
Galaxy wars:39

Humens have found another galaxys.They are 8 galaxys and for unknown reasons all galaxys go to war with each another.Coby is a 16 year old boy and Max a 18 year old girl and look for earth . What happen to earth ? Update:Wed -Sat

Shawn_anilee · Fantasy
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76 Chs

Cody:Long stairs

Cody saw that Laylala was talking to one of the bepoop wearing the chains on their face.

"It may be because of the mission"

Cody stood next to Laylala and saw the face of the bepoop it wasn't much, but he saw he or her eyes Cody couldn't see their gender, but they had brown eyes.

"Taker of life"said Laylala as she quietly said those words to the bepoop in front of her, but Cody was able to hear it.

"That really not a good code for getting weapons"

The bepoop looked at Laylala and looked down at Cody and said"Are you going with your grandpa?"

"Who?"asked Laylala confused

The bepoop kept on looking at Cody and then Cody got who was the grandpa.

"Do you mean me?"asked Cody

"Yes, Are not a grandpa?"asked the bepoop

Then Cody surprisingly remembered want was in his face.

"Oh, yeah I forgot I was disgusted as an old bepoop"thought Cody and then thought "Should I tell them that I am hiding as old man. What if they call the greenbeans or worse the Kingsmen"and then thought again "You are being an idiot, Cody because Laylala just told them the secret code meaning they're on our side

"No, I not grandpa I am just a human hiding as one"said Cody

The chain bepoop looked at him of a moment and said"Ok, Let us enter

"I wonder why it not suprise about what I said it this normal to them"thought Cody as he claimed the stairs that reached a door. The door had to bepoop at both sides and a big bepoop at the middle of both bepoop.

Cody looked at Laylala who was wearing a small white hat that look a human office's hat (because it was inspired by them), something black that covered her neck and a spider sign and a white jack that 5 battens left and right and the two battens on top where opened showing that black thing covering her chest. She didn't have her symbol that showed which rank she was in the army because she was not in a rank. She had to 2 belt, that one was put on straight and the other was put on cross way.

On her arm was the symbol of the army, which was the Norfolk's flag.

She was wearing a white pants.

"Which was normal an army uniform, but a spider symbol was not is the uniform of other warriors meaning it hers"thought Cody as looked at her.

"What is it?"asked Laylala

Cody related that Laylala related that he was looking at her too much and Cody didn't want to make the Oklahoma problem.

So he had to think fast and the thing in front of him was the chain bepoop.

"Who is this chain bepoop?"asked Cody without  thinking about it.

"What chain bepoop ?"asked Laylala confused

"I told her want I called them in my head "thought Cody and said"I mean them"as he pointed at the bepoop in front of him.

"Oh, You mean the first king's payers? "Asked Laylala

"We are bepoop that worship the first king and the two gods which are called Trio "said the first king's payers because it could have had about they wear talking about which some reason it surprised Cody, and they continued saying "So everything to do with the Trio must with us meaning there history books and there weapons but not all there weapons, and we pray for them"

"Wait, if you worship everything Trio then why are you called "The first king's payers ?"asked Cody

"That what I have been asking!?"shouted other first king's payers that was standing on the top of the stairs.

"Sophie Powell don't be so loud"said the first king's payers that is in front of Cody

"I will talk in a way I like, Isla Powell"

Powell?"thought Cody as he looked at Sophie but saw nothing but there brown eyes like Isla and then Cody said confused"Are you two siblings

Sophie quickly said "She wishes!"

"Why would I wish to be your older sister

"You like bossing me around like.... your something and who say you would be my older brother

"Well, the word you were looking for was boss"

"I already told to stop telling we want to do"

"Am a starting to forget what you're saying and wouldn't be surprised, but I don't remember you telling me that

"When I shouted, and you said something idiotic

"If I can search my memory you said I will talk in a way I like, Isla Powell and that happened a minute age"

"Well, It not many faults

Laylala came closer to Cody and said quietly"Even I don't remember want she said

"Come on, Laylala"said Cody the person who also forgot want she said.

"Wait, She!?"thought Cody as he finally released something.

"You two are girls!!!!"

Everyone become quite of a moment and looked at Cody.

Laylala, then she looked back and laughed.

Isla looked at him for a moment and continued to walk away.

"What did think I was a spiderbig, Isla where did you get this idiotic old man? His just like you"

"A spiderbig is not a different gander and that not an old bepoop man no, it is a young human and so his like you "said Isla as she walked away to the door.

"Where are you going?"said Sophie as she quickly followed Isla

"Come on, young sister"said Isla and laughed.

So Cody and Laylala were still standing in their stairs.

Laylala laughed of little bit and asked, "Cody, Were you able to take the bepoop that was injured?"

Cody looked at Laylala surprise not knowing what to say, and he thought"What should I tell her? I can't tell her the truth? What if she gives me the look from that little girl, and then she will hate me. Have to lie to her"thought Cody but then looked down at himself and saw he had blood on his clothing"What am I doing to say about this? It this the reason why she asked"

"I took to a healer, but his wounds were open, and I was carrying him"said Cody

"That great, When we have gone with this take me to that healer. What to ask him some questions about the bepoop who injured him "said Laylala

Cody didn't know what to say, but he soon remembered that he died so quickly meaning he could have die even if Cody didn't fight him.

"Well, I just I didn't want to hurt you, but I was not fast even"

"I feel sorry of him that gang why did it do this to him"

"They were in prison "said Cody to add on

"And we could have used him to know where the gang it"said Laylala as she claimed the stairs.

"Ah, and I could have killed for the tournament"thought Cody"Damn, I am such an idiot monster

To be continued....