

Ever felt trapt in a video game? Saya has a lot to deal with normally, but getting stuck inside Fushionheart is a whole different matter. She must learn to use her skills to survive and hopefully avoid more problems on the way.

Peaceful_Star · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


Saya had half expected to wake up in her bed or on her floor with how hard the ground was. Only when she sat up next to a sleeping petite elf did she remember.

"Kiba, watch after Moonflower. I'm going to look around." Soul whispered as she left the tent. It was still early morning with fog still holding thick in some areas. The dew on the grass brushed against her bare legs as she walked in the high grass.

She stopped moving as she heard a low growl. Soul crouched down defensively and wished she'd at least bought a small dagger. It was on her list now to do when she got back.

Soul krept through the grass carefully until she found the source. A wolf was circling a black bear with her cubs hiding behind her. Soul knew this was one fight she didn't want to ba a part of. She tried to carefully back away but noticed the mama bear was really hurt. Hurt and protecrive spelled death for humans, but what of the wolf. If he actually beat her...

Soul stayed back and watched the two beasts fight. She didn't want to be involved, but if the wolf won, she was going to save those cubs. She let out a breath as the bear slammed the wolf away with her paw throwing it into a tree. She was pretty sure it was over until the wolf launched a final attack at the bears throat and hung on for dear life. Blood spreyed everywhere as the two fought for control of the deadly situation. It wasnt long before the bear fell to the ground on top of the wolf who yelped his final breath.

Soul couldn't believe what she'd just witnessed. She slowly moved out of her hiding spot and walked over to the giants. Neither were breathing anymore, but Soul decided to leave them be for the moment and went to the cubs. They weren't very old and shied away.

The first cub tamed the first time and she called her Ursa but the second took two tries and had a white spot on his chest so she named him Spoticus.

"You're finally awake." Soul watched Moonflower climbed out of the tent sleepily. She'd already went to town, took care of a certain wolf and bear, and bought supplies.

"How long have you been awake?" Moonflower asked rubbing his eyes.

"Hard to tell, really. I have two new tames and two new daggers." Soul pulled her twin daggers out to show the little elf. "That reminds me, what do you use?"

"As a knight, I used a sword but my sis failed the tutorial and only managed to get a little bit of fur. She did unlock a small magic spell though. Drain is an odd spell only given to those who are a drain on society. It's a joke my sister didn't like and complained about all the time." Moonflower was so proud to have bested his sister.

"They're back!" The shout was heard from the town. They made their way to the crowded town center and watched as Redfang and a few others took to the raised stage like center.

"They're back quickly." Moonflower grabbed ahold of Soul's hand tightly.

"Attention everyone. We're going to pass teleporters around to each of you. It will get you all to the capital since most haven't unlocked travelling here yet. This way we can take care of each other as we all face this crisis. The leaders of the highest guilds have already established a help center for those who have family here. Take hold on the teleporter and break it. You'll instantly go to the capital."

Everyone grabbed the teleporters as they were handed out. Soul looked at the small hourglass figurine in her hand. It was filled with purplr liquid that oozed slowly from side to side as she tilted it.

"See you in the capital!" A girl shouted breaking her vial. She instantly disappeared. One after another everyone started breaking their vials. Redfang and his group broke theirs and also disappeared.

"Aren't you going to break yours?" Moonflower asked looking up at oul confused.

"Actually, I thought about saving it and walking there. I have the travel ability and I need to train my cubs. I'd also like to get a good look at the world around us. You should go, though. Your sister will be looking for you." Soul smiled at Moonflower and slowly talked him into breaking his vial. He'd be safer in the capital than travelling with her.

Soul soon realised she wasn't the only one who had opted to travel instead. Two men and one very tall woman also wanted to get there on their own

"Do you want to make a party?" The girl asked the two guys. Soul left before they could asked her.

Training was easier now that she could fight along side her tames. Kiba kept Spoticus with him and Soul let Ursa have the final hitin fights. It wasn't long before she noticed they grew in size as they leveled up. Kiba was now level nine like herself and the cubs had reached level five very quickly

The road was more or less uneventful expect for the few animals and only one monster. The shadow wolf had been a little harder to take down, but was worth it with all the experience they gained from it. She could finally make out the building of the capital city and braced herself as she entered it's gates.