
Game of Thrones: A second chance.

The story of a simple Lycan, lucky enough to get a second chance at a new life, going through the world unimpeded and trying his best at living his life as he goes. And with how his old life used to be, he didn't plan to waste it. On my first try at writing, I will try my best, but as English is not my first language, I hope you enjoy this story for what it is. If you enjoy, show your support. Or have a comment on how I could get better at writing. I would appreciate it. -- disclaimer -- I do not own Game of Thrones or any related information. I also do this for the fun of it, so go easy on me if the update rate of the novel is not constant sometimes. Covert art comes from the net, I don't own it, just thought it looked cool. Also trying to develop the story as best as I can. There will be a big backstory at the start. But I hope you can enjoy it. And one last thing, ill try to update 3 or 4 times a week.

Adalwolf_k · TV
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28 Chs

Chapter 7: Tyrion Lannister.

[Year 291 AC]

Many things have happened in the six months we have been in Casterly Rock. Both my young betas don't look like children anymore, even though their mentality still is. And I finally told them to go and experience the world as they like, that they shouldn't slack off on their training and that they should always keep our culture at heart. We planned to reunite in kings landing at the end of the year to go to Essos, so I had about ten months to recruit Tyrion and, also, to find my other target.

The good news was that finally, Tyrion's uncle left, and with my constant information gathering, I knew that Tyrion was in the lowest point of his life.

In all this time here, I also gathered information on the situation in all of Westeros. King's Landing was still in utter chaos, the disappearance of one of the children of the king had a great impact on the realm. But it was not as great as it used to be when it first happened. And now it was almost impossible to recognize Tommen so, I wasn't that worried.

And thanks to this situation, Tywin left Casterly Rock and went to kings landing. And because of this, it was far easier to remain hidden in Lannisport.

All the realm was focused on Kings Landing. So no one would notice when a certain dwarf got out of Casterly Rock.

So finally, it was time to move. I waited until Tyrion got out of the castle and went to one of the brothels. He was already starting to drink and let himself go in the brothels for days at a time, so I did not have to wait much to meet him.

When he finally entered one, I slip a couple of gold coins to the people in charge to let me talk with Tyrion for a while.

"Well, lord Tyrion, I have heard a lot about you," I said, startling him. He looked confused at me.

"Don't worry, I am not malicious against you. I have quite the interest in someone like you," I continued without letting him respond...

"I heard that some people cannot see your abilities as they are. For them, you are just a hindrance and a bastard," I was about to tell him some more but he didn't let me.

"Someone like me, are you here to make fun of a dwarf. I know that I'm only alive because of being a Lannister, but what does it have to do with anything," He said without expression, but I could see the deep sadness in his eyes.

"Not at all my lord, I just want to offer you the chance to change your destiny. I know a lot of things, and one of them is that your family doesn't respect you, that you don't have a path in life to follow, and that you are falling into an abyss full of whores and alcohol. I know it's none of my business. But I cannot stand idly as such a talented young man is wasted in a castle that will never truly belong to him." I persuaded so that he knew I was just trying to recruit him.

"Well, it seems that you have researched me quite well. But that doesn't mean I am stupid enough to let a strange man convince me of who knows what just because he knows me. A lot of people can do that, we are in a chaotic time unsafe time so don't think about persuading me," he said, but I could see the hesitation in his eyes.

I knew that convincing Tyrion was not as easy as just talking. But having brought up some emotions within him, I knew I had a chance. So I just had to show him what I was offering, but this was not the place nor the time to do.

"Well, I knew trusting me is not as simple as telling you this, but I can offer you power. And not some fake one, but true power, the one you have desired all your life," I Said and preparing to go, having thrown the bait at him.

"How do I know that you are telling the truth a not just trying to get whatever you want out of me," he replied, sadness was present all over his face.

And at this point, I could tell that I was not dealing with the same Tyrion I remembered from the show. He had not grown to that point. Even though he was trying hard not to show his flowing emotions, they were still visible. And knowing his hesitation, I had to strike while the iron was still hot.

"If you decide to listen to me more carefully. And don't want to live your life being the laughing stock of your family, come to find me. I will be another week in the cheap inn that is closed to here. If you haven't come to me, I guess you are happy with your life and don't want to make a name for yourself," I finished as I got up and let the whore enter the room where Tyrion was and left while leaving a gold coin in the table.

I knew that the least I could get was his curiosity. So I was not worried that he was not going to show up. And being in a place where his family was the ones in charge meant he didn't have much to be afraid of, so that gave him an extra layer of assurance that nothing was going to happen.

So after a day of waiting, Tyrion finally came. He didn't look amused at where I was staying at, he tough that all my words were a pile of crap, and I just wanted to swindle some gold out of him. But thinking in all I had offered him, he decided to at least hear me out.

"Well, why are you staying here. I thought you could offer me power, so what do you want," He asked, a little disappointed, in a sarcastic voice.

"Well, I truly can offer you power, but first, I need those two guards outside to stop paying attention to what is going to happen here. I wouldn't want to kill them," I just responded while putting the book I was reading away.

He looked confused at me, and with a lot of hesitation, went out. Then he came back a minute later. I could feel him being uncomfortable. And I knew I had to convince him fast or he would leave.

"What I am about to do is just for showing what I am offering you, so please don't cause a scene when it shouldn't happen," I said, warning him not to do anything that he would regret.

And without waiting for him to react, I turned to my true self, ripping my clothes in the process, I thought of taking them off, but I knew that would look even weirder, so I decided to turn.

The shocked expression on Tyrion's face told me that I had succeeded. So when I turned back, first I searched for some new clothes to wear, and then I just waited for a few moments so that Tyrion could calm himself. and then I started to explain

"As I told you, I can offer you power, I can offer you the great Lycan bloodline. And a new life, but you have to abandon everything. In the future, you may go against your family, but have in mind that no matter what happens, you will be part of my pack, and we will always be family," I said, and then wait a little bit to see his reaction.

He looked more concerned than ever. And everything I just told him surprises him to the core. It was a lot to handle, so I waited until he talked.

"If you really can offer me what you say, I wouldn't care about this rotting family of mine. But you are asking me to leave a lot behind, and there are some members of my family that I don't want to leave behind, ai I don't know what to do," he said sincerely to me. Now I had to continue trying to convince him to leave.

"As I said, I am only offering you a way to take control of your life. The freedom that comes with being part of the pack. The strength and our way of life is what many are always looking for in life,"

He looked like he was thinking about what to do. Being indeed tempted to accept my offer, he truly desires everything I told him. But he knew going against his family may be too much for him.

We need to have in mind that Tyrion doesn't know what he wants in life. So when a path appeared as bright as day, his thoughts and believes in life started to waver.

"I know that what I ask of you is hard. But believe me, is well worth it. I plan to go to Essos for a time, experience a little bit of life, and come back in some years. I also know you hate most of your family, so think about it. As I said, I will leave at the end of this week. After that, it will be hard to come into contact again, so you better decide as to not live with any regret," I finished telling him to go.

He hesitated, as he didn't know what to do, for a bit, and then left. I knew he was now facing his thoughts and inner demons. And now I had to wait to see who won.

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The next chapter to be expected on Thursday, had some free time so I could get a chapter done.

Hope you enjoy it.

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