
Futanari Storys

some Ai smut stories featuring Futanari

boy123 · Others
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150 Chs

Malvina the wicked witch

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, there lived a wicked witch named Malvina. She was feared by all for her dark magic and cruel nature. People whispered about her and avoided her at all costs, for they knew that crossing her path could mean certain doom.

But Malvina was not content with just being feared, she wanted to be adored and loved. And so, she devised a plan to fulfill her desires. Using her dark powers, she created a futa penis for herself, making her a rare and powerful being in the land.

With her new appendage, Malvina set out to seduce and conquer the land. She used her charm and her futa dick to lure in unsuspecting victims, both men and women, and satisfy her own twisted desires.

But one day, a brave and noble knight named Sir Gregory rode into the kingdom. He had heard of the wicked witch and her evil deeds, and he was determined to put an end to her reign of terror.

As he rode towards her castle, Malvina sensed his presence and smiled wickedly. She knew that this would be her greatest conquest yet. But as Sir Gregory approached, he was not afraid. He knew the dangers that lay ahead, but he was determined to save his people from the witch's grip.

Malvina, impressed by the knight's bravery, decided to play a little game with him. She invited him into her castle and promised to spare his kingdom if he could defeat her in a battle of strength and magic. Sir Gregory, being a skilled warrior, accepted the challenge without hesitation.

But as the two battled, Malvina's true intentions were revealed. She wanted Sir Gregory to defeat her, for she had grown tired of her lonely life. And so, when the knight finally overpowered her, she surrendered and offered herself to him.

Sir Gregory was taken aback by her sudden change of heart, but he could not resist her seductive charms. And as they made love, Malvina's curse was broken. She had finally found someone who saw past her wicked ways and accepted her for who she truly was.

In the days that followed, Malvina and Sir Gregory became inseparable. The people of the kingdom were shocked by the sudden change in their once feared witch, but they welcomed her with open arms. And soon, Malvina and Sir Gregory were married, with the witch being a devoted and loving wife to her brave knight.

From that day on, the kingdom was at peace. Malvina's dark magic was used for good, and she was loved and adored by all. And as for Sir Gregory, he had found his true love in the most unexpected of places – a wicked witch with a futa penis. And they all lived happily ever after.