
Gamer Through The War-Verse

In the multiverse, dominated by countless wars, a young woman's fate takes an unexpected turn. Eleanor, a brilliant student and a devoted fan of War animas, finds herself reincarnated as the fourteen-year-old daughter of a prestigious noble family. Transmigrated into a reality mirroring the "Heavy Object" world, Eleanor discovers she has gained the extraordinary powers of the Gamer system, a gift from a mysterious force. The Gamer system grants her unique abilities, allowing her to view the world through a game-like interface, complete quests, level up, and acquire new skills. With her newfound abilities and her knowledge of warfare, Eleanor sets out on an incredible journey. Determined to make her mark in a world driven by military might and politics, she strives to revolutionize the way battles are fought using her understanding of the game mechanics and her sharp intellect. *** Gamer Through The War Worlds, is Eleanor's journey in a blend of military and strategic war universe. ***

EchoingDusk · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter:2 System Explained

She locked the door and sat down on her bed.

The situation was getting increasingly out of control and she hadn't the slightest idea of what the situation itself was.

In her tensed concentration, she stared hard at the floor, and suddenly a loud voice sounded in front of her as the screen lit up again.



A Skill Has Been Created Due To Continued Special Actions.]

[Through continued observation, you have created the skill 'Observe']

She panicked at the sudden noise and once again her hand gripped the lamp.

[Object: Dented Iron Lamp

Durability: 15/20]


Dim Light (Level 1)

Emits a soft, dim light that creates a cozy ambiance.]

'The hell's going on here.'

Once again, her mind couldn't comprehend what was going on. Perhaps it was her jumbled memory of two lives gnawing away at her memory to settle in or perhaps it was simply the little girl's thinking capacity that didn't go beyond her lavish room.

As she stared at the screen, a sudden idea popped into her mind. She looked at her hands and muttered observe,

[Character: Eleanor Marlow

Level: 1

Experience Points: 0/100

Health Points (HP): 80/100 (due to recent injuries)

Mana Points (MP):  50/70 (due to recent injuries)


STR: 8

DEX: 8

VIT: 9

INT: 11

WIS: 12

LUK: 10


Money: 1,000,000 TC]

Well, that's weird, what the hell is TC?

She clicked on the TC tab and it further expanded into another tab.

[Technium Credits (TC):

Overview: Technium Credits (TC) is a universally recognized digital currency. It operates on a secure, decentralized digital platform, allowing for fast and secure transactions across borders and between nations.]

Now that was neat!

She rejoiced at the simple explanation provided by the stat sheet. 

Now that she knows that minor tabs can be opened, she decided to click through all the tabs. 

She clicked on her name,

[Eleanor Marlow:

Eleanor Marlow, the rebellious daughter of the Marlow noble family. Raised in opulence and privilege, her rebellious spirit knows no bounds. Her recent brush with danger seems to have changed her nature, however, whether the changes are for good or bad remains to be seen. ]

Looks like she's a spoiled brat from a rich family, probably rebellious just for the sake of escaping from the monotonous household. Something that Eleanor (Of the last world) would sympathize with greatly.

Now for the stats themselves.


Strength represents raw physical power and muscle, influencing melee combat, lifting capacity, and overall physical prowess. Characters with higher strength can deliver powerful blows and endure more physical stress.]


Dexterity reflects speed, reflexes, and nimbleness. It impacts evasion, quick movements, and dexterity. Characters with higher dexterity can dodge attacks, maneuver swiftly, and display finesse in their actions.]


Vitality signifies endurance, resilience, and overall health. It affects the character's ability to withstand damage, recover from injuries, and endure physical strain. A higher vitality grants more staying power in battles and challenging situations.]


Intelligence measures cognitive abilities, problem-solving skills, and knowledge. It influences strategic thinking, learning speed, and the complexity of tasks a character can handle. Higher intelligence grants an edge in planning and adapting to new situations.]


Wisdom represents insight, intuition, and practical application of knowledge. It affects decision-making, judgment, and perception. Characters with higher wisdom often make better choices and understand the consequences of their actions.]


Luck is the element of chance and fortune that can influence outcomes. It plays a role in critical hits, evading unexpected dangers, finding valuable items, and other random events. Characters with higher luck might experience more favorable circumstances.]

Neat and sweet! So basically it was like a gamer's stats.

Now that she thinks about it, the word 'Gamer' does ring a bell. Where had she heard it before?

After several seconds of not being able to remember, she gave it up in favor of a more pressing issue.

[Experience Points (XP):

Experience points are earned by characters for completing quests, overcoming challenges, and gaining new skills or abilities. Accumulating XP allows characters to level up and improve their overall capabilities.]

[Health Points (HP):

Health points represent a character's physical well-being or vitality. They decrease when the character takes damage. HP is crucial for survival in combat and other perilous situations.]

[Mana Points (MP):

Mana points represent a character's magical energy or ability to use spells, abilities, or other supernatural powers. Using magical abilities consumes MP.]

[Attribute Points(Points):

Attribute points allow characters to increase their base attributes like strength, agility, intelligence, etc. These points are usually earned upon leveling up and are allocated to enhance specific traits.]

[Currency (Gold, Credits, etc.):

Currency points represent the character's wealth or purchasing power within the game world. They are used to buy items, equipment, services, or other resources.]

That's better!

Now where the hell can she find the skill tab?

'Skill tab, can't see anywhe...'

Just as she was wondering and mumbling about the tab in her mind, a green screen flickered into light. However, her thoughts were on something else entirely.

'So I 'CAN' say the commands in my head. Good thing I don't have to go around mumbling weird shit and getting weirder looks.'

[Skill Name: The Gamer's Mind

Skill Level: MAX (Passive)

Description: The Gamer's Mind is a unique and potent skill granted to the player upon acquiring the ability to perceive the world as if it were a video game. It represents a remarkable mental state that allows the player to approach situations with a strategic, calm, and focused mindset, akin to a seasoned gamer |>


[Skill Name: The Gamer's Body

Skill Level: MAX (Passive)

Description: The Gamer's Body is a foundational skill that enhances and transforms the player's physical form, aligning it with the mechanics of a video game. This skill has a profound effect on the player's body, allowing them to adapt, improve, and recover at an accelerated rate compared to a regular person |>]

[Skill Name: Skill Creation

Skill Level: MAX (Passive)

Description: The Skill Creation skill is a unique and powerful ability that enables one to devise, formulate, and craft one's custom skills. It operates on the principle of adaptability and creativity, allowing one to tailor abilities to one's specific needs and circumstances.]

[Skill Name: Observe

Level: 1/10 (Active)

Description: The "Observe" skill grants the ability to analyze and scrutinize the world in greater detail. Through focused concentration and observation, one can gain valuable information about various aspects of the environment, including objects, creatures, and people. The information obtained through this skill can range from general details to specific strengths, weaknesses, abilities, and properties.]

[Physical Endurance:

Level: 1/100 (Active)

Physical Endurance represents a fundamental capability of a character to withstand physical stress, fatigue, and exertion for extended periods. This skill allows the character to push their body to its limits and endure various physically demanding activities without succumbing to exhaustion quickly.


3% Reduction In Damage Taken From Physical Attacks.]


Was all she could think. Or perhaps it had been after she reincarnated that the system had registered her as a player and therefore she had no skill other than the very basics.

Anyways, why was this skill called Gamer's mind turned off, she couldn't help but think what would happen if she turned it on. And she did exactly that,




Just as she turned the skill on, her head jerked to a halt. Her eyes glazed over as the skill assisted in processing the jumbled memories that were slowly turning her brain into mush.

[Memory Integration Underway

1% -> 2% -> 3% ->… 98% -> 99% -> 100%

Memory Integration Completed]

A steady stream of refined memory flowed through her brain.


Roughly Thirty-nine years ago, she was born in a middle-class family. Completed Primary, Secondary, and Senior Education at a relatively well-known campus. Graduated at the top of the class, and received several offers from well-known universities to complete her higher education but opted for military school. Three years later, she graduated with honors and entered the army as an officer.

Climbed the ranks and participated in several scientific researches to create and test weaponry. Finally, at the age of twenty-five, she was court-martialed for inclining too much towards the warpath, and because she gave orders that caused heavy military and civilian loss to the hostile nation. Also, she ordered the execution of a platoon-sized unit due to their act of defying orders and retreating before the enemy. 

All this led to a rather strict case against her and she was demoted from an officer to a grunt. One year later, she was shuffling through classified documents when she was assigned top-up duty (Loading out ammunition). During her duty, she fell asleep due to boredom, and a Main Battle Tank (MBT) whose navigation system had gone haywire, ran over the tent she was working in, making red jelly out of a military genius. 

As for what happened after that, it was a mystery in itself. She found herself drifting in an endless dark abyss, constantly on the verge of being sucked into the chasm but always surviving it somehow.