
Day 2: The Plan

I regret to have ever thought that the time spent inside the cell was boring. It was a paradise in confront to what expected me outside of it!

I was woken up by the old woman from the day before, she didn't even look at me straight and just ordered me to get out.

<Mission: Survive The Transfer!>

The message from the System made me feel a bit preoccupied. Survive the transfer? Why? There was some danger lurking around me? I was pretty upset by the message. I started to look around with suspicion while the old woman led me outside the structure where I passed the night. The place looked like a dungeon of some sort, with a dozen other cells like the one that I slept in.

Obviously, I didn't forget to try and order the System to scan the old woman.

<Name: ???>

<Level: 2>

<Exp: ??>

<Vitality 30>

<Endurance 30>

<Dexterity 20>

<Strenght 50>

<Intelligence 30>

Her stats were exaggerated! She could take me on at any given time and I could do nothing to defend myself against such a powerful body.

I followed in silence, not daring to disobey to such a dangerous person. After a few minutes walking towards the surface on a stone stairway, we arrived on a small yard surrounded by large buildings made of dark wood.

She brought me towards a large structure in wood, the farthest one from the yard. Even before I entered I smelled a disgusting odor coming from the building.

At the door, there were two women wearing masks. Both of them were extremely beautiful: one had long violet hair and the other wore a large cap that covered her head completely.

I tried to scan them with the System, but I received an error.

<Error, the target is protected by energy shiedl>

Was this a perk of being a witch? I remembered how their power worked, at least I remembered how they were supposed to work according to Release that Wich. Probably the System couldn't scan them because they are too strong.

The old woman pointed towards the two guardians and then kneeled in deference. I stood there not knowing what to do for a moment, but then seeing the worsening look on the two witches I understood that they expected the same courtesy from me too.

I tried to replicate the old woman's gesture the best I could, but from the disgusted looks that I got in exchange for my hard effort, it didn't seem like they appreciated it.

The old woman was given the permission to excuse herself, while I was ignored for another couple of minutes. Finally, one of the two women - the one with the large hat - seemed to have it enough of me. She gave me a contemptuous look, then started knocking on the door behind her. Or, more precisely, making a branch of a tree growing next to her knock on the door behind her.

<Mission: Survive The Transfer Completed!>

<+30 Experience>

The System awarded me experience, probably because I managed to not get murdered by these blood hungry witches. It wasn't enough to make me level up, but still, it was better than nothing.

A young boy came out from the building following the signal of the guards. He looked at me, signaling me to come with him.

I did what I was told.

The inside of the wooden structure was absolutely abhorrent: people were crammed into different wooden rooms. It remembered me of the pictures of those Nazi concentration camps that I saw growing up.

The boy disappeared after he let me enter, leaving me there alone. However, that didn't last for long: a loud laugh came from behind me as someone gave me a strong pat on the back. It turned out to be a friend of mine, or better a friend of Malachai.

He was a large man with a square looking face and a strong body. He was worried about me, he said. The people of the group had almost started to think that it was better to call off the plan.

I had no idea about what he was talking about. The plan? What plan?