
Game of Thrones: A second chance.

The story of a simple Lycan, lucky enough to get a second chance at a new life, going through the world unimpeded and trying his best at living his life as he goes. And with how his old life used to be, he didn't plan to waste it. On my first try at writing, I will try my best, but as English is not my first language, I hope you enjoy this story for what it is. If you enjoy, show your support. Or have a comment on how I could get better at writing. I would appreciate it. -- disclaimer -- I do not own Game of Thrones or any related information. I also do this for the fun of it, so go easy on me if the update rate of the novel is not constant sometimes. Covert art comes from the net, I don't own it, just thought it looked cool. Also trying to develop the story as best as I can. There will be a big backstory at the start. But I hope you can enjoy it. And one last thing, ill try to update 3 or 4 times a week.

Adalwolf_k · TV
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Chapter 10: Leaving Westeros.

[David POV]

The time of leaving Westeros was upon us. And I was starting to feel a little nostalgia, since the start of the new life I have always been here. It made me feel uncertain of what the future holds for me.

Knowing that in the future, all hell will be let loose. It makes me yearn for power even more. So, based on what I was thinking. As soon as we arrived at Essos, I was going to grow the pack by a lot. And as slavery was a booming business over there, it would not be difficult.

A period of rapid strength for me was about to come. So I had to be prepared for training a lot of new betas. And I feel eager for it. As I have grown stronger, my animal instincts grow at a fast pace. So every day, my protective feeling over my pack grew. And real happiness started to come when I am with them.

To complete what was missing to leave. I sent Hodor with Tyrion to help him and for the two to get acquainted with each other.

And as I was deep in my thoughts. All sorts of things were happening inside of King's Landing.

[Hodor POV]

For the past week, I have been going around with Tyrion. We went to a lot of places in Kings Landing. I mostly just accompanied him to do some errands and finish his preparations for us to leave.

At some point, we even went to some brothels. I had to wait for Tyrion to come back outside all the time as he asked me to. He stayed a lot in one, in particular, a very high class one. I asked him what he was doing, and he always replied that some preparations for the future.

He also started to ask me to move great quantities of gold. Inside of our ship, the first thing we bought. And as David told us his plans, I already had an idea of what we were preparing.

And the last day of the week, Tyrion finally told me to take care of everything on the ship. Today was the day the crew would come to prepare for our travels at sea. He also told me that tomorrow would be the time we leave Westeros.

And taking care that not one thing would go missing or that any news came out, I waited for our time to leave this place.

[Gendry POV]

It's weird coming here again. Now I know how big this world is, from a simple apprentice to having the strength to go wherever I want and experience the beauty of life. I came to see Master Tobho Mott again. He didn't even recognize me. From being a nobody he sold for a few pieces of gold. To be a distinguished customer that was asking for a custom made sword with a higher price.

As I strolled around with Tommen, the one I could see as my little brother. I could see he was trying to remember the life he used to have. In the months I have spent with him, he has grown a lot. The shy, small kid that was once spoiled growing up, to a true warrior knowing the way of the blade. Almost as his nature as a Lycan.

Maybe being here just made us realize how lucky we were to be able to meet David.

David also told me about the surprise we had for Tommen. So I couldn't wait for his reaction when he learned who our new pack member was going to be.

And as we left the smithing shop, I reminded him that we need it ready in a week, and giving him a few extra gold coins, we started to roam around the town and having a wonderful time waiting for our time to leave.

[Tyrion POV]

I will never get accustomed to dealings in Kings Landing. All the politics and schemes are tiring. I can't wait to go far away from here. But I had to keep pushing until I could take Myrcella away from here.

The worse is dealing with Little Finger. he is as schemes as they come. But I had to make the moves David asked me to.

Little Finger had a great information network. He already knew I was here and that I was planning something. He didn't know what but was keeping an eye on me. So I had to be extra careful of my moves. And I had to meet him sometimes just to keep him off my back.

And after Finishing everything, except taking Myrcella away, it was finally time for the final movements.

I left Hodor keeping watch on our Ship and told David that Tomorrow was time to take Myrcella immediately after we would be leaving Kings Landing.

My plan was simple, pay the guards to let me in in the late hours of the afternoon. Tell the maids to prepare Myrcella for traveling and all her belongings without drawing attention to it.

Taking David with me in case anything goes astray and I have to improvise. When she is ready, the plan is to make our way out as if nothing is wrong, till we get to one of the secret tunnels, as soon as we get out of the Red Keep, going straight for the ship and leaving for Pentos.

It was now time to act. David was beside me, clearly enjoying what we were doing, And in his eyes, I could see an expectant look. We started moving towards the Red Keep. And as planned, the guards let us in. we continued discreetly on our way to Myrcella's room. As it was almost night, there was no much activity in the castle. As it would normally. But as soon as we arrived at our destination, we could see four guards outside her room.

It seems my sister doesn't trust anyone anymore. Even in all these months, I didn't know there were more guards. with David, I knew we could take them out, but we had to be fast enough. But even before I said anything, David told me to go for the one on the left.

And without even waiting for me to answer, he rushed to the closest ones closest to us, took them by surprise, broke their necks without hesitation, without a sound.

I knew it was time to act fast as not to blown our cover. So as David approach the one on the right, I went to the one on the left.

And as David snapped another neck, I simply knock him out. I was not ready yet, and under the concerned eyes of David, we entered to take Myrcella away.

She was ready to leave, holding a bag full of her belongings, Looking quite scared of what was happening. But a hint of expecting something was on her eyes. So without a second to waste, we took what she was going to take away.

As we were about to enter one of the secret tunnels, we started to hear screaming all over the castle. then a certain high pitch scream reverberated as clear as day.

"It seems my sister heard the news," I said towards David with a smirk on my face.

" Yes, it does. It's quite a spectacle. But it is not the time to linger we need to leave Kings Landing now," he replied and without waiting, started to turn, took Myrcella's stuff, and run towards our ship.

Myrcella looked scared, As I didn't want more trouble, I made her passed out, turned myself, carried her as I chase behind David, Running, till we arrived at the Ship.

And before the city was in chaos again, we exited Kings Landing with the cover of night. I let Myrcella into one of the cabins for her to rest properly. The next days were going to be a great change in her life.

Finally, I could rest. The burden I have had these past few months faded. And that night, I slept as I haven't in a long time.

[David POV]

I could see that my strength had grown a lot since the last time I was here. Now I could easily break the necks of my enemies. Earlier I tested the strength of my claws. They could already penetrate solid steel armors, it takes some effort, but I can now do it.

So the idea of bringing more people into the pack was never as clear as it was now. And every member of my pack was also showing an increase in their strength. So that was good too.

All the sellswords were quite intrigued by who we were, but that didn't matter. They were here just for the appearances so that pirates will not think anything funny about us. But there was a young one that caught my eye. Maybe in these two months, it was the perfect time to recruit a new beta.

With everything done, I started to think about what our next move should be. We would arrive at Pentos in about two months, so we had to plan what we should do. But that will have to wait until tomorrow.

And the first thing I needed to do was have a talk with Myrcella and offer her the bite. We will see how that goes, but with Tommen by my side, it shouldn't be a problem.

And finally, the start of our new journey began.

Let me know who would you like to be part of the pack. Also, I am starting to think of probable pairings. So I will be looking out for those suggestions too. This chapter was kind of an extra one, if you see any error let me know.

Have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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