
Day 3: Escape

As it turns out, the plan is to escape.

At least it's what I gathered from the discussion between the people in the cramped wooden room.

It's supposed to be tomorrow morning, that's why they were worried about my little misadventure.

No, they don't seem to care much about me, they just didn't want me to panic and alert the witches to their plan. Now that I'm back, nobody cares anymore. The people in the group don't seem that close to each other. Which, was a good thing as it can help me pass unnoticed.

Today seemed to be our group's ferial day. Not because we as slaves need ferial days, but because the witch that control us is entitled to one. We rest when she rests.

So I passed the whole day in the cramped room, listening to the people talking. When the night came, a young woman with a vicious wound on her face stood up at the center of the room and started to go over the details of the plan.

I learned that we're in a very far region east, a long way from the Great Cities. We're here as an expedition to establish a new outpost in these savage eastern lands.

This information helped me understand something about the period I'm in. This is probably the golden era of the witches, when they dominated the entire human race and lived in huge fortified cities.

The fact that witches are looking for new territories in the East, could mean that the Demons have already attacked. I tried to ask around about that, but no one seemed to understand what I was talking about. Maybe I'm wrong about that. Let's hope that I'm wrong.

It's already disheartening living in a world where superheroes exist but they all want to enslave you. I don't need to also add creepy demon armies to the mix.

But let's not digress that much, let's go back to the night meeting!

Obviously, all the people here think that escaping it's a great idea. They all believe that we have a great chance to succeed. We are far from the lands that the witches dominate and there aren't that many people looking after us. If we can manage to overwhelm the slave-ward that's assigned to control our work, we will have a real chance to escape in the boundless forest around the outpost!

Who would find us then?

I nodded in agreement with the other people to not let them think that I changed my mind after the beating that I took.

In reality, I think this plan is very stupid and will get us all killed. A bunch of malnourished normal people fighting against a woman that could literally summon whips of solid electricity? Not the best plan.

However, I have no idea of what these crazy witches could do if I just try to confess my way out of this situation. Maybe they will kill me with the other rebels. They don't seem to value our lives at all, so it's very probable that I'll get murdered with the others.

Probably they will do so just to be sure. Ah, it sucks.

The system has given me two new quests.

The first one "Escape Slavery" is worth 500 exp! The second one: "Snitch on the Rebels", only 50. Maybe the System is trying to tell me that it is better to follow the first route?

I don't know. I'll wait until tomorrow to decide.