
Galaxy wars:39

Humens have found another galaxys.They are 8 galaxys and for unknown reasons all galaxys go to war with each another.Coby is a 16 year old boy and Max a 18 year old girl and look for earth . What happen to earth ? Update:Wed -Sat

Shawn_anilee · Fantasy
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76 Chs

Cody:The art

Laylala opened the large door like it nothing and large wind blow. The wind blow Laylala long hair, and she entered inside Kew.

Cody was going to run, but he saw that it would look dumb if he did that, so he just walked.

"Even if I may fall behind of her, I won't make myself look dumb to her because I already have a lot of people calling me that... Max and Master... those M and M"

Cody stopped to pay attention to his thoughts and started to pay attention to where Laylala was.

"She is really far"

Cody started to pick up the pass, but it was no use.

"Why must coolness be so hard?"

Cody slow down to the pass he was going earlier. Then he had an idea.

"Instead of me going slowly, why don't I just do that to her"

Cody then shouted because she was really far and want he shouted was "Laylala, What is the history of your bepoop magic!"

Cody then smiled a little and thought"I have called out Laylala the greatest joy and her greatest weakness

"What bepoop magic ?"said Laylala and suddenly fall down and broke out laughing.

Cody then ran to her and give him his hand to pick her up.

"So if Troy was going to ask us what happened, and you were going to say 'Than great amazing awesome beautiful Laylala used her bepoop magic '"

"Yes, and want the problem with that?"asked Cody confused

Laylala laughed even more and said"It is like you saying... you're using human magic. Cody why are you so funny?"

"Funny?"thought Cody confused but then thought"I can look cool well-being funny

Cody smiled and said"That what I called it when I was young"

He was lying because he knew it name from Max, but it didn't matter Cody because Laylala laughed even harder.

"But I am never going to tell her that I leaned that 2 weeks and 3 days ago "thought Cody

"And The Art is not called bepoop magic it called The Art"

"Why the Art?"

"Because that what it was made of at the beginning

"How does it work?"asked Cody and thought"I'm going need to how bepoop use The Art, so I can know who to fight them"

"Let walk well we talk because we're falling behind Isla"said Laylala and start walking and then Cody followed. He was walking like Laylala, he didn't care if it looked uncool because this was important even if he first said it as a joke but a part of him really wanted to know.

Laylala kept quiet for a moment and said "We first take this unknown thing that in the air ...."

"Does she mean wesi so that black smoke was really that, does that mean she can put Wesi inside her body. I didn't have that was possible. If we can do that then want the point of AQ"thought Cody

"...then make it run it circles, and then it gets more and more heat."

"Ahh so that why "thought Cody because bepoop can take in more heat than humans.

".the more it spins, the more it takes in more this unknown things and heat gets bigger but the more strong you're going to make the function..."

"But it could burn you

"... then we put it on enchantment that has symbols that can shape how we want to shape the matter

Cody quietly listened.

"There are different kinds of The Art and to see what kind a person falls to goes by their emotion. I don't know all of them, but I know two.

That is:

Chrysoproeia:Is a bepoop who is passionate, full of joy, cares about everyone around them and they can transform materials.

Panaceas: lacks motivation,full of sadness, trust no one, and they transform mind and soul"

Cody kept quiet for a moment to take in the information and said with a smile"What type are you?"

"Chrysoproeia!"shouted Laylala with a smile.

Then Cody had an idea and said"So want if a person who is a panacea goes and changes there mind in to a Chrysoproeia"

"I don't know much about Chrysoproeia"

"Ok"said Cody then he remembered something and said"Troy want to add to put Abel to sleep does that mean he is a Panaceas because he made Abel's mind to go to sleep

Laylala thought about it of a moment and said" you may be right"

"If you say many do that mean you don't know his type"


"So are you saying that Troy has never used The Art in a fight?"

"You're shoving our words into my mouth, Cody"said Laylala laughed and continued"Troy joined the army kind of recently so is the entire army has never seen him fight but for Captain and Are and Andrew"

"Andrew"said Cody without think because he remembers the game they played.

"What wrong with Andrew"said Laylala confused

"It's nothing!"shouted Cody

Laylala bend down and looked at Cody in the eyes and smiled and said "Came on, tell me the truth"

"I already told the truth"

"People shout mean there lying and whisper the truth"

"Where did you get that saying?"

"I made it up and don't change the topic

"You did WOW that a beautiful saying

"Cody"said Laylala

"What? You know you really like my name"said Cody

Laylala looked at Cody in the eyes and smiled and said"Come on"

Cody looked at Laylala

Laylala looked at Cody

Cody tried looking away but couldn't so he looked Laylala

Laylala looked at Cody

Cody looked down and looked Laylala

Laylala looked at Cody

Cody looked at Laylala's eyes and saw himself now Cody was looking at Cody in Laylala's eyes

Laylala looked at Cody.

Cody could not take it.

"Andrew asked me if I like Max or Oklahoma"

"What, Andrew!? I never knew she had it in her"said Laylala surprised

Cody kept quiet feeling awake.

"So what did you say?"

"Nothing"said Cody and thought "why would it matter?"

"Ok, Who would you choose?"

"No one"said Cody and thought"These, no one I could love more than mother. I never understand why people look for people to love that are no there family

Cody looked at Laylala with no emotion in his eyes and said"I love them both the same as my friends"

Laylala looked at him of a second surprise then said"Ok, Let go

"Yeah!"said Cody as they started walking fast

"Now I see why you and Troy are good friends"

You seeing it only now"said Cody as he laughed

Cody felt so free to final say this because is something that was always on back of his mind, but now it was kind of gone.

As they walked, they had little charter about stuff as they finally reached the same kind of rooms.

Isla opened the door with both hands.

Cody ant others entered the room.

Cody looked surprise and said "humans"

To be continued...