
Gamer of the Sea

Jack was what many would call a "Jack of all trades" funny considering his name, an all rounder but not particularly good at any one thing. He loved the entire series of Magi well at least the anime he could never get around to reading the manga. At least not before dying and reincarnating as one of his all time favorite characters Sinbad with a gamer system. {I own nothing} {Inconsistent upload schedule} {Heavily AU}

Gamer_Guy_8282 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Dangerous Quest

My breathing slowed to a near stand still the intruders oblivious to me being in the room with them began to discus their plan.

" Here's what I think we should do " said Goon #1 " we wait for them all to get home " Goon #2 nodded and spoke " then? "

Goon #1 paused for a moment before replying " that's my entire plan though? "

At that statement I felt my eyebrows twitch ' Is Goon #1 stupid or something? ' Goon #2 replied to the presumed idiot " That's your entire plan? " Goon #1 began saying something but I began to tune them out.

They need to die for even thinking about doing that to my mom so how should I do it?

I also would like to get those bonus objectives, maybe I could scare them out of town and follow them then torture and eventually kill them?

It sounds like a good idea but I have absolutely no experience killing or torturing people.

So should I just knock them out? Taking a closer look at them Goon #2 was incredibly small and skinny while goon #1 is his exact opposite big and... round?

Anyway it seems like #1 will be hard to knock out while #2 seems like they would be easy, however my gut is giving me a different feeling and my skill is also showing me what a bad path attacking Goon #2 first is.

Looking around for an object to knock them out with I saw my dads old scimitar if I leave the sheath on then it should just knock them out... maybe... hopefully... probably?

As I sneaked closer to Goon #1 they began to move to certain positions around the house however that didn't matter as I moved behind Goon #1 and... " THUNK "

Goon #1 fell to the ground unconscious as #2 saw me stand over his body.

#2 didn't even make a sound before he pulled out a knife and jumped at me, I hardily dogged out of the way as he stabbed at where my heart was a moment ago.

As I concentrate on dodging he continues to send a flurry of stabs and slashes in my direction, having barely any time to dodge them I don't know how to counter attack here, at least not while staying non-lethal.

My thoughts are interrupted as Goon #2 stops swinging and finally speaks up

" Can you stop dodging you little freak? " he asked in an annoyed tone before speaking again

" What are you like five... six? How are you dodging all of my attacks? " I stayed silent for a moment before speaking " Huh? " Goon #2 looked annoyed and shook his head before moving towards me " You're nothing but a little brat so how did you knock out the boss? " I just watched as he got even closer but he stopped just out of arms reach ' Dammit ' he spoke again " Nice... what's that things name again? Sword? No that's not right scimitar? Yeah that's it! " He moved forward again barely within arms reach but close enough he speaks up again " You should just surrendur- " before he could even finish his sentence the dagger from my inventory appeared in my hand and slashed through his throat and blood splashed across my face as he jumped back in surprise before realizing what I had done, it was however to late as he slumped to the ground blood pooling around his nearly dead body. His eyes gazed into mine as the weight of what I had just done hit me.

-Time Skip: 20 Minutes-

_POV Goon #1_

Waking up confused, tied up, and in a... tent isn't exactly the best circumstances especially after breaking into some war hero's house to steal his money and rape his wife.

A flash of light form the tent flap opening caught my attention as a... child walked in?

What the hell??

Didn't the home owner catch me? Why would they send a child in with a criminal?

The child spoke up " Hello my name is Sinbad and I will be asking you a few questions! "

Before the child could begin to ask his questions I spoke up " Hey kid where am I? " the kid seemed to be annoyed at my question.

_POV Sinbad_

Ohhh! This piece of garbage isn't taking me seriously huh!?

_POV Narrator_

Goon #1 soon came to regret his decision as the 'child' mercilessly tortured him, he eventually relented and told that... thing who sent them.

" We were sent by a general of Parthevia I don't know which one " Goon #1 finally spilled

" You have no idea which general sent you? How? " Sinbad asked slightly confused

" We were informed through a pigeon carrier! " the man said desperately " Now could you please kill me already? "

Sinbad frowned before asking another question " Why would they go to you to break in? "

Goon #1 sighed before speaking " If I tell you I die " Sinbad looked at the man like he was an idiot

" You die either way, so either tell me or we continue with the torture until you spill the beans "

Goon #1 seemed to relent " I am an old agent of Sham Lash I had retired, however I was asked to train a newbie. Unfortunately it seems that this wasn't the easy job we suspected "

Sinbad considered Goon #1's words before speaking " What is Sham Lash? "

Before the man could say anything else he seemed to freak out before pleading to the air

" NO! PLEASE! I WAS FORCED TOO! " Goon #1 said as a wave of life that looked strange rolled over the man before he slumped over in the chair.

Checking Goon #1s pulse Sinbad quietly whispered " dead "

_POV Sinbad_

Storing the mans corpse in my inventory, I couldn't help but question ' What is Sham Lash? Why did a wave of life look like that and react like that? '

Before I could question anymore some notifications appeared before my eyes.

[+60 EXP]

[+10 EXP (Assist Kill)]

[Level Up]

[Host Has collected more EXP that necessary for current class EXP will be deposited in next chosen class]

[Main Quest:

Secret Organizations of Evil Origins

Grade: S+ / S- (Bonus Objective Dependent)

Details: An organization called ' Sham Lash ' has targeted the Hosts family, discover why they targeted you and who sent the wave of dark rukh that killed Goon #1.

Objective: Discover why ' Sham Lash ' is targeting Hosts family {???}

Bonus Objective 1: Discover who sent the wave of dark rukh {???}

Bonus Objective 2: Kill the person who sent the wave of dark rukh {Class: Magi} ]

[Accept?] [Y] [N]

Thinking about it if they came after my family today who's to say they won't do it again?

Eventually I will have to fight them better to get rewards for it.

Clicking [Y] another slurry of notifications came up

[Completed Side Quest:

Kill the Burglars

Grade: D+

Details: Two burglars have broken into the Hosts home and plan to capture and take advantage of Hosts family kill them for their evil intentions.

Objective: Kill the burglars 2/2 ✓ {Class Token × 1}

Bonus Objective 1: Make them regret their decisions ✓ {Bow of Regret (Uncommon) × 1}

Bonus Objective 2: Leave no evidence behind ✓ {Skill: Cleaning}

Bonus Objective 3: Find out who sent them ✓ {+ 55 EXP} ]

Let me know your thoughts about the chapter!

(Sorry for taking so long to post a chapter I have been sick for a while now)

Gamer_Guy_8282creators' thoughts