
Gamer of the Sea

Jack was what many would call a "Jack of all trades" funny considering his name, an all rounder but not particularly good at any one thing. He loved the entire series of Magi well at least the anime he could never get around to reading the manga. At least not before dying and reincarnating as one of his all time favorite characters Sinbad with a gamer system. {I own nothing} {Inconsistent upload schedule} {Heavily AU}

Gamer_Guy_8282 · Anime & Comics
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Birthday and Awakening

A nearly a week has passed since those Goon's tried to destroy my family and tomorrow is my fifth birthday. I don't know why I remember my birthday it's not a custom to celebrate it, and why is it that my mind brings up a celebration when talking about birthdays?

Perhaps a thought for another time. I have been investigating " Sham Lash " and made no progress, no one seems to know about them not even dad meaning they probably operate on pretty high levels in the military.

_POV Batr_

How did he hear of that accursed organization?

He didn't seem to know of their actual practices however which is good. Were they trying to recruit him? He does have a lot of potential just his stealth abilities alone could make him a very dangerous assassin.

I also overheard him asking others about Sham Lash, this couldn't be good for the village.

We either A. Move away B. Continue living here option A sounds good but Sham Lash has vast intelligence network or at least I assume they do, they have tracked a lone vessel out in the middle of the sea and predicted the course of said boat intercepting it at the location it was traveling towards.

I have no idea how they got that information at the time but I still acted on orders and they "disappeared" into the sea forever.

I don't know what to do I'll decide at the end of this month I have to investigate how Sinbad knew about Sham Lash.

_POV Sinbad_

The rest of the day has been pretty mundane ' Status '


Name: Sinbad

Health: 100/100 {4 Hp per 1 min} (Vit × 5 = Total Hp) (Vit ÷ 5 = Regen)

Magoi: {LOCKED}

Age: 4 Years | Race: High Human

Class: Civilian | LV: 10/10 | EXP: 0/0 | EXP Storage: 70 (Temporary)

Titles: Child of Destiny*, Destined Ruler of the Seven Seas*, Gamer*, Newbie (Upgradeable)


Str*: 10 {30 pounds} (Str × 3 = Total force)

Dex*: 10 {20 Mph} (Dex × 2 = Total speed)

Vit*: 20

Int*: 18

Wis*: 7 {10}

Luk*: ???

Stat Points: 10 | Skill Points: 1

Skills -

Gamer's Mind* {+0/2}

Gamer's Body* {+0/2}

Unparalleled Genius* {+0/3}

Destiny's Blessing*

Sneak* LV: 15/100 (Limited)

Navigation* LV: 8/15

Waves of Life* LV: 5/REDACTED

Archery* LV: 25/300

Crafting* LV: 30/REDACTED

Hunting* LV: 10/100 (Limited)

Dissection* LV: 5/20 (Limited)

Cleaning* LV: 4/20 ]

I could have changed my job but my instincts told me to wait until after my fifth birthday.

That's what I decided to call that strange knowledge I strangely know

Dinner is soon and I'm excited for that, maybe I should give mom some of the meats from my inventory.



Bow of Regret (Uncommon) × 1

Bow (Common) × 2

Arrows (Common) × 68

Stone Dagger (Garbage) × 1 {Chipped, Bloody}


Deer Meat (Common) × 3

Deer Meat (Garbage) × 1

Rabbit Meat (Common) × 18

Rabbit Meat (Garbage) × 12

Human Body (Garbage) × 2


Deer Pelt (Common) × 1

Deer Pelt (Garbage) × 3

Rabbit Pelt (Common) × 11

Rabbit Pelt (Garbage) × 19 ]

Though I wouldn't be able to explain where they were coming from unless I told mom that I hunt.

Mom yelled out into the yard to me " Dinner time " getting up I shouted back " Coming "

_POV Narrator_

As Sinbad ate the system ran calculations

[Host nearly meets the criteria for awakening of last life's memory]

[Awakening of memories will begin at 12:00 am]

_POV Sinbad_

Dinner was delicious as usual and mom tucked me into bed as usual as well

She tucked me into bed as I felt myself drifting into sleep a feeling of excitement took over my mind.

-Hours later-

[Awakening memories...]


[Memories awakened]

I woke up with a migraine ravaging my mind, memories of another life surged through my head.

Who am I?

Am I Sinbad or am I Jack?

I think I'm both but that really doesn't explain why I lost my memories for years only subconsciously pulling from repressed memories.

Perhaps the system had something to do with it?

But an equally likely scenario is that the systems creator repressed my memories, but why?

There is one way I could find out... at least possibly.

The suggestion mode could shed some light on the situation, however I've had that feature disabled since realizing that it gave the system a limited form of intelligence I really didn't want a rebellion from the system.

' Settings '


Difficulty: Hard {LOCKED}

Sound: [ON ✓ ] [OFF]

Suggestion Mode: [ON ✓ ] [OFF]

System Voice: [ON] [OFF ✓ ] ]

' System why were my memories repressed for my first 5 years of life '

[Host's memories were repressed to integrate into this world more naturally]

' The existence of... you would make me stand out either way '

[It was more to help the Host hide within the population the rukh would have sensed the age of your soul, and also it was to help the Host understand this world isn't fake or a hallucination]

' What do you mean my souls age? Don't all inhabitants of this world live in some weird version of reincarnation? '

[Your soul was supposed to be new to the cycle]

' What will happen to my soul if I die in this world? '


' What do you mean unknown? '

[Recommendation mode works on information known by the Host or information catalogued by the system]

' I have one last question, who or what made you system? '

[The system is a refined {REDACTED} fragment the largest in existence, the being that refined me was a higher god of games]

' That's it? '

[Unfortunately any more information revealed to you would draw the attention of the {REDACTED} guild]

" Sinbad get up and get some water from the well " Mom shouted from the kitchen

" Alright " I shouted back getting up from my bed and walking out of the house

Grabbing the buc-

Hey why haven't I stored any water in my inventory?

I mean I have weapons and food but no water?

Am I really that stupid, how did that slip my mind?

Shaking my head to clear my head and beginning to pull water from the well I quickly storing a few bucket fulls of water.

Walking back inside mom spoke up again " Thank you for the water, could you bring your dad his lunch he forgot it at home again "

" Sure mom "

Plot is really gonna begine soon and also a big part of what makes future Sinbad's personality.

Please leave any suggestions for the story in the comments!

Gamer_Guy_8282creators' thoughts