
Futanari Storys

some Ai smut stories featuring Futanari

boy123 · Others
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150 Chs

The two step-sisters

Once upon a time, in a small village deep in the forest, there lived two stepsisters, Lily and Rose. They were both beautiful in their own way, but they couldn't be more different. Lily was kind and gentle, always helping the villagers with their daily tasks, while Rose was selfish and lazy, only caring about herself.

Their father, a wealthy man, had married multiple wives in hopes of finding an industrious girl of all good qualities. But to his surprise, the woman who possessed all these traits was not a woman at all, but a futanari – a person born with both male and female reproductive organs.

The father was initially taken aback by this revelation, but he couldn't deny the fact that this futanari, named Violet, was the most hardworking and skilled person he had ever met. She could do anything, from farming and cooking to hunting and building.

As soon as Violet became part of the family, she took charge of the household and made sure that everyone had their fair share of chores. Lily welcomed her with open arms, grateful for the help and guidance Violet provided. Rose, on the other hand, resented Violet's presence, feeling jealous of her many talents.

Despite the animosity between them, Violet treated both stepsisters equally and taught them valuable skills. She even helped Rose find a job at the local market, where she could use her charm and beauty to sell goods and earn money for the family.

As the years went by, Lily and Rose grew up and got married. Lily married a kind and hardworking man, while Rose married a wealthy but selfish man. The stepmother and the other wives soon passed away, leaving Violet, Lily, and Rose as the only family members.

One day, their father fell ill and passed away, leaving behind a will that stated Violet would inherit most of his wealth and properties. Rose was furious and accused Violet of using her feminine charms to manipulate their father. Lily, however, defended Violet, knowing how hard she had worked to earn their father's trust.

In the end, the sisters' relationship changed for the better. Rose realized the error of her ways and apologized to Violet for her past behavior. She even started helping Violet with managing the family's properties and businesses. Lily and Rose also grew closer, realizing that their differences didn't matter in the face of family love and unity.

With Violet's guidance and hard work, the family business prospered, and they became known as one of the most successful and respected families in the village. The villagers also admired Violet for her kind heart and strong character, and she became a role model for many young girls.

From that day on, the sisters lived happily together, grateful for the industrious futanari who brought them together and taught them the true meaning of family and hard work. And in a village deep in the forest, the legend of the two stepsisters and their amazing futanari sister was told for generations to come.