
Game of Chaos

Nicholas Dendi was a middle-class dimensional explorer who died due to a dimensional rift opened by a god who broke the laws of the universe. He was resurrected to a world that was preparing to start a war with the gods. With a system implanted in his soul, Dendi awakens his immense power and makes the gods threaten his existence. Dendi had to participate in the devastating war because he had a contract binding his soul and also so that he could return to his world.

Yye · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Exclusive skill (2)

The knights looked at me excitedly, a terrifying smile etched on their faces after hearing my words, I maintained my stance while continuing to use (Ignition), and then one of them stood up and took out his sword.

"You are an interesting person. Get ready, because I won't hold back at all."

A fairly young knight stepped forward and took a fighting stance, enveloping his sword with a strange power that made his sword feel even more dangerous.

...This isn't mana at all, what is it?

The young knight took a deep breath and looked at me seriously, and a moment later, he quickly charged at me.

He quickly swung his sword at me, but this time I didn't dodge or change the direction of the attack, instead I attacked the knight with all my might.

The clash of our swords sent sparks flying in the air, and the sound of the clashing metal was so loud that it attracted the attention of everyone around us.

I was pushed back by the young knight, I jumped back to get some distance, but the knight quickly followed me, I swung my sword and tried to aim for his head, but the young knight ducked as he tried to slash my thigh.

I didn't dodge his attack, but instead tried to stab the knight's left shoulder. And the result was that the young knight managed to slash my left thigh, and my sword managed to pierce his left shoulder.

"Ugh..." The young knight groaned in pain and took a few steps back.

He managed to slash my left thigh, and I managed to stab his shoulder, blood flowing from my thigh, but my wound healed immediately because I concentrated mana into my thigh, which accelerated my regeneration process. The young knight seemed surprised by this, he was silent for a while, but in the end, he still charged at me.

He's strong! He was able to keep up with my speed when I used (Ignition), but still, his attacks were getting weaker due to this non-stop full power battle.

He jumped back and started swiping his sword, the strange power in his sword increased, creating blue waves that danced on his sword, he swung his sword, then blue energy appeared and flew towards me.

I quickly dodged it, but what I didn't expect was that the young knight was already in front of me and his sword had already completely penetrated my stomach, I gritted my teeth and gathered the mana around my stomach, which made the sword can't be pulled out of my stomach, I grabbed the young knight's hand and looked at his face while holding his hand tightly.

"That hurts, you know."

The knight was surprised by my actions, so I didn't waste the opportunity and immediately cut off his right hand.


The young knight jumped back, crouching and growling in pain, but something happened to the young knight. Instead of giving up, the young knight lunged back at me with a terrifying look on his face.

The other knights who had watched our fight tried to stop him, but they failed and were thrown aside by the young knight.

"Run away, young man! His trait is active now, he's lost his mind!"


The young knight screamed, his body began to grow slightly, and sharp thorns began to grow around his left hand.

"Ignis Orbis!"

I coated my sword with fire magic and prepared to kill him. The knight jumped at me and I started to swing my sword at him. However, something happened that left me speechless.

"Heh, looks like something interesting happened while I wasn't here, huh?"

An elven girl with green hair held my sword while grabbing the young knight's neck, and then she crushed my sword with just her grip.

My eyes widened at what the elf girl had done.

What, did she not feel the heat of my sword?

I staggered and took a few steps back from the elf girl. I just noticed that the knight's sword was still in my stomach, tearing my flesh even more.


I grabbed the sword and quickly pulled it out of my stomach, my legs going limp and blood pouring out of my stomach like a river in the middle of the rain.

"Hey! What are you doing! Why are you pulling it out, just wait for the priest to come here and heal you, why are you pulling it out, you stupid!"

I ignored the elf girl and concentrated all my mana into my stomach area, soon the wound on my stomach closed quickly. The elf girl looked at me in surprise as she held the young knight's neck.

... Looks like the young knight fainted, huh?

I stood up and saw Ethan and the others running towards me.

"Dendi, are you okay?!"

"I'm fine, I'm just a little tired."

Even though I said that, Anna immediately ran over to me and did what priests usually do, a golden light started coming out of Anna's palm and started enveloping my body.

"You fool! How can you call yourself fine when my expertise says you're in critical condition! All your body parts and organs are in bad shape right now!"

Anna said with a panicked face.

When I think about it, it seems that what Anna said was indeed true, I feel that my breath is hot right now, my body temperature is also rising, and even my skin is turning red while emitting white smoke.

It seems that this is the effect of overuse (ignition). Yes, I understand, I understand.

Then I will refer to this side effect as overheating!

So, will I be okay? Well... I'll definitely be fine, I'm sure my body is fine, I'm sure.

The elf girl let go of the young knight and handed him to the priests, looking at me with an annoyed expression.

"Hey, shouldn't you be resting? What the girl next to you said is right, your body is in a critical condition now."

"No, I'm fine."

"What did you say, brother Dendi? Look, your body is emitting white smoke, and even your breath is emitting smoke!"

What is this child talking about? I'm really fine now?!

"No, I'm fine now."

"Did you hit your head on something when you fought that knight, Dendi? You can't even stand properly!" Ethan yelled at me as he held my body.

Then the elf girl in front of me sighed and said

"Huh... It seems that what the blue-haired boy behind you said was true, he must have hit his head in the fight just now."

The elven girl walked over to me and pointed her left hand at my chin.

"What are you..."

She flicked my chin so hard that my body was thrown off, even Ethan who was hugging me from behind was thrown off, my vision started to blur and go dark. Moments later, I lost consciousness.

"What happened?" Anna asked with a pale face.

"Take it easy, I just knocked him out because he can't think straight."

Ethan sighed, then Akane looked at the elf girl worriedly.

"Forgive me if I'm rude, but who are you?"

The elf girl smiled and looked at Akane with a proud smile. She said

"Hahaha... you are lucky! My name is Kirana de Rochefort, the second child of Leonhart de Rochefort, but people know me better as Kirana The Unstoppable."


I woke up and looked at the ceiling which looked very unfamiliar to me, the quiet atmosphere and the dark room somehow made me feel quite comfortable.

What happened to me? Why can't I think clearly? It seems that (Ignition) also has an effect on my brain performance when it is overused.

I woke up and looked to my right and saw the children lined up and sleeping next to my bed, but there was one thing that caught my attention.

I felt that someone was sitting on my left side, cold sweat started to break out from my body, but I dared to look to my left side.

I saw a woman sitting on a chair by the window, then she looked at me and said

"Are you okay?"

I was surprised by the presence of this woman, how could she be here? I looked at her intently as if I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"How did you get here, Nina?"

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