
Game of Thrones: A second chance.

The story of a simple Lycan, lucky enough to get a second chance at a new life, going through the world unimpeded and trying his best at living his life as he goes. And with how his old life used to be, he didn't plan to waste it. On my first try at writing, I will try my best, but as English is not my first language, I hope you enjoy this story for what it is. If you enjoy, show your support. Or have a comment on how I could get better at writing. I would appreciate it. -- disclaimer -- I do not own Game of Thrones or any related information. I also do this for the fun of it, so go easy on me if the update rate of the novel is not constant sometimes. Covert art comes from the net, I don't own it, just thought it looked cool. Also trying to develop the story as best as I can. There will be a big backstory at the start. But I hope you can enjoy it. And one last thing, ill try to update 3 or 4 times a week.

Adalwolf_k · TV
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chapter 9: Reunion.

[Hodor POV]

It's been almost a year since we last saw David. In this time, we were able to make a name for ourselves, and I have to say that this life of mine has honestly turned around. I have never been this happy. And taking care of those two has given me a new perspective on life.

Since David put me in charge of these young pups, my life has never been so fulfilling. Teaching them our ways, the stories that David told me about our ancestors, and helping them hunt and sharpen their instincts.

Every day they grow bigger and stronger. In these past few months, we have been to a lot of places in Westeros. It was about a month and a half till we had to reunite, and as we were north, we had to be parting soon. I also took some time to visit the starks again, and as they knew our accelerated growth, they were able to recognize Tommen, but thanks to the respect they had for David, they would stay quiet about it.

They seemed to be adapting well to their new life. But the stark pups were drifting a little to wild for what they should, so we stayed a few months to help them finish adapting how they should. Also, taking them on a few of our hunts. And we found some good news, Lady stark was pregnant again. It seemed that Lord Stark didn't waste his newfound strength.

And as David explained to me, most likely that a litter of stark pups would come out. But thankfully, it is not as exaggerated as wolves. When two pureblood Lycans get pregnant, normally two or three pups come out and in extreme situations, even four. So I would think it would be a great surprise for them.

And at the end of our journey, Tommen and Gendry have learned a lot. Knowing when to act cautious or show their might. And under David's orders, they already started to understand how a Lycan should behave, even more after our time with the Starks.

We are a noble race, meant to be free, unrestrained, honorable, and always searching for happiness. And anything that gets in our way is just an obstacle that we have to remove.

Our travels have shown us many things, and one of them opened our eyes.

There have been times when we get hurt, and even though we can heal almost any injury in about a week at max, these experiences have shown us that we are not invincible. We can get hurt, and if it gets to that, even killed quite quickly.

In one of our biggest battles, a long sword near to the neck almost killed Tommen. The power I had left, helped me push through everything. He was able to stay alive long enough for him to be dragged away while Gendry covers us. We were able to survive that battle. But it shows us that we didn't have the strength to be unruly yet. We need to be stronger to be able to help David in the future.

And with each passing day, I accept more my new identity. and I really started to see the young pups as part of my family. So our trip was at its end.

And now is finally time to make our way to kings landing again. And to start our next big journey.

"Well, young pups, it's time for us to move," I said at Tommen and Gendry. They were finishing the hunt of some bandits.

The two wolves looked at me a little unhappy but knew that at this time. We were going to see David again, so a look of eagerness appeared on their faces.

I just brought my true self out, put my bags with our supplies on my back, and howl at the pups to follow me. It was going to be a long trip to King's landing.

[Tyrion POV]

My plans were finally going to come to fruition. I had enlisted almost every servant in the castle, had the maids keep an eye on Myrcella at all times. Also, I paid the guards a lot of gold to let me sneak in to talk to Myrcella and speak to her regularly about what I wanted and that her safety was always my top priority.

And in these six months, she finally started to trust me. I had to explain. If she stayed here, she was just going to be a woman to marry off and generate alliances.

And talking about how I was going to take her with her brother Tommen she ended up accepting, As her mother started to act more neurotic since the kidnapping, I could not imagine what was going to happen when Myrcella disappeared to.

I had to thank David, I would be able to protect the family I care about, also he gave me power. And although I still could not push myself to take a life, I was able to defeat alone a lot of bandits that tried to rob me on my way to King's landing when David and I parted ways.

It wasn't that I couldn't, but how could I take that last step. give up on my humanity just for power. I know there was already not turning back. But each day this thought was getting fainter. The power was really a wonderful thing.

I was no longer the dwarf not able to kill a fly. If I tried, I could hold my ground against Jaime for a while. And that gave me hope for the future. And I was really lucky, and I'm glad that that day I decided to enter that cheap inn in search of a possibility.

And being able to spite my sister Cersei was just an extra in everything I was doing in Kings Landing.

If I remember correctly, we were going to leave for Essos soon, so apart from taking Myrcella, I also had to start preparing for when David arrives at King's landing. I had to be able to help him because I knew it was not going to be easy.

I also wanted to take Jaime with us, but I knew he would never leave Cersei alone. And although it was no know by many. In these months, I was able to decipher what they were doing it. And that all of Cersei's children were bastards and not the true heirs of the throne. So my ideas of taking them away grow even stronger.

Joffrey was an exception. I could see his cruelty growing every day. Maybe the aftermath of what my brother and sister were doing, or perhaps it was how my sister treated him while he was growing up. But I could not blame my nephews for what their parents had done, so my plan to take her away did not change.

So after a lot of preparation, it was finally time to execute the plan. Let's hope that David doesn't arrive too late. Because it would be difficult to hide Myrcella in King's Landing for a long time.

I have learned a lot of how corrupt this world is and if I'm not careful I will be swallowed within it.

[David Crescent POV]

I was finally in King's Landing. I arrived just at the exact time we had said. I made my way to the agreed location

When I was almost there, I could smell my pack from here. They were already at the Inn, the one I stayed the first time here. I felt quite eager to see my pack once again. Well, only Hodor, Gendry, and Tommen. Tyrion was not present, and I had not introduced them to each other, so that was the next thing on my agenda.

So when I entered, they could feel me too. they came out of the room, and we bought a lot of food and started to talk about our experiences in these few months. I was not surprised to see that the Starks were expecting, but I changed the history ones more.

Rickon should be the only one that was born, but now one or two more will be in this world. I hope that at least one of them wouldn't be useless as the original one.

What made me happy was seeing Hodor being able to adapt to our culture so fast. And embrace it as if it was always his. Helping the young Stark pups adapt as they should. Even teaching them how they should take care of them when the new pups come.

I was pleasantly surprised by how long they have come. I now could not see the childish in them. It seems that letting them go hunt all over Westeros truly helped them adapt.

We spent another two days catching up, and when we finished, I sent the prepared message to Tyrion for a meeting. And something that surprised me was that my link with Tyrion had grown stronger. Who knows what he did these months, but it seems he was starting to see the pack more in a better light.

As soon as we came together, he looked eager. And indeed, he had a lot to tell me. His time in King's Landing has not been easy. But surely, his skills have been growing since the start, and in the end, he was able to concoct a plan to take Myrcella away.

He said that in a week and a half, he would execute it. And we had to leave as soon as that. And that time was enough to find everything we needed. a suitable ship was already found, and bought by Tyrion. The sellsword was as easy. We just had to put some gold on it. It seems that what I had thought of the difficulty was not as much.

I had to thank Tyrion skill in managing things. I could not think of how much trouble it would be to set everything to leave Kings Landing.

So, letting Tyrion finish setting things. I had some free time to spend buying extra supplies and checking the crew, sellswords. To be able to avoid any unexpected situations or problems.

And finally, the time came to take Myrcella away and leave Westeros came. Our new adventure was about to start.

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I had some trouble writing this chapter, I didn't know how to make the reunion more appealing, if you have some ideas on how I can modify this chapter. It will be appreciated.

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