
Gamer of the Sea

Jack was what many would call a "Jack of all trades" funny considering his name, an all rounder but not particularly good at any one thing. He loved the entire series of Magi well at least the anime he could never get around to reading the manga. At least not before dying and reincarnating as one of his all time favorite characters Sinbad with a gamer system. {I own nothing} {Inconsistent upload schedule} {Heavily AU}

Gamer_Guy_8282 · Anime & Comics
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System and Time Skip

_POV System_

[Booting up...]

[Binding to Host]


[Bound to Host]

[Detecting best course of action...]

[Determined best approach is to repress Hosts memories until the age of 5 {Human years}]


_POV Sinbad_

I have been gathering my bearings for quite awhile, I seem to have been reincarnated into one of my favorite characters of all time Sinbad. I presume I'm in the world of Magi but I need to investigate mo-

_POV Narrator_

Before Sinbad could even finish his train of thought the system repressed his memories, It however still operated perfectly fine even if he had no memories of how to operate it.

Sinbad was now a perfectly normal baby at least in mindset... well partially.

-Time Skip: 3 years-

_POV Sinbad_

As papa went towards his fishing boat I followed silently behind, System was helping me with that a sudden impute from System interrupted my train of thought

[Sneak has leveled up]

I don't think anyone else has System as when I asked mama and papa they both assumed I was just playing. Either way it doesn't matter right now as I silently pulled up my status window.


Name: Sinbad

Health: 100/100 {4 Hp per min} (Vit × 5 = Total Hp) (Vit ÷ 5 = Regen)

Magoi: {LOCKED}

Age: 3 Years | Race: High Human

Class: Civilian | LV: 0/10 | EXP: 0/10

Titles: Child of Destiny*, Destined Ruler of the Seven Seas*, Gamer*


Str*: 2 {6 pounds} (Str × 3 = Total force)

Dex*: 2 {4 Mph} (Dex × 2 = Total speed)

Vit*: 20

Int*: 15

Wis*: 3 {10}

Luk*: ???

Skills -

Gamer's Mind*

Gamer's Body*

Unparalleled Genius*

Destiny's Blessing*

Sneak* LV: 6/100 (Limited) ]

Finding out anything about System seemed to be an uphill battle, the only reason I knew about status is because System asked me to open it.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts as I watched papa prepare his boat before going into a nearby restaurant for breakfast.

I quickly jumped in his boat and hid under the fishing net trying to get out to sea. Papa had gotten really good at finding me as I often tried to sneak onboard to go to sea.

My head began to feel heavy as the salty smell of the sea lulled me into a deep sleep.

_POV Sinbad: 30 minutes later_

This feeling... why is it so familiar?

Like it's always around..?

Before I could grasp the feeling I woke up to papa speaking " - and see that beautiful face of hers " before he could finish his sentence I jumped on him yelling " PAPA " he seemed confused and quickly shouted out " SINBAD what are you doing here? " he quickly picked me up and spun me around in the air.

" How did you sneak on board? " he asked curiously " I snuck on while you got breakfast! " my pride clear in my voice for sneaking past him.

As he lifted me in the air again I felt as if something was approaching and my fathers horrified face confirmed it, I turned my head around seeing a storm approach.

System suddenly spoke up

[Emergency Quest:

Survive the Storm

Grade: E

Details: A storm is approaching threatening to destroy your boat and strand you at sea, possibly killing you

Objective: Survive {Tutorial about basic functions}

Bonus Objective 1: Help the boat survive {+3 Levels, Skill: Navigation}

Bonus Objective 2: Awaken ????? ?? ???? {+2 levels to ????? ?? ????} ]

[Accept?] [Y] [N]

" What is a quest? " I asked out loud

Papa looked at me strangely before shaking his head and seemingly hardening his resolve.

" Sinbad hold onto one of the seats I'll try and get us away from the storm " As papa helplessly fought against the sea to try and escape the storm System spoke up once again.

[Determined Host has no way of knowing whether to accept or decline quest]

[Suggestion mode activated automatically (Enter settings to deactivate)]

[System suggests Host accept the quest]

I am pretty surprised that System just started talking. Usually the only time System speaks it's about sneak leveling up.

I do trust System so lets just go with yes

[Detected Host has selected Yes]

I was torn from my thoughts as a wave nearly threw me off the boat, we are in the center of the storm now and that feeling appeared again one that has always been there under the surface.

Like the world is made of... waves?

That's not possible though. So maybe something about... well everything reminds me of waves?

What about everything reminds me about waves? Maybe the unpredictableness of reality and the people within it.

No that doesn't feel right, it feels like everyone and everything is being tossed around like a boat at sea...

A sudden word I didn't recognize popped into my head... Destiny?

I saw that on my status-


Name: Sinbad

Health: 100/100 {4 Hp per 1 min} (Vit × 5 = Total Hp) (Vit ÷ 5 = Regen)

Magoi: {LOCKED}

Age: 3 Years | Race: High Human

Class: Civilian | LV: 0/10 | EXP: 0/10

Titles: Child of Destiny*, Destined Ruler of the Seven Seas*, Gamer*


Str*: 2 {6 pounds} (Str × 3 = Total force)

Dex*: 2 {4 Mph} (Dex × 2 = Total speed)

Vit*: 20

Int*: 15

Wis*: 3 {10}

Luk*: ???

Skills -

Gamer's Mind*

Gamer's Body*

Unparalleled Genius*

Destiny's Blessing*

Sneak* LV: 6/100 (Limited) ]

What does the little star next to the words mean anyway?

Clicking on a star next to the title ' Child of Destiny ' brought up a smaller window

[Child of Destiny:

Gives Skill: Destiny's Blessing ]

I raise an eyebrow before clicking the star next to the skill destiny's blessing

[Destiny's Blessing:

Allows Host to fight against the ' Waves of Life ' without any repercussions] My eyes fluttered over the text before sticking to a few words ' Waves of Life ' is that what I had been feeling?

The sudden realization seemed to have awakened something within me.

My vision changed and shifted and I saw a clear path in the opposite direction papa was going. I quickly latched onto him and climbed up to his ear saying

" Papa not this way, That way " he seemed to contemplate for a moment before going in the direction I pointed towards.

_POV Narrator_

As Batr rowed in the direction his son indicated he couldn't help but think himself a fool, after all the direction his son had pointed was back towards the storm however for some odd reason he felt trust in his son's words.

And as if magic the waves seemed to work with his rowing quickly propelling them a safe distance from the storm.

_POV Sinbad_

As we escaped from the storm System said a lot of things

[Completed Emergency quest: Survive the Storm

Grade: E

Details: A storm is approaching threatening to destroy your boat and strand you at sea, possibly killing you

Objective: Survive ✓ {Tutorial about basic functions}

Bonus Objective 1: Help the boat survive ✓ {+3 Levels, Skill: Navigation}

Bonus Objective 2: Awaken Waves of Life ✓ {+2 levels to Waves of Life} ]

[Tutorial will begin when Host is in safe area]

Quickly pulling up status I was underwhelmed by the changes


Name: Sinbad

Health: 100/100 {4 Hp per 1 min} (Vit × 5 = Total Hp) (Vit ÷ 5 = Regen)

Magoi: {LOCKED}

Age: 3 Years | Race: High Human

Class: Civilian | LV: 3/10 | EXP: 0/40

Titles: Child of Destiny*, Destined Ruler of the Seven Seas*, Gamer*


Str*: 2 {6 pounds} (Str × 3 = Total force)

Dex: 2 {4 Mph} (Dex × 2 = Total speed)

Vit*: 20

Int*: 15

Wis*: 3 {10}

Luk*: ???

Stat Points: 3

Skills -

Gamer's Mind*

Gamer's Body*

Unparalleled Genius*

Destiny's Blessing*

Sneak* LV: 6/100 (Limited)

Navigation* LV: 1/15

Waves of Life* LV: 3/REDACTED ]

Why is the level cap for the Waves of Life re- redacted?

And what does redacted mean?

Leave any ideas for the story in the comments!

Gamer_Guy_8282creators' thoughts