
Galaxy wars:39

Humens have found another galaxys.They are 8 galaxys and for unknown reasons all galaxys go to war with each another.Coby is a 16 year old boy and Max a 18 year old girl and look for earth . What happen to earth ? Update:Wed -Sat

Shawn_anilee · Fantasy
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76 Chs

Abigail:Old memories

As the queen of Norfolk Abigail Susie" slept on her bed and her thoughts were"Queen of Norfolk, what does that even mean? Nobody has ever told me? I was just told I was the Queen of Norfolk when I married the king, of the man I truly loved, but he has changed in that body. He looks and talks to me like his fighting with me. First I cry when he did it and asked why his doing this but now I why..."but then Abigail thoughts stopped when she heard a knock on the door.

"Came in"said Abigail in small quiet voice that was expanded for a queen.

Then the door was opened, on the other side of the door stood a small boy with small eyes and small nose with even smaller mouth and large wild hair.

"It you"thought Abigail as she looked at the boy.

Then the boy looked at her then a wide smile came out his mouth and that made Abigail smile also.

"I don't know how you do it, but you just do it"thought Abigail as the smile grow even wider, and she said"Came on, in my beauty son"

Abigails son ran to Abigail with his small legs and then jumped of the bed.

Then Abigail putted him on her and his head lay on her big breasts, and he looked up at her and said "Captain said that his going to train me into a worrier"

"What are you not scared?"asked Abigail worried about him.

"No, why would I be?"asked his son

"Sorry, but I can't allow that"said Abigail and stood up from the bed and continued "Where is Captain I need to talk with him?"

"You're the only child I have and the only one I can have, so I can't let you die"thought Abigail as she wore her albabl that had purple flowers on them

"Why mom?"asked the boy

"It just...you will get hurt"said Abigail "So can you please tell where he is"

"Ok, His at that room where the boy human was sleeping at"said her son as tears fall on his face.

"Sorry but..."said Abigail, but with no words to be said she just left the room.

Abigail start walking in the hall as she thought" I remember that day every will I was waiting outside Kew as the king was going to do ceremony of the swapping of souls, but then we waited the whole day and then chief of Kew worried said that I must go inside and look what going on, so I did that and when I opened the door I saw a creature out of this world that came out of the window. As I looked around I saw the king's payers old body laying down and old the new bodys that I made are cutteropen with blood everywhere. They were are dead. They only reason I was the queen was because I can make babies that don't have souls up until the end of the day, and no. Then I heard a baby cry, and that was my boy. I love him, but he's the reason why the king hate me."

Then she finally reached Captain.

Captain was sitting on the bed watching the picture of Devoe as Abigail entered the room.

"My queen, what can I do of you?"asked Captain as he still watched the picture

"Are you trying to get Charleston killed?"asked Abigail

"I see you have given him a name"said Captain and then became quite of a moment and continued"So do you think the king will make him live long"

Abigail became quiet and quietly said"The king has a good heart. He is able to forgive and forget. You don't understand him"

Captain became quite of a moment and said"Do you know that man of the picture?"

"Yes, It Devoe the brother of Oklahoma"

"That not all he was"said Captain as he looked at the picture "His was also a worrier who fought in the war against humans and died. His was also a great friend of the king. The king going to start a war with human. So tell me do you think he forgot the humans of taking Devoe's live and do you think he has forgotten about it"

"It that my he's doing this thing?"asked Abigail quietly but with small anger inside.

"There are many reasons to start a war not only one"said Captain and then became quite of a moment and said"You sound as if you don't approve of it"

"Yes, I don't why would he do something like this has he lost his mind

"War are not started my mind there started by hearts"

"Then his heart is at the wrong place"

"The man doesn't control the heart other way around"said Captain and then looked at Abigail said "I think you understand that and that why I have to train your child to make him safe"

"But that wouldn't work because this is the king. I know him...no. I understand him. He strong like Captain, or it could be him, so I have to do something before he does"thought Abigail and said"Are does that make you loyal to king if you help the person who his going to kill"

"I am not loyal to the king am a loyal to First king's family"

Abigail kept quiet and looked at the Captain's cold dark eyes and then said"Ok, you may train"

Captain bend down and said "His in great hands which you already know from Heron"

Heron is Abigail's brother from his mother's side. He joins the army of captains.He and Abigail are not really close.

"My Queen"said a worker who was standing by the door"I have been looking"

"Yes, speak your mind"

"A greenbean is looking of you

"A greenbean, I wish every one of them could just die. In my rule when the king was thought to be died they think they can come and say that the kingdom was falling, and they came to fix it. Now they're asking of my help. Go to hall"thought Abigail, but she would never say that because that not want a queen must say.

"Take me to that them"said Abigail

So they came out and left Captain. As they were walking in hall, they saw Win wait in Abigail's room.

"My queen, we need to talk"said Win

"Not right now, I have to deal with this later"said Abigail as she walked away.

To be continued