
Game of Thrones: A second chance.

The story of a simple Lycan, lucky enough to get a second chance at a new life, going through the world unimpeded and trying his best at living his life as he goes. And with how his old life used to be, he didn't plan to waste it. On my first try at writing, I will try my best, but as English is not my first language, I hope you enjoy this story for what it is. If you enjoy, show your support. Or have a comment on how I could get better at writing. I would appreciate it. -- disclaimer -- I do not own Game of Thrones or any related information. I also do this for the fun of it, so go easy on me if the update rate of the novel is not constant sometimes. Covert art comes from the net, I don't own it, just thought it looked cool. Also trying to develop the story as best as I can. There will be a big backstory at the start. But I hope you can enjoy it. And one last thing, ill try to update 3 or 4 times a week.

Adalwolf_k · TV
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28 Chs

Chapter 8: Travels.

It didn't take long for Tyrion to decide what he wanted to do with his life. On the day before I was about to leave, he came to me.

It took us about two more hours to talk about everything we had to talk about. What were my plans for the future? What it meant being one of us. He asks everything he could think of. I started to see glimpses of how I remembered him, cold and calculating. Always thinking logically and not jumping blindly into anything.

And after confirming what I was offering to him. He accepted the bite and all the responsibility that came with it.

Having in mind that all my other betas were just people that didn't have any responsibility. Gendry being an unrecognized bastard, Tommen being second to the crown, and at his age being kidnapped by us, and Hodor a stable boy, giant, taking care of the starks. I was starting to feel not proud of using manipulative means to accomplish what I wanted, but it was already done.

The good thing was that I was able to bring Tyrion to my side. And with his skills recruiting more people was not going to be a problem. So I also had to task him with learning some Languages that would be useful in the future.

Tyrion transformation was normal, not weak nor strong. And when it was over, he even grew a little taller. And surprising enough, his true self was bigger than his former height by a lot.

Also, the moment he came to the other side of the transformation, I could feel the link between him and me, be created. But it didn't even have half the strength as with my other betas.

As his height was a problem for battle, I told him to start practicing with daggers and to specialize in close-quarter combat. And as I was practicing the same method of battle, it all worked out in the end.

So we stayed another two days. Training Tyrion in control and getting him used to our culture, telling him some of our near plans.

And this concluded our time in castlery rock, and with Tyrion by my side, getting out was not a big problem. And of course, after we bought all the supplies needed for our trip.

And with Tyrion now escaping from his family, who knows what the future will hold for us, but either way, it was going to be fun.

And as we had a long ride ahead of us, we got to know each other. With a new meaning in his life. He seemed quite eager to learn anything he could about the Lycans.

I tried to convince him of taking the last step, But Tyrion didn't take it. He didn't fully unlock his bloodline. And two months later, arriving at evenfall hall, Tyrion had not unlocked his moon blessing. No matter how many bandits we encounter, he didn't take his first life.

I don't know the reasons why he didn't want to do it. Because of what I remember, Tyrion had no problem in killing. But I guess for young Tyrion is not a simple thing to let go of our old lives.

Also, in our travels, we heard the news about three warriors, one with an ax, one with a Warhammer, and one with a sword destroying a lot of bandit hideouts. And using what they got on them to help the nearby villages affected by the bandits.

I could guess it was my three betas, and Hodor being the softie that he is. I had no doubts about it. And it made me happy and proud. I don't know why it just brought a smile to my face.

When we arrived at our destination, we found out that our target was only ten years old. I guess some things do change from what I know from the show. And at this point, she didn't have the drive yet. So maybe when I get back ill search for her. I was a little disappointed, but at least I knew that what I remembered could not be truly trusted.

Also, when Tyrion found out that Tommen was already part of us, he started to feel happy, and the worries he had about him stopped. But as he remembered that Myrcella was still in that situation, his happiness faded like it was never there.

Thinking about how I wanted my pack to feel unrestrained, I proposed something to Tyrion. I would let him go to Kings Landing. And make a plan to get Myrcella out, as a test for him. And if he succeeded before we were going to Essos, I would turn her and let her join the pack.

And I truly didn't mind having one more in, is another member of the family. Also, I knew that Tyrion would be 100 percent invested in the pack if that could help him protect two of the only family members he still cared about.

And as soon as I proposed this to him, he told me that he would be leaving the next day because he had a lot to plan. I accepted his leave but told him that if the next time we saw each other he couldn't hold for more than ten minutes against me, he would have to triple train time in our journey to Essos.

He accepted and got going to prepare for his journey.

And thinking of how I was gonna be alone for a few months. six to the end of the year, to be exact. I started to plan what I was gonna do next. First, I would like to go visit Dorne and the reach to see the scenery, I thought of going far from the wall but I didn't have the time. I knew that there were far scarier things there, and I didn't want to face them just yet.

So I planned on also going to have a stroll around the citadel. And see if I could find any information about a Lycan in all those books because it's better to be prepared, in case there is dangerous information for us.

So for the next three months. I went to a lot of places and bought a lot of specialties in Dorne and the reach. A thing I miss from my old life is the food, in this world, everything is so flavorless. Even the specialties are the same old taste of carbon. So I have to take the time to create some truly delicious food because it's necessary.

But aside from that, I had a great time. Traveling and experiencing different cultures expanded my views of the world.

At this time, my pack was not idle. Hodor, Gendry, and Tommen continue on their hunts creating a reputation for themselves. And last I heard, Tyrion was making as many connexions in Kings Landing, in preparation for taking Myrcella away, but it was no going to be easy, thanks to my previous action there.

As I was quite close to Oldtown, in a week I was already there. But sneaking into the citadel was not as easy as I thought. It took me almost two weeks to finally be able to enter without being discovered. And every night since then, I have been researching three topics.

First was any information about Lycans or similar topics. Second, I started to learn Dothraki in advance of my travels in Essos.

And lastly, I started to search for an artifact that could be useful in the future, the Dragonglass candles. But it seemed to be well guarded, so I have one and a half months to find them. And also to finish my research on all those other topics. Because who knew when I could get back.

So now, a boring month and a half came to be. The Dragonglass candles were the hardest to find. But at last, I got them, I didn't know how to used them but maybe in the future, so I took two, one green and one black and left the rest.

My research on information about Lycans got nowhere. I couldn't find any related information, so that was a relief. And lastly, my Dothraki was getting there, now I could understand some words, but I had a long way to go.

When I was leaving, I also left the white walker information in a very public space, so that when the moment came, it could be easy to find. I also added a warning of what will come in the future. And that at that point, they should be prepared for it.

And the last thing to do before leaving was to plan how to get to Essos in the safest way possible. We were Lycans, but that doesn't mean we are invincible, and in a constant bad situation, as bad as the sea, we had to take precautions.

So first, I had to get to kings landing and start preparing everything I see we could need.

And as I already knew the routes there, my trip was without a problem. But the problems will start in kings landing. The first thing is to get a ship. The second is to get an expert crew to take us. and hire some sellswords to escorts us to Pentos. We had to be careful of pirates, storms, and running out of supplies also.

And last, but certainly not least, we had to be able to do this in secret. Thanks to the fact that we were planning on taking two Baratheon kids and one runaway Lannister with us. So if we did this openly it would cause a lot of unnecessary problems.

And with all these precautions in mind, I started my journey to kings landing, and after all this time, it was finally time to leave Westeros.

I was eager to reunite with my pack, it's been a long time, and now it was time for a reunion.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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Let me know who would you like to be part of the pack. Also, I am starting to think of probable pairings. So I will be looking out for those suggestions too.

I don't know how this chapter ended up being, if you have any suggestions on how it could change ill appreciate them.

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