

Ever felt trapt in a video game? Saya has a lot to deal with normally, but getting stuck inside Fushionheart is a whole different matter. She must learn to use her skills to survive and hopefully avoid more problems on the way.

Peaceful_Star · Fantasy
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15 Chs


Ashrin was the capital city and known for it's many building and guilds. It was a true fantasy city with people roaming the streets in all variety of races. Soul had never seen so many different races in one place before and really hit home just how diverse this game was compared to others.

"Move!" Soul heard the shout just in time as two carriages shot past barely missing her.

"Are you okay?" A tall man asked walking up to her. He was almost seven feet tall with five sets of blue horns on his forehead and a thin tail with spikes jutting out at the end. His hair was also blue but a lot darker with very bright green eyes.

"Sorry." Soul blushed realising she'd been starring for quite a while.

"It's okay. I'm used to it. Most people don't choose half ogre as their race. I have this strange habit of playing the least chosen character race and seeing what it can do. I usually have so many races saved on different files it's hard to choose one. Never imagined I'd get stuck in one." He laughed gently.

"I don't think anyone ever thought this would happen." Soul liked his laugh. It seemed genuine.

"My character is BlueFrost. I teleported here from the ogre clan home, Thisle." BlueFrost bowed slightly.

"You can call me Soul. I'm from Venla, forest home of the elves. Why were those guys racing through the street?" Soul asked.

"The highest level guild, Violet Rose, is having a competition to bring in new recruits. They were going to accept anyone but too many applied. Now they're just taking the first fifty." BlueFrost explained while guiding Soul to a strange looking building which turned out to be a pub of sorts.

"They need more carriage drivers to transport people from different places so that's the competition." BlueFrost took a seat near the back of the pub and elegantly extended a hand for Soul to join him.

"Seems crazy." Soul sighed as she wondered how little Moonflower was doing.

"Everything is crazy right now. Everyone is joining guilds to stay safe even though we don't know if we can. No one knows what to do about the situation." BlueFrost waved a server down.

"What can I get you two?" The server had green spikey hair and golden eyes that glimmered different colors as they looked different directions.

"I'll have the special with ale." BlueFrost turned to look at Soul who looked lost. "Make it two specials. Do you drink?"

"No, I'm too younge. I'll just have water." Soul was pretty sure they didn't have soda here.

"You should get Meishu. It's a pretty good drink, though I don't know what it's made from." BlueFrost paid as the server jotted down their order. Soul gave in and got Meishu to drink.

"I have a question, BlueFrost. If you're half ogre, what's your other half? You don't really have the ogre or half ogre look, you know." Soul pointed at his long blue tail.

"I don't know. Like you, I chose my race then went to work designing my character how I wanted with what they gave me. I wanted him to look weird, now I look weird." He explained as the server brought their food and drinks.

"It's not that bad. You actually look pretty cool. So can I ask why you're helping me?" Soul looked at the food in front of her and was surprised by how good it looked. The meat had been battered and fried and layed over a soft looking bun that popped open to reveal golden butter inside. He first taste exploded in her mouth.

"Good, right. Everything taste so vibrant here without overloading you. I don't know about you, but this is my favorite part of being stuck here. To answer your question, by the way. You looked lost in the crowd and I know a newbie when I see one. I wish someone had helped me when I first got here, but since we were all panicking there was no one to help." His gentle look did wonders to her insides.

"Thank you, BlueFrost. I guess I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth and just be grateful. Want to be friends?" Soul extended her hand the way she had with Moonflower.

"Sure, Soul." He clasped her hand and the friend screen popped up startling BlueFrost. "I didn't know we could still get the friend list."

"I have a lot to show you, my friend. Speaking of, I need to track down another friend of mine and make sure he's okay." Soul selected Moonflower and sent a private message hoping he would check it. She took a sip of the Meishu. "Oh my god! That's the best drink I've ever had!"

"Glad you like it. Hey, do you want to make a party?" BlueFrost extended his hand to Soul.

"Definitely!" She grabbed his hand and the party screen came up. She realised she hadn't actually been in a party with Moonflower which almost made her sad.

"Monster Tamer? Didn't know that was a thing." His laugh was really infectious.