
Futanari Storys

some Ai smut stories featuring Futanari

boy123 · Others
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150 Chs

The Robber Bridegoom?

In a small village nestled in the mountains, there lived a band of robbers known as the 'Futanari Brides'. They were a group of fierce warriors who were feared by all, especially the young girls of the village.

Rumors spread like wildfire about these robbers, who were said to be not only skilled in thievery, but also in the art of seduction. It was said that they would seek out young girls to marry, but their intentions were far from pure.

The villagers lived in fear, locking their doors and windows at night, for they knew that the Futanari Brides could strike at any moment. But one day, a young girl named Lily caught the eye of the leader of the band, a woman known only as the 'Robber Bridegroom'.

Lily was a beautiful and innocent girl, with long golden hair and bright blue eyes. She lived with her parents and had always dreamed of finding true love and getting married. Little did she know, her dreams were about to come true – but not in the way she imagined.

As she walked through the village market one day, she was suddenly surrounded by a group of women. They were all strong and tall, with features that made them stand out from the rest of the villagers. Lily soon realized that they were the infamous Futanari Brides.

The Robber Bridegroom approached Lily with a sly smile on her face. She could see the fear in the young girl's eyes, but also a hint of curiosity. The leader of the band spoke in a deep and alluring voice, 'We have been searching for a bride, and we have chosen you.'

Lily's heart raced as the women explained that they were not just robbers, but also futanari – women with both male and female anatomy. They sought out girls like Lily to marry and make their own. As shocking as it was, Lily couldn't help but feel a strange attraction towards the Robber Bridegroom.

Without giving her any chance to refuse, the Futanari Brides took Lily away to their hideout deep in the mountains. The young girl was overwhelmed by the grandeur of the place, and the intense desire that she felt towards the Robber Bridegroom.

As the days went by, Lily learned more about the band of futanari. They were actually a group of former victims of sexual assault who had banded together to seek revenge on men. They saw Lily as their chance to finally have a normal life, and they were determined to make her their own.

The Robber Bridegroom showered Lily with gifts and affection, and slowly but surely, Lily's fear turned into love. She could not resist the passion and intensity that the futanari showed towards her, and she found herself falling for the Robber Bridegroom.

In a stunning ceremony, Lily became the bride of the Robber Bridegroom, sealing their unconventional love. The villagers were shocked, but the Futanari Brides didn't care. They were finally able to find happiness and a sense of belonging with their new bride.

In time, Lily came to understand the true nature of the Futanari Brides. They were not just a band of robbers, but also fierce warriors who had been wronged by men. And in the end, Lily's love for the Robber Bridegroom and her new family of futanari overcame any doubts she may have had. Together, they lived happily ever after, defying societal norms and finding love in the most unexpected way.