
Game of Chaos

Nicholas Dendi was a middle-class dimensional explorer who died due to a dimensional rift opened by a god who broke the laws of the universe. He was resurrected to a world that was preparing to start a war with the gods. With a system implanted in his soul, Dendi awakens his immense power and makes the gods threaten his existence. Dendi had to participate in the devastating war because he had a contract binding his soul and also so that he could return to his world.

Yye · Fantasy
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30 Chs


She turned and looked at me, her slender body adorned by the moonlight that made her eyes seem to glow in the dark room. A moment later, she opened her mouth.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, how did you get past the guards?"

Nina looked at me, tilting her head as if she didn't understand what I was talking about.

"What do you mean? Why should I pay attention to the guards? Have you forgotten my duty? Besides, I came here the same day you did."

I frowned at Nina's words, the Saintess told her to be my servant even when I was in Duke Leonhart's territory?

While I was lost in thought, Nina looked at me for a while and then I heard the sound of her sigh.

"I'm just a maid, I don't know what the Saintess is thinking."

I sighed softly at Nina's answer, I didn't know what the Saintess was thinking by letting Nina watch me, I could only hope that the Saintess wouldn't bother me. After all, she was my boss in this world, wasn't she?

In this quiet room, the two of us looked at Ethan and the others sleeping next to my bed, they were strong people despite their young age. As I looked at them sleeping, I started to open my mouth.

"They are strong kids."

"Aren't you young too?" Nina answered my words while closing her eyes.

"Is that so?"

"By the way..." Nina opened her eyes and looked at me. "Why did you fight so seriously with that knight? I was surprised to see you two trying to kill each other."

"It was all my fault, I got too carried away."

"You're lucky that Miss Kirana stopped you, otherwise one of you would have died on the spot."

Nina was right, without the elf girl, one of us would have died. Either I managed to cut the young knight or he managed to tear my body apart.

Sigh... What incredible luck.

"I need to ask you something, Nina."

"What is it?" Nina just answered me with a flat face. I continued.

"Who was the elf girl named Kirana who stopped my fight?"

Nina's eyes widened at my question. "What? You don't know who Miss Kirana is?"

"That's why I'm asking you."

She looked at me seriously for a while and then changed her sitting position to a more formal one by placing both hands on her thighs. She closed her eyes and then began to open her mouth.

"I can't believe you don't even know about Miss Kirana."

For some reason I felt a little annoyed by Nina's words, and then she continued

"Kirana de Rochefort, the second daughter of Duke Leonhart de Rochefort. Miss Kirana is one of the ten most powerful people on this continent, she also has the title Kirana The Unstoppable."

Huh?! Didn't I hear wrong? As Saintess said, Duke Leonhart is the strongest person in history, and not only that, his child is also one of the ten strongest people in this continent?!

...It seems like the people from Duke Leonhart's family all have powers beyond reason, huh?

... Wait, is the blindfolded girl also very strong?

"Do you understand how powerful Miss Kirana is now?"

"Thanks to you, I think I can now understand why she can topple me with a flick of her finger."

"I hope you behave well here, because if Duke Leonhart or his children do not like your actions, I cannot guarantee that I can help you."

"Okay, I think I'll hold back a little."

I sighed and lay back down while Nina suddenly disappeared like smoke in the moonlight.

Why didn't she leave the room with normal way?


The next day we were called to the field by Miss Kirana, it seemed that our training would be accelerated because of me.

When I got to the field, I met the young knight who fought with me yesterday and apologized to him directly, but to my surprise, it was he who apologized to me instead of antagonizing me.

"Ahh, you don't need to apologize, it's all my fault for stabbing you in the stomach. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done such a dangerous thing."

...Oh thank you, I guess he didn't want to escalate the problem.

Miss Kirana called me and then we followed Miss Kirana to another training ground. Our training ground was not much different from the knights' training ground, but our training ground had a slightly larger area.

Miss Kirana stood in front of us and then she spoke.

"Well, first of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Kirana de Rochefort, Since father is a busy man, I'm the one who will train you, do you understand?"

"We understand!"

Ethan and the others shouted and answered in unison.

... Oh Come on, do you think this is military training?

"Don't be so formal. I'm not training you to be knights, so don't be so rigid with me, okay? Then..."

Miss Kirana then stretched out her arms and warmed up in front of us, then she shouted.

"Attack me right now!"

I frowned at her words, she told us to attack her? isn't that the same as committing suicide?

"Excuse me? You're telling us to attack you?"

"Yes, are my words not clear enough?"

"No Miss, it's just that I was surprised to hear what you said."

After Ethan finished speaking, he took out his sword, following Ethan, the others were also in a ready position. I drew my sword and prepared to attack, but Miss Kirana smiled and said.

"You think too much!"

Miss Kirana suddenly disappeared from our sight, without me noticing, Anna was suddenly thrown backwards, I immediately looked at Anna, but Ethan's body had also been thrown backwards.

I saw Raden and Akane thrown and lying on the ground, I immediately used the Ignition method and stomped my feet on the ground, making the ground around me dusty.

I could not see her movement, there was not the slightest sound when Miss Kirana moved. How am I supposed to survive from her?

I put my foot on the ground again and used my detection ability, but what I didn't expect was that she was right next to me.

"Heh, what an interesting ability."

"What the..."

Suddenly, I felt as if something hit me in the face, the blow causing my head to hit the ground instantly, my vision slowly started to fade, and I began to lose control of my body.

...Ah, it looks like I'm going to pass out again.

Just as I was about to lose consciousness, I heard Miss Kirana's voice faintly speaking to me

"...But you are still too weak to use it."

" Wtf?! She's too strong!"

Yyecreators' thoughts