Humm, i find myself in a predictment, i dont know where i am, and thats....curious, but in another unrelated note....IS THAT A 14 FEET TALL GORILA?! - - - - Disclaimer: I do not own any material or characters other than my own. If you are the artist of the cape and dont want me to use it please to contact me. Hey guys, hope you all doing well, this is gonna be my first novel, so be free to give me your suggestions and add this to your library, but no bad hate, or i will be sad ;). Anyway, hope you enjoy it Bye!
The mediumship sized wyvern continued to stare at me, blinking ever so slowly, waiting, maybe deciding if he leaves, or stay and see what the tiny me wants with him.
And all I could think was: "Can I ride your back?" I shamelessly asked.
".....*Glug..." Okay, that didn't work.
He didn't respond back, but he seem to understand I wasn't a treat...
And so, he went back to drinking from the lake, ignoring me....the audacity of this bitch.
I know I should be glad for not being digested already. But, after all our trip and trouble we passed looking for him, in the end, he was just chilling around in this cave.
Why didn't I connect the dots, these mountains are his home, and all homes have a source of water, and by common sense, we all need to use it once in a while.
"Well, Thamriell and the others are at fault as well. Not suggesting me of this before," They can't expect little ol'me to think of everything all the time, "Umu!" I reinforced.
But...what now?
I don't have the roasted boars with me right now...and Fluffy is too small to even be considered a good offering, "Humm...." I hummed while looking at the wide-eyed awaked hare.
"No need to worry partner. You're not fat enough for that anyway" I waved at him.
"Ku KYU! (Translation: Bitch, who you're calling fat? I'm just big-boned, and the girls LOVE ME FOR IT!)" Humm, I'm starting to feel insulted for some reason...
"Huh? AH! WAIT!! DON'T GO YET!!", I yelled, seeing as the onyx wyvern is leaving me behind, "Fuck! I will not wait three more days for you to come back!!", I ran towards him, clutching to his tail while he began to take flight.
[Insert 'How to Train Your Dragon 2' song: 'Raiders Return to Busy, Busy Berk] (A/N: Jump a bit from the ost' beginning; Love the trilogy, 2 the most)
"SHHIIIIITTTTT!!!!!!" I yelled, griping the scaly tail as if my life depended on it. Because it did!
"URGH! D-DAMMIT, Y-YOU LISTEN TO ME!!! GET DOWN, NOW!!" I started climbing up his body.
The wind was already making me close my eyes as he continued to fly upward in the sky, so I started digging my nails deep into his skin, claiming his attention as a result.
"GRR.....ROAR!!" He first growled at me, and then gave me a loud challenging roar.
"OH YEAH?!?! FUCK YOU TOO!! YOU LESS DRAGON PIECE OF SHIT!!!!" I roared back challengingly, as well.
That seemed to trigger him somehow....fuck!!
"ROAR!!!!" With an angered yell this time, he started to skillfully make rapid turns up and down in the sky, all while I was almost at his neck.
" THAT'S ALL YOU GOT?!?! COME ON!!!" I responded with a loud taunt, not my smartest idea, I admit.
"OH FU-!!!!" And so, his barrel rolls began.
Breaking my nails by tightly holding his now damaged neck scales and wrapping my legs where his neck begins, I inclined my body in a position to better protect myself from the winds.
By now, I was already using my mana to circulate my entire body, so that way, I could use my super strength to hold in the wyvern's deep, harder scale, so as to not fall down from dozens of miles up the nightly clouds.
"GIVE UP!!!! I WON'T LET YOU GO!!!," I advised him. Like old cap used to say, "I CAN DO THIS ALL DAY FUCKER!!!!"...Well, not exactly.
But, unfortunately for me, he didn't give up.
"WHERE'S YOUR PLOT ARMOR WHEN YOU NEED IT?!!!!!!!" I Clenched my jaws with a Hippo's pressure
Right...this is Game of Thrones.
[50 minutes later]
"Y-You, d-done?" I tiredly asked the mystical asshole.
We are currently flying who-knows-where, for who-the-hell-cares, hours.
Stopping to think about it, the speed at which we were going was about 90-120 miles per hour( or 144 -193 km/h), or even faster than that...
God, I'm pretty sure he's faster than most wyverns and dragons Is that one of the reasons why he's of the most feared species in Sothoryos?
"*Grunt" He begrudgingly nodded.
Well, I think I deserve a tap on the shoulders for holding so long, " Well fucking done mate *Pat *Pat" I chuckled.
Still, I didn't expect him to try and shake me off for almost one freaking hour.
"Fuck, what did I ever do to you for deserving this kind of treatment," I sincerely asked him, my blessing should have smoothed things out for me, no?
..."I guess you're a bit out of its pay grade huh" I chuckled once more, at the theory.
"*Kruh*...." Sounds like he agrees with me.
"That would explain my failure in achieving the full trust of those giant apes". I reasoned.
I can still convince them to do certain things for me, but nothing extreme, like fight his partners or anything in that aspect, " You can't win all of the gals, I guess" I sighted.
"So, now that that's all of the ways," I initiated, hoping my idea would work.
"How about you become my partner, helping and accompanying me, in discovering the mysteries that this world has to offer us?" My eyes gazing at the distant ground, " I promise to treat you like my real family. Doesn't sound that bad, eh?" I chuckled, firming my hand down his side neck when I spoke the last part.
"..." He just flew quietly, pondering my words. I know wyverns are beings of aggressive nature, but they are also very loyal to their family, like the dragons.
"...*Kruuh!*" After some pleasant silence, with only the night's winds brushing our bodies; the giant reptile finally gave a slow, but loud acknowledgment sound.
"....I will take that as a yes," He...He accepted," *Sigh* Thanks, buddy. Thanks a lot" I sincerely smiled.
I wasn't very sure he was going to agree with my proposition, to begin with...
But everything worked well in the end.....kinda, I mean, my nails are almost non-existent at this point, still, " Dark Wyvern Getto!!" I pumped my fist in the air, equilibrating my body, so as to not fall.
"Grr..." He grumbled annoyed by all the moving, "Ah, sorry bud." I laughed awkwardly, returning to my galloping position at the base of his neck.
"So.....Where exactly are we right now?" I asked, looking down at the clouds.
[Image Here]
Yep, those are jungles alright. "Still Sothoryos then, I guess" I concluded, unsure of my guess.
"Humm, can you take us back to the mountains buddy?", Kimntharr must be panicking by now...
...Let's wait some more, "Never mind. Just go down boy" I tapped his neck.
"*Grunt" With an acknowledging nod, he started to fly down the skies, aiming at a clean grass plane...
"Planes huh. Sure, maybe we can find some different animals, who knows, maybe there are some skeletons archers roaming throughout the night, or giants spiders" I chuckled at the story copy.
But hey, it's a big, magical, and unknown world out there, who knows what pop culture mobs are hiding around the corner.
The moon shined upon our figures, casting a strange, but terrifying shadow upon the field, "It's you and me now, partner. Oh yeah, and Fluffy..." Shit.
"I forgot him in the cave didn't I?" I blinked, realizing I left Mr. Fluffy alone in some cave, "No. The children are excellent trackers, they're going to find him. For sure" I nodded.
That reminds me..."I'm only in my pants right now....screw you bud" I left in such a hurry that almost didn't have time to put on my pants.
And now it's cold....fuck my life.
What did you think about today's chapters? Let me know if you enjoyed it down below!
One more important thing. I won't be able to release two chapters every day starting tomorrow.
My classes are backing at full power, so I won't have enough time to make all that.
That's all! Please leave a review, it really helps a lot!