
Gamer of the Sea

Jack was what many would call a "Jack of all trades" funny considering his name, an all rounder but not particularly good at any one thing. He loved the entire series of Magi well at least the anime he could never get around to reading the manga. At least not before dying and reincarnating as one of his all time favorite characters Sinbad with a gamer system. {I own nothing} {Inconsistent upload schedule} {Heavily AU}

Gamer_Guy_8282 · Anime & Comics
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Tutorial and Home Invaders

Me and papa made our way home and after some scolding by my mother, he promised to always make sure to check his boat for me.

after dinner we all went to bed, but as I was drifting off System spoke up

[System has deemed area a {SAFE ZONE}, begin tutorial?] [Y] [N]

Silently I pressed yes

[Main quest:

Complete the tutorial!

Grade: F

Details: Host needs to be aware of how to use the system for future growth.

Objective: Complete the tutorial {Title: Newbie (Upgradeable)} ]

[Welcome to the tutorial!]

[Host please think or say STATUS to open your status]

I silently thought 'Status'


Name: Sinbad

Health: 100/100 {4 Hp per 1 min} (Vit × 5 = Total Hp) (Vit ÷ 5 = Regen)

Magoi: {LOCKED}

Age: 3 Years | Race: High Human

Class: Civilian | LV: 3/10 | EXP: 0/40

Titles: {Child of Destiny: Gives Skill: Destiny's Blessing}, {Destined Ruler of the Seven Seas: Promotes growth of sea based skills}, {Gamer: Gives Skills: Gamers Body, Gamers Mind}


{Str: A representation of Hosts total physical strength} : 2 {6 pounds} (Str × 3 = Total force)

{Dex: A representation of Hosts total speed and reaction time}: 2 {4 Mph} (Dex × 2 = Total speed)

{Vit: A representation of Hosts total life-force}: 20

{Int: A representation of Hosts ability to learn}: 15

{Wis: A representation of Hosts life experiences and ability to use knowledge}: 3 {10}

{Luk: A concept that many hate and love}: ???

Stat Points: 3

Skills -

{Gamer's Mind: Allows Host to stay calm under all circumstances and nullifies mental attacks}

{Gamer's Body: Allows Host to live like reality is a game}

{Unparalleled Genius: Host is a genius this skill give higher analyzing capabilities than ones intelligence stat would suggest also raises intelligence stat growth}

{Destiny's Blessing: Allows Host to fight against the ' Waves of Life ' without any repercussions}

{Sneak: Hosts ability to hide whether that be in a crowd or in a dark alley this skill covers it all}

LV: 6/100 (Limited)

{Navigation: Hosts ability to locate where they are in the world and navigate to other locations}

LV: 1/15

{Waves of Life: An ability that allows the Host to see where destiny is headed} LV: 3/REDACTED ]

' These descriptions are incredibly vague so either System can't tell me or is hiding stuff from me- '

At those thoughts System spoke up again

[+1 to Wis]

' So System gave me rewards for questioning it? '

And again System spoke up

[Stats can be raised by two methods 1. Training in that particular stat 2. Using stat points gained from leveling up]

' Interesting '

[The status window works on intent so if in the middle of combat you think of the word status it won't show up and distract you]

' Combat? ' I thought worriedly

[Host please think or say QUESTS]

' Quests '


Daily Quests- None

Side Quests- None

Main Quests- Complete the tutorial*! ]

[Quests are also based on intent as to not limit the Hosts choices in anyway]

[Host please think or say INVENTORY]

' Inventory '

[Inventory: None ]

[The Inventory can store an infinite amount of items as long as the object isn't alive]

[For an item to be stored in the inventory a couple conditions must be met 1. Host must be in contact with the object being stored 2. Any objects with sentience/attached to an object must be willing to be put in the inventory]

' How can an object be conscious but not alive? '

despite my question System continued to talk

[Host please think or say SETTINGS]

' Settings '


Difficulty: Hard {LOCKED}

Sound: [ON ✓ ] [OFF]

Suggestion Mode: [ON ✓ ] [OFF]

System Voice: [ON ✓ ] [OFF] ]

[The Settings page currently has 4 options more can be unlocked through difficult quests and challenges]

[Difficulty is locked as host cannot change the difficulty of a world halfway through it any future worlds will allow Host to choose their difficulties]

[Hard is the second hardest game difficulty. The hardest difficulty can only be unlocked when Host has beaten 3 hard level worlds]

" What? " I said before quickly shutting my mouth

' There are other worlds out there? Why haven't I heard of them? '

System as always ignored my question before moving on

[This has been the tutorial. When the Host unlocks more features this quest can be reinitiated]

[Completed Main Quest: Complete the Tutorial!

Grade: F

Objective: Complete the Tutorial

Details: Host needs to be aware of how to use the system for future growth.

Objective: Complete the tutorial ✓ {Title: Newbie (Upgradeable)} ]

As the tutorial finished I couldn't help but think of the possibilities and questions I still had. All of this could wait until tomorrow.

_POV Narrator_

Sinbad fell into a deep and soothing sleep away from the days stressful events.

As he slept his father contemplated wondering if he should leave his home country as this war would destroy his family if they lost or where forced into a stalemate.

He however understood that as a man that knew a lot of military secrets that if he left he would probably hunted down along with his family.

He couldn't decide yet.

_POV Sinbad_

Convincing mama to go and let me play outside was probably the hardest thing to do ever, especially after yesterdays events however she eventually allowed it but she also told me that if I have even a scratch on me once I got home she would kill me herself.

Understandably I was super cautious about anything I did the rest of the day.

-Time Skip: 1 Year-

I slowed my breathing as the deer silently walked up to the river taking a cautious glace around before leaning down and taking a drink. My makeshift bow an arrow notched waiting for the perfect moment.

As the deer relaxes slightly more I release my arrow, it travels through the air fast as the wind before stabbing into the eye of the deer it's body as if not realizing it was dead moved as to run before slumping onto the ground a notification popping up within my vision.

[+5 EXP]

As I silently read this I willed my status to appear


Name: Sinbad

Health: 100/100 {4 Hp per 1 min} (Vit × 5 = Total Hp) (Vit ÷ 5 = Regen)

Magoi: {LOCKED}

Age: 4 Years | Race: High Human

Class: Civilian | LV: 9/10 | EXP: 45/100

Titles: Child of Destiny*, Destined Ruler of the Seven Seas*, Gamer*, Newbie (Upgradeable)


Str*: 10 {30 pounds} (Str × 3 = Total force)

Dex*: 10 {20 Mph} (Dex × 2 = Total speed)

Vit*: 20

Int*: 18

Wis*: 7 {10}

Luk*: ???

Stat Points: 9

Skills -

Gamer's Mind*

Gamer's Body*

Unparalleled Genius*

Destiny's Blessing*

Sneak* LV: 15/100 (Limited)

Navigation* LV: 8/15

Waves of Life* LV: 5/REDACTED

Archery* LV: 25/300

Crafting* LV: 30/REDACTED

Hunting* LV: 10/100 (Limited)

Dissection* LV: 5/20 (Limited) ]

My progress has been pretty good through this year unfortunately I seem to have hit a stump, as my skills seem to have stopped leveling up altogether I have some guesses as to why but nothing has been confirmed yet.

I have however confirmed that the System isn't sentient at least not fully it seems to work on preexisting orders and commands, meaning whatever or whoever made it either A. can't change it on the fly or B. they simply aren't observing me.

However suggestion mode seems to carry with it a small form of sentience not enough to actually speak to me but it seems to analyze every detail I personally know to come up with a suggestion for the problem presented.

I silently pulled up my quest board to check my progress.


Daily Quests- Daily Workout* ✓

Side Quests-

Hunting: Hunt several medium sized creatures 4/10

Grade: F+

Reward: +1 level to Hunting, 10 EXP

Main Quests- Survive the War* ]

I have recently started hunting to get EXP, apparently the only two ways to get EXP are quests and killing things which is very ominous.

I walk quickly walk over to the deer beginning to disembowel it and then skinning it and then finally storing my bow and the deer carcass.



Bow (Common) × 2

Arrows (Common) × 49

Stone Dagger (Garbage) × 1


Deer Meat (Common) × 2

Deer Meat (Garbage) × 1

Rabbit Meat (Common) × 18

Rabbit Meat (Garbage) × 12


Deer Pelt (Common) × 1

Deer Pelt (Garbage) × 2

Rabbit Pelt (Common) × 11

Rabbit Pelt (Garbage) × 19 ]

I finally got a common grade deer pelt, every time I hunted deer I would accidently completely destroy their pelt bunny pelts are easy as I only had to set a trap and they would inevitably be caught.

Finally home I made my way inside only to remember that in a week would be my fifth birthday, and for some reason I was incredibly excited it's not like we would celebrate.

I shook my head before calling out " Hello is anyone home " no one responded however which is really strange usually mom is home all day medieval ages for you...

Wait what does that mean?

Before I could continue to think I heard a strange noise from the dining area.

Quietly grabbing the stone dagger from my inventory, I snuck down the hall peeking around a corner seeing two uninvited guests in our house looking for something one whispered to the other " This guy has to have money hidden in here somewhere " the other guy whispered back " Isn't he supposed to be some big shot war hero or something " the other guy sneered before responding

" Yeah I bet the military payed him a lot to not leek any military secrets " The other man again spoke up " If we're going to be stealing from them then why not just ambush them once they get home, then we could have 'FUN' with his wife " My blood felt like it was boiling as a quest suddenly appeared in my vision.

[Side Quest:

Kill the Burglars

Grade: D+

Details: Two burglars have broken into the Hosts home and plan to capture and take advantage of Hosts family kill them for their evil intentions.

Objective: Kill the burglars 0/2 {Class Token × 1}

Bonus Objective 1: Make them regret their decisions {Bow of Regret (Uncommon) × 1}

Bonus Objective 2: Leave no evidence behind {Skill: Cleaning}

Bonus Objective 3: Find out who sent them {+ 55 EXP} ]

[Accept?] [Y] [N]

I hesitantly pressed [Y]

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