungeon?' 


Yes, but it also serves as a whole other world. It's only classified as a dungeon because the area around the event is inaccessible 


'So I'd be able to come back if I chose to?' 


I'm not sure 


'Only one way to find out then, let me deal with these assholes first.' 


Don't break anything


'No promises, gotta blow off some steam and these sparkly assholes just volunteered themselves.'


Fine just don't go too far


'Yeah yeah, time to make an entrance.' 


I saw Lucian's creepy twin jump into the air and I picked up a rock from the snowy ground. Taking careful aim I threw the rock hard enough to knock him out of the air. As he crashed into the ground I capitalized on everyone's shock to summon a storm with my Storm Bringer skill. After that it wasn't hard to direct a thunderbolt to crash near the gathered crowd. The subsequent flash of light blinded everyone and I used that as cover to seemingly 'appear' where the thunder struck. 


Dark Sister in hand I glanced nonchalantly at the dark cloaked vampires who glared at me. I felt something brush against me and I cocked an eyebrow while maintaining my indifferent attitude. 


Mental Attack Averted by Gamer's Mind


I glanced around and felt another probe crash against my mental defenses. 


Mental Attack Averted by Gamer's Mind


"Come now, did you think it would work again after the first attempt failed?" 


"Who are you?" Aro said. 


"Death… or at least death, should you choose to attack me." 


I knew they would attack me, but I felt like being edgy. That and antagonizing people was something I took great pleasure in. 


"You have no business here human. Be gone!" Called out the blond Volturi member. 


"Last warning, leave. Before I slaughter all of you." 


"Impudent human. Kill him!" 


My smile grew wider, behind me the Cullens ran to attack. Several black cloaked goons ran at me snarling and baring their teeth. Dark Sister sang as I swung her through the air. The three Volturi henchmen fell to the ground missing their limbs, and their heads faster than anyone could blink. 


"I warned you." I smirked. 


Alice ran to the blond doctor and dragged him back to the Cullen's who had stopped in their tracks. I could hear her talking as she 'sped' on by. 


"Carlisle we need to leave. He's not human."


'Hmm, I wonder how she can tell when everyone else can't.' 


The entire Volturi army roared as they charged when Aro raised his arms. It was almost comical how slow they all were to me. It was a bit disappointing that the sparkly variant of vampire didn't have blood. Dark Sister still cut through them effortlessly despite the fact that they were made out of diamond-like crystal. I cut through hundreds of vampires in a dance of steel and death. I used my powers to blast a few with fire. Lightning arced from my hand shattering dozens of vampires as it jumped between them. There were a few vampires standing away. I assumed these were the leaders and their inner circle. My blade was a blur as I moved through vampires. My movement wasn't refined. I was by no means a swordsman. I made a note to look through the Gamer Shop for something that would help me in that area. In minutes I had reduced the massive army of cloaked vampires to crumbling corpses and ashes that scattered in the wind. Soon it was just the three leaders and the two lackies that had attacked me mentally. 


"Man, that was a good warm up. You guys up for more? I sure as hell am." 


"What are you…"


"As I've said, I am your death. You should have taken my offer but you didn't. Now you'll all die." 


"As if we'd let you!" The blond screamed before charging at me. 


He was marginally faster than the others I killed. But not by much, Dark Sister rang as I cleaved his head clean off with a flick of my wrist. His body crumpled to the ground next to me before bursting into flames. I leaned on Dark Sister like a cane while observing the remaining Volturi members. 


"Who's next?" 

[Scene Break]

"That man is dangerous…" Muttered Edward. 


"That's one way to put it." Emmett who frowned as he watched the man single-handedly laid waste to the Volturi army. 


The Olympic Coven had not expected the Volturi to have mustered such a large overwhelming army. Nor had they expected to see someone let alone one man slaughter the entire force with nothing but a sword. They were even more surprised as the man shot fire and lightning out of his free hand while he danced around the Volturi. 


"Why hasn't Jane attacked him?" Bella asked. 


"I don't think he's affected by her power." Carlisle answered. 


"He's definitely not human, the way he moves, it's too fast and he smells like blood." 


"So he's a vampire?" 


"Not like us he's not… maybe he's like your daughter Bella." 


"Renesmee will grow up to be like that?!" 


"No, he's not a vampire. He's something else, something far worse. We need to leave now." Alice said with fear in her voice. 


"Alice, what's wrong? What do you see?" 


"He's going to kill all of us." She whispered. 


The Quileute shapeshifters growled in their wolf forms. They could sense the danger this man posed to their tribe and their land. Alice raised a hand to stop them. 


"Stop! If you attack him he will retaliate." 


The pack of shifters growled at her as if to say; 'you can't stop us.' 


The wolves dashed off while sinking slow the the ground. The Cullens could only watch in horror as the mysterious man killed the last of the Volturi before turning to face them. His eyes burned golden as his eyes darted around while tracking the wolves. 


"Oh no…" Alice whispered. 

[Scene Break]

The last of the Volturi put up a good fight, but they still fell to my sword. I quickly incinerated their remains with a twitch of my finger before turning to face the Cullens. I noticed that the shapeshifters were missing and narrowed my eyes. A quick scan revealed them running towards me while keeping low to the ground. Having committed mass genocide my bloodlust soaring. I sheathed Dark Sister before she disappeared into my inventory. Cracking my neck I burst into my full wolf form. My wolf form towered over the 'werewolves' of this world. They rose up from where they were prowling in confusion before I let out a roar that sent a shockwave through the ground. 


'Who are you?' Said a voice in my head. 


'Like I told the vampires; Death, I am your death should you attack me.' I replied. 


'You are a werewolf like us, why do you attack our lands?' 


'Don't make me laugh, you're no werewolf. You're all a bunch of cursed skin changers. There is no wolf blood among you. As for attacking your land… do you see me attacking your people?' 


'Enough! I will not be distracted by an outsider!' 


I wanted to roll my eyes, my wolf anatomy hindered that. The large black wolf jumped at me trying to go for my neck. With a swat of my paw I sent the wolf tumbling backwards. 


'Last warning, stand down or I'll rip you to shreds.' 


'Attack him!!!!' 


The other wolves didn't move, the black wolf growled and jumped at me again. I caught the wolf in my jaws and bit down hard while shaking my head roughly from side to side. Sharp cracks rang out from the wolf's body followed by a yelp of pain. I snapped my head down and slammed the dying wolf on the ground. Bits of blood and fur remained in my teeth as I padded over to the fallen wolf. 


'I told you to back off, foolish boy.' 


A swipe from my claws ended the shapeshifters suffering. The other wolves whined in defeat before retreating to the nearby woods. I shifted back to my human form as the Cullens approached me. The short haired Cullen eyed me warily as I pulled clothes out of my inventory. I couldn't help but notice the blonde Cullen ogling my junk as I silently got dressed. Once I was clothed I looked around at the remaining vampires while smirking at the stink eye Edward was sending my way. 


"So, how can I help you guys, and before you go and ask the same stupid questions as everyone else. My name is Blake, I am a hybrid, no I'm not going to kill you, and no I'm not going to be sticking around for long." 


They remained silent for a bit, until Alice spoke up. "Hybrid? What do you mean?" 


"I'm both a vampire and a werewolf. And no, not like the so-called werewolves you have here. I'm a true werewolf and not some shape shifter that's been cursed." 


"How can that be?" 


"How I'm a hybrid or how the 'werewolves' you know aren't actually werewolves?" 


"Both… I guess." 


"Long story short, I can tell. Also, my origin is complicated and a story you haven't earned yet. For now, go home. Celebrate, forget the existence of the cloaked assholes. I'll eventually return and maybe I'll share yeah?" 


"Where are you going, what if we need help?" 


"I'll be around." I said cryptically. 


I didn't say it outright but I enjoyed the annoyed looks they sent me when I dodged their questions. My system notified me that the 'dungeon' had been cleared and I was going to be pulled back to my world so I decided to close my 'show' by bursting into a pillar of fire causing the Cullens to jump back in fright. Using the cover the flames provided I flashed over to where I had first entered and waited for my system to pull me back. There was a flash of gray light again and the world shifted around me. I found myself back in my yard hardly a second had passed in my brief jump into the dungeon. Glancing at my World Jump tab I found that Twilight had in fact been added to my list of worlds. Seeing that it would be a while before Alruna returned I walked back into my mansion looking for Selene. I couldn't wait to tell her about my recent encounter with the sparkly vampires. 


"So they sparkle in the sunlight?" 


"Yeah, and they don't have fangs." 


"I don't get it, that sounds more like metrosexual vegans than vampires." Selene said with a raised eyebrow. 


"I never thought of it like that… but now that you mention it. Yeah, that's exactly what they are." I hummed. 


"What about their powers, you said some of them had powers?" She looked just as excited when I mentioned the fact. 


"Nothing like ours, they're all just one trick ponies if they have powers. I think it's a condition they may have had when they were human and the 'virus' just amplifies it into something more." 


"I'd rather not visit that world, it sounds rather dull." 


"Seeing that I've pretty much killed the main source of their problems I don't think we'll need to visit unless you want to laugh at how sad of an excuse they are for vampires." 


"Maybe some other time." Selene said, looking thoughtful. 


"Enough of that nonsense, have you heard from Amelia yet? I've sent my wolves out to take down the rogue Lycans. They should be back within the hour." 


"No, nothing from Amelia yet. Though I suspect that she may be in a spot of trouble."


"How so? She's the founder of the Eastern Coven." 


"The regent of that coven is just as power hungry as Kraven was." Selene replied. 


"Oh great, another one. I assume this one wants the same thing? Power, prestige, and to take over the coven?" 


"Yes, what else would they want?" 


"We better go check on Amelia then. Let's just wait for my wolves to return." 


"I still can't believe that you've got a Familiar. When did that happen?" 


"Back when we fought Viktor for the second time. I gave the Alpha of the feral werewolf pack a name and she somehow became my Familiar." 




"Oh? Are you jealous Selene?" I said with a smirk. 


"No, simply curious…" She huffed. "What does she look like?" She added after a pause. 


"I can sense them approaching, so I guess you'll have to find out for yourself." 


Selene grumbled before stomping out of the room and into my courtyard. I joined her just as the wolves arrived. Lucian was being escorted by two wolves who disappeared back into balls of light after they gave me a small bow. Lucian looked like he had been dragged behind a car but overall he looked alright. 


"Nice of you to send an army after me." 


"What are friends for?" I grinned. 


Lucian let out a tired sigh, "I'll go clean up, I need to go check on what's left of my pack." 


He left without another word and I turned to Alruna who was dragging in the leader of the rogue Lycans. The man was bloodied and looked like his legs were broken. I looked at Alruna for context and she threw him to the floor.  

She shifted to her human form and Selene offered her a blanket to cover up. Alruna thanked her before speaking. 


"His name is Marius, we got that much from the rogues we killed. When we got to his hideout we found strange implements and illustrations." 


"He didn't tell you anything?" I asked. 


"He attempted to attack us, he ingested a vial of blood beforehand. It granted him a bit more speed and strength but ultimately he was unable to keep fighting after I broke his legs." 


"Ah, so his legs are broken." 


"Indeed, he attempted to run when he saw that his compatriots were dead." 


"I see… Thank you for your help in this Alruna. Take him down to the dungeons then you are free to explore the grounds. Clothing should be delivered later." 


Alruna nodded before grabbing Marius by the hair and dragging him away. Selene stood next to me while eyeing the trail of blood that was left behind. 


"Bit harsh don't you think?" 


"I hate the guy. What can I say?" I replied with a chuckle. 


"You just met him, how can you already hate him?" 


"It's his face… it makes me want to commit a war crime." 


"Is this one of those 'future knowledge' things you've mentioned in the past?" 


"More or less, yeah. In another timeline he would have killed a version of me before hunting you across the world for the sake of power." 


"I don't see you being beaten by anyone in the near future. You're disgustingly overpowered Blake, nothing short of a god would pose a challenge to you." 


"All in the name of making sure nothing threatens our future family." 


Selene gave me a soft smile, "And I love you for it. Now let's go find out what's so interesting in that hideout." 


While Selene went back into the house to grab her guns and a few magazines of ammo I turned my attention back to my notification screen. I had ignored the new notifications when I had finished up in the Special 'Dungeon' in favor of telling Selene about the sparkly dough bags I had met. 


Special Dungeon Cleared


Rewards Distributed 


+30 Levels


+2 Legendary Gacha Coins


I hummed at the 30 additional levels I had gained from clearing the dungeon. I had also gotten experience points from killing the Volturi members with the three co-leaders giving me the most experience at 50,000 each amounting to three levels from killing the three alone. It brought my total level gain to a whopping 133 levels putting me at 422. My Limitless perk had awarded me with a point in each basic stat for each level I had gained putting all my stats well over 2,000 each. 


Selene eventually came out of the front doors while throwing on her signature black coat. She had two modified Glock 18s holstered in each leg and a few spare mags in clips around her hip. Nodding in approval I pulled out my Bugatti from my inventory and went over to the driver side only for Selene to glare at me. 


"You're not driving until you get used to it again." 


"It'll be fine I swear…" 


She didn't seem amused, I sighed and tossed her the key fob. "Fine, I'll drive on the way back." 


"We'll see."

[Scene Break]

Amelia stepped off of the private jet that the Eastern Coven had chartered for her when she had contacted them. The last few days for her had been a whirlwind of madness that she didn't know what to make of. According to the few remaining survivors of the New World Coven, Selene and her mate had killed Viktor. Markus had freed himself before killing nearly everyone in the New World Coven. Markus was now missing, but Amelia had a feeling that the Elder was dead along with Viktor. 


When Lucian had attacked her train car she feared the worst when she was bitten by a Lycan. Only she woke up seemingly moments later to be confronted by both Selene and her mate. They had all but demanded that she speak with the Eastern Coven about Lucian and why the coven was after the Lycan. She wondered what Semira was up to. The regent she had appointed hadn't been one she picked; rather Semira was the only one she could appoint without seeming like she was favoring Thomas, who was her secret lover. She made her way down the runway escorted by a small group of Death Dealers led by Varga, the head of security for the Coven. 


"Lady Amelia, we have been waiting for word of your safe arrival." 


"I have been… indisposed until now. Tell me Varga, what is Semira doing sending men so far out of the Coven's jurisdiction to capture a supposed dead man?" 


"I don't know my Lady, she grows more arrogant by the day. I fear that she may try to usurp your position?" 


"And what has been done about this?" Amelia asked. 


"She has resisted all attempts to question her motives. She has even imprisoned a council member for supposedly trying to undermine her authority." 


Amelia hissed, she had a feeling she knew who exactly Semira had imprisoned. She didn't show any outward signs of emotion. Semira would answer for her actions one way or another. She just hoped that it wouldn't be too late when she arrived. Varga seemed a bit off when he spoke with her, she knew that Semira had a habit of seducing people to get her way. This made her wary of the fact that Varga might have been working for Semira to further her own agenda. 


The car ride to the Coven mansion was silent, she eyed her 'bodyguards' nervously. They spared very few glances her way. They eventually pulled up to the looming mansion where the shutters were slowly being lowered as the sun rose. 


Something was off, and Amelia knew it. Even if her name didn't hold the same weight as Viktor or Markus' she was still an Elder. The fact that there was hardly a reception gave away the current situation of the Coven. Her supposed guards didn't stand at her sides. They stood behind her, hands on their weapons as if escorting a prisoner. Amelia walked through the doors ready for a fight. 


The receiving room was cold, colder than it usually was. Semira stood in the center with a smile that made Amelia narrow her eyes at the woman. Behind Semira more guards streamed into the room armed to the teeth. 


"Ah, the prodigal Lady Amelia returns." 

Semira drawled. 


"What's going on here?" She tried to keep the anger from her voice. 


"What's going on is that you're to be put to trial. For the aid you have provided for our bitter enemies." 


"What? I did no such thing." 


"Really? Well, we'll have to see about that. Take her away." 


Semira spun on her heel and left the room. Amelia frowned as guards supposedly loyal to her as the head of the coven grabbed her arms and began to drag her to the dungeons. Amelia remained silent, thinking about what she could have possibly done to apparently "betray' the coven. 

[Scene Break]

The rogues hideout was actually relatively close to Lucian's original base of operations. The Cleaners had already come through by the look of things. Either that or Alruna and the rest of the pack somehow got rid of all the bodies. I could still smell the faint traces of blood in the air when Selene and I stepped through the doors. The idea that Cleaners had come by went out the window when I saw the makeshift lab set up inside. It almost looked like a meth lab with all the burners and beakers on the tables. On the walls were blackboards with formulas and equations that I didn't have the patience to figure out. What caught my interest was the name 'Corvinus' written in bold letters followed by a bunch of pictures of Lucian, myself, and one or two of Selene. Upon further inspection there was a list of businesses that I owned along with pages worth of information on my medical records. James was no doubt the source knowing that he had been in league with the rogues. 


"What do you make of all of this?" I asked Selene. 


"Looks like they've kept track of your family…" She muttered as she flipped through some papers. "They even have records of the procedure that Lucian did to try and become a hybrid." 


"That's what it looks like. I don't think they know that it didn't work out they way Lucian thought it would though." 


Selene got on a computer that the rogues left behind. "Looks like there's some emails between Marius and someone else that had an interest in your blood." 




"Yeah," Selene clicked around a bit. "They did a pretty good job at keeping themselves anonymous but given the attack by the unknown vampires I'm willing to bet that it was from that Coven." 


"The only major Covens left are the Nordic and Eastern Covens, and I don't think it was the Nordic coven. They're happy to keep to themselves." 


"Nordic Coven?" Selene said while looking up from the computer. 


"I guess you wouldn't know about them… they're a coven far up north, somewhere in Norway I think. Amelia had a hand in its creation." 


"Then Amelia may be in trouble." 


"Why do you think?" 


"Well, if she went to the Eastern Coven they may not be under her control anymore. I know how these people think Blake. The Elder's are basically gods to them, and if they went behind her back to sanction an attack we'll beyond their borders then…" 


"Someone may have already usurped her seat at the head." I finished for her. 


"That's what it sounds like." 


"Think we should check on her?" 


"That would be wise, she's the last Elder. Without her there would be a power vacuum that would result in unnecessary bloodshed."


"Alright then, we can go after I go beat the shit out of Marius." 


"You really hate him huh?" 


"What gave it away?" I chuckled. 


Turns out with my Skill that let me control water, I could boil someone's blood while it was still in their bodies. Among other methods that most definitely violated a lot of human rights, I also potentially committed several war crimes. Though I wasn't sure if they really applied to situations outside of war. Still, flaying a man alive before healing him only to flag him alive again was reason enough to get me thrown in jail, had I ever been caught. Seeing that the alleged torture happened on private property in a dungeon that didn't exist, I was scott free. 


Marius didn't last long, the would-be-villain didn't even spit at my feet while making promises to break free and exact revenge. The second I started peeling the second he squealed like a stuck pig. Apparently he had been in constant contact with the Eastern Coven and they had plotted to capture Lucian and Amelia but when they didn't find Amelia in the mansion, since she had still been a resident of my Inventory at the time, the Coven double crossed Marius. 


'Maybe sending Amelia to them wasn't such a great idea…'


I left the whimpering man in a pool of his own blood, locking the heavy titanium vault behind me. I left the dungeon and met with Selene at the entrance to my basement. 


"You're covered in blood love." She said with a small smile. 


"So I am," I cleared the blood with my water control skill. "We're gonna need to go to the Eastern Coven." 


"Amelia?" She asked. 


"While I hold no love for the Elders, she is someone that could bring real change. And we'll need someone to run this world for us while we're hopping through worlds."


"When do we leave?"