
Gamer of the Sea

Jack was what many would call a "Jack of all trades" funny considering his name, an all rounder but not particularly good at any one thing. He loved the entire series of Magi well at least the anime he could never get around to reading the manga. At least not before dying and reincarnating as one of his all time favorite characters Sinbad with a gamer system. {I own nothing} {Inconsistent upload schedule} {Heavily AU}

Gamer_Guy_8282 · Anime & Comics
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Protection and a Fake Merchant

Walking towards dad see him practically drooling over all of the fish he caught?

Wait wasn't this scene actually in the anime?

Then right after he gets beaten up by some townsfolk then Sinbad calls him a coward or something because he didn't fight back.

I guess Sinbad was a pretty stupid kid huh.

My dad seemingly noticing me on the beach shouted over to me " Hey Sinbad why are you here? "

I walked over to him and handed him his lunch. " You forgot your lunch at home and mom sent me to give it to you "

He chuckled at my words and gave me a quick head pat " Alright you wanna eat with me? "

" Sure dad why not " I replied back sitting down on the ground as he handed me some of his food, however before I could even begin to dig in a screen appeared before my eyes.

[Main Quest:

Badr's Protection

Grade: C+

Details: A few villagers that don't know the cruelty of war will come harass and ultimately beat the Host's father, protect him from harm

Objective: Protect Batr from harm {+3 Stat Points}

Bonus Objective 1: Don't attack them {Title: Merciful}

Bonus Objective 2: Convince them that the war isn't good with only words {Class: Bard} ]

[Accept?] [Y] [N]

Before I could even read the quest name a group of people approached.

The man at the front of the group began speaking "Hey what are you doing here? " his tone aggressive as if the beach was private or something.

Dad looked at the man a confused smile upon his lips before asking back " Anything wrong with fishing here? "

The man spoke up again however I tuned him out and read the quest window.

Thinking on it for only a moment I pressed [Y]

Tuning back in it seems things have taken a turn for the worst as dad is laughing hysterically at something.

Before he could start talking I patted him on the... leg, damn my height

He looked at me confused but before I could even say anything the man in front seeing an opportunity sent a fist directly at dad.

Coming to a quick conclusion on what I should do I jumped with all my strength in front of the blow barely making it a moment before it would hit dad.

[-5 HP]

The punch hurt but wouldn't have any long term impact's aside from a bruise that would heal insanely fast.

However that didn't seem to matter to dad apparent by the absolute rage and bloodlust pouring out of his body, quickly knocking out the group.

Standing their dumbfounded was all I could do at this incredible revelation as a question presented itself to me, how strong is dad?

I didn't have the classic skill observe- why don't I have observe?

[The Host is a special existence within this world no amount of power of friendship will give you an instant power up, in exchange you have an infinite amount of potential]

[Others can't be given the same standards as the Host as a result]

' Makes sense '

Dragging me out of my thoughts dad was shaking me " Dad? " was all I could say as he continued to shake me for a moment before breaking down crying

" Thank the heavens your okay, I thought my bloodlust broke your mind. "

He silently held me within his embrace before calming down

" What do you mean 'broke your mind'? " I asked confused

He seemed shocked at my question before asking a question of his own " Were you not affected by my bloodlust? "

... Playing dumb seems like the best thing to do now

" What's bloodlust? " his shoulders tensed as if talking about bloodlust was a crime

" Let's... let's just go home "

-Time Skip: 2 Hours-

Near silently we ate dinner moms anger seemed as if it was waves rippling throughout the room.

Dad hesitantly spoke up " Sinbad... could you go and get some water from the well? "

Mom looked up her gaze settled unto dad, I answered my nervousness not showing on my face

" Yeah dad sure... "

I got up grabbing the bucket and leaving towards the well

" Oh yeah right " I pulled up the new quest

[Main Quest:

Badr's Protection

Grade: C+

Details: A few villagers that don't know the cruelty of war will come harass and ultimately beat the Host's father, protect him from harm

Objective: Protect Batr from harm ✓ {+3 Stat Points}

Bonus Objective 1: Don't attack them ✓ {Title: Merciful}

Bonus Objective 2: Convince them that the war isn't good with only words X {Class: Bard} ]

' Hey system doesn't bloodlust count as an attack? '

[The Host didn't attack your father did]

' ... sure '

Walking up to the well I started to draw water... hey is that an unconscious guy?

Is he injured?

Running back home I yelled into the house " DAD " quickly dad left the house walking towards me

" There's some guy passed out by the well " I said us quickly getting to the mans position

We began to move towards the house dragging the giant man with us

Speaking of which dragging an unconscious body towards you home really jogs your memories about said person.

I'm pretty sure this is Darius a spy for the Riem posing as a merchant and after healing taking Sinbad hostage demanding a boat and money.

We finally dragged the guy into our house.

" Hey Sinbad you should go to bed " holding back a yawn I quickly dismissed his suggestion

" No I want to help dress his wounds " dad gave me a look as if there wasn't an option

" Sinbad just go to sleep me and your mom deal with this "

I decided to listen " Fine but teach me in the future okay? "

Dad gaining a small grin relented " Fine I'll teach you how to treat wounds in a few days okay? "

" Okay dad " I began heading towards my room

_POV Batr_

Sinbad wasn't affected by my bloodlust

A concerning revelation, has he had training to resist mental attacks?

Has Sham Lash sank their disgusting fangs into him already?

Either way I should focus on dressing this mans wounds.

I didn't notice this before but does he have blond hair?

" Shit is this a Riem agent? "

Give any suggestion for the story in the comments, also please point out any mistakes you notice

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