
Game of Chaos

Nicholas Dendi was a middle-class dimensional explorer who died due to a dimensional rift opened by a god who broke the laws of the universe. He was resurrected to a world that was preparing to start a war with the gods. With a system implanted in his soul, Dendi awakens his immense power and makes the gods threaten his existence. Dendi had to participate in the devastating war because he had a contract binding his soul and also so that he could return to his world.

Yye · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Exclusive skills (1)

We were each given our own room, and the old servant left after saying goodbye.

I entered the room and immediately lay on my back on the soft mattress, I stared at the ceiling of this room for a while, then I looked at the window and realized that it was getting late.

From what I could see, the people in this residence had a strong aura. I felt that Lucas was nothing compared to the knights here.

I closed my eyes while controlling the mana around me, this was my way of becoming stronger, I was continuously hardening the muscles in my body by using mana. This process was quite painful, as I could feel my muscles being shot by an airsoft gun, but I quickly recovered them by using mana. And this was the result.

(Your Strength increased by +2 points)

(Your Defense increased by +1 points)

(Your Magic increased by +1 points)

(Your Resistance increased by +2 points)

(Your Speed increased by +3 points)

(Your Mana increased by +200 points)

Then I opened Status to confirm the increase.


{Nicholas Dendi}

[Nickname: -

[Age: 27

[Class: -

[Race: Human

MP: 3300/3300] - [Stamina: 100/100]

[Strength: 33

[Defense: 19

[Magic: 8

[Resistance: 27

[Speed: 40

[Skills: (Mana Control; Basic level 9), (Regeneration; Basic level 2)

[Trait: Space Control


If you look at my base level, which only increased by about 3 points at the most with the pain I felt when I hardened the muscles in my body, you might think it was not worth it. But the problem is that I don't know how much effect those 1 or 3 points will have on my body.

I piled pillows under my head to find absolute comfort while thinking about various things in my head. And there was one word from the status window that caught my attention.


I got out of bed and started to think about what my trait meant.

Space control.

When I think about it, space can have different meanings depending on the context. But in general, space refers to an area or place that has dimensions of length, width, and height.

But space also often refers to a scope or framework that encompasses everything that exists or happens. This can include physical space, such as objects and places, as well as abstract space, such as ideas and concepts. This concept reflects an understanding of the existence and interaction of various elements within the broad context of life or the reality we experience.


I sighed, then rolled over to the right and ended up looking at the glass of water on my desk.


I stood up and looked at the glass carefully.

Water, glass, container. If I put an object into a glass of water, the volume of water in the glass will increase. This happens because the object pushes some of the water out of the glass.

This process is due to the principle of volume replacement, which states that an object that enters a space replaces the same volume in that space.

If this is the explanation...

(Your understanding of room control has increased by 11%)

I was surprised to see the system screen that suddenly appeared in front of my face, I unconsciously smiled with my eyes wide open.

...Did Ethan and the others also think of something like this to awaken their traits?

"...This is crazy."


The next day we were taken around by the old servant, we were introduced to the knights who were guarding the mansion. Then the old servant took us to the knights' training ground.

"This is the knights' training ground, you will also train here."

"This place is very spacious!" Anna exclaimed with joy as she looked at the young knights practicing.

... I'm not gonna lie, this place is really spacious, this training ground is behind the Duke's house and surrounded by a ten-meter high fortress.

These warriors showered each other with swift and determined sword strikes, sending sparks through the air.

"They're really amazing." Ethan said as he looked at them with sparkling eyes.

The old servant smiled and said. "Looks like you can't wait to train, so why don't you try to fight against them?"

"Uh, won't we just disturb their training?" Anna replied as she looked at the knights practicing.

"Of course not, they'll be happy to train a youngster who wants to improve."

Anna smiled as she stretched her body. "Haha, then you'll have to excuse me!"

She quickly ran up to one of the resting knights and attacked him directly. The knight was startled and dropped his drink, but managed to dodge Anna's attack.

...Why did she always attack others when they were surprised?

"Well then, if I may, I'd like to train with these knights as well."

Ethan then walked up to the knights and greeted them, the knights smiled back at Ethan, and one of the knights patted Ethan on the back.

...His socialization skills are quite frightening.

"What about you?" The old servant asked as he looked at us.

"I'm a Magician, I can't fight like them."

"I'm just like Sister Akane, I'm a summoner and I'm not used to fighting directly."

"..." Well... as usual, he didn't want to get involved.

"What about you, Brother Dendi?"

... Should I give it a try? Judging from the reaction of those who are willing to train with Ethan and Anna, it doesn't seem like they will seriously hurt me.

"I'll try."

The old servant laughed as she looked at me. "Indeed, youth is the most exciting time."

I walked over to the knights, who were resting and joking with each other.

"Oh, is there anything we can help you with? Or do you want to fight with us like those two?" A sitting knight looked at me with a smile on his face.

The knight pointed at Ethan and Anna who were fighting with the knight. I picked up the sword that was leaning against the knight's chair, they were surprised to see my actions. I pointed my sword while looking at the knight who was talking to me earlier.

"Do you like to spar with me?"

My statement surprised the knights, and then the knight who was sitting earlier smiled and stood up from his seat while taking out the sword from his waist.

"Heh, you're an interesting person. Alright, I'll be your opponent."

The knight took a fighting stance, my adrenaline surging, and I unconsciously smiled as I raised the sword.

"Get ready!"

The knight lunged at me while swinging his sword quickly, and I jumped back while changing the trajectory of his slash.

The knight continued to attack me, not allowing me to rest. Damn, this guy won't even let me think for a second.

The knight continued to attack me aggressively, it seemed like he underestimated me because I could see him smiling.

Hmm, looks like this is the limit of my physical strength if I don't use mana.

The knight stopped attacking and jumped back, saying. "Where was your confidence before? Is this all you have?"

I was dumbfounded by his words, for some reason I felt that my pride was hurt by his words.

Had I... become soft now?


"Huh? What's so funny?"

It seems like my life has become peaceful lately, huh?

"No, no, I'm sorry for not taking this seriously."

"Oh! Are you going to get serious now?"

I channeled a large amount of mana throughout my body, and my muscles tensed noticeably in unison with the message system that kept appearing in front of me.

(MP: 2760/3300)... (MP: 1874/3300)... (MP: 985:3300)

(Your Strength increased by +27 points)

(Your Defense increased by +9 points)

(Your Magic increased by +3 points)

(Your Resistance increased by +30 points)

(Your Speed increased by +35 points)

However, I also do things a little differently than before, while I use mana to improve my body, I also absorb the mana around me so that I can continue to maintain the improvement of my body.

(MP: 786/3300)... (MP: 1578/3300)... (MP: 3264:3300)

I released the mana that my body couldn't hold in order not to explode in my body, and there was a new system message that left me speechless.

(You have unlocked an Exclusive skill: Ignition)

I smiled while saying. "Prepare yourself."

I quickly moved to the knight and punched him in the ribs, causing him to vomit blood and be thrown back, his body falling towards the knights that watching the fight.

They were shocked and looked at me with wide eyes. Once again, I pointed my sword at the knights who watching the fight and said.

"Who's next?"