
Day 1: Character Sheet

So, let's talk about my first day in this damned world more in detail. I think that the previous owner of this body that I'm using died under the shock of the sudden whip attack.

Who dies under a single strike of whip, you might ask? Well, that's where your wrong! It wasn't a simple whip. It was one of those odious abilities that these freaks of nature have.

The slave-monitor, Carlotta, is a sadistic crazy person. She can generate long threads of electrical current, and loves using her ability to randomly whip people.

Now, everybody knows that you shouldn't play with electricity. This madwoman missed the memo. She continuously attacked random people, men as women until they were a single breath away from dying. It was only a question of time before someone died under her senseless violence.

Someone had to die sooner or later.

Fate made this person to be the previous owner of the body I'm now inhabiting, a certain Malachai. The poor man had been a slave since birth, constantly tortured and abused by an army of psychotic magic users.

However, this is not the diary of the poor little and dead Malachai. It's mine.

After having been received into this cruel world by a painful attack, I had also my first encounter with the System. Of course, I have a System. Where do you think I'm storing all this writing?

The first thing that it did was to reduce my HP (Vitality) to half and to make my resistance ( Endurance) grow a little bit. Then I blacked out, overwhelmed by the pain.

I only awoke hours after that. I was in a dirty and smelly bed of straw, and an old woman was looking at me with a concerned look on her face from up close. When she saw me recover she seemed to immediately lose interest and backed away as fast as possible.

I looked her move towards a prison door, opening it and getting out from the room I was in, closing the door behind her with a bang. I would learn later that she cared little for me, she only didn't want to have another death appearing on her work curriculum. Plus that wasn't a room, it was a cell. A slave cell.

I tried to move and my body obeyed, not feeling any of the pain that caused me to completely lose my senses.

<You rested and gained +5 Vitality>

<Rest Bonus = +20% Experience for 4 hours>

I was quite confused at first, but after having assimilated the memories of the precedent owner, I understood what was happening.

So cliché.

I opened the System menu, trying to get a sense of what broken and overpowered ability it had. The only thing that I was able to activate was my character sheet.

<Name: Remi>

<Level: 0

<Exp: 0/100>

<Vitality 10>

<Endurance 5.2>

<Dexterity 5>

<Strenght 5>

<Intelligence 20>

I didn't know if my abilities were respectable or completely shit. I immediately thought that I should have tried to ask the system the power level of the old lady that was creepy looking at me when I woke up. However now she was long gone.

Then I saw a disgusting cockroach moving around the cell. Without thinking about it twice, I immediately tried to scan it.

<Name: black roach>

<Level: 0

<Exp: ??>

<Vitality 1>

<Endurance 1>

<Dexterity 0.5>

<Strenght 0.5>

<Intelligence 0.1>

I immediately realized that my stats were completely disgusting. I needed to level up. And quickly. The rest of the day was pretty boring: while nobody asked me to work or even tried to talk to me, I couldn't go outside my cell.

Pretty boring.

Next chapter