

The inner square was packed with people. Most were heading different places but many were watching the big screens attached to the buildings. A fight was happening in the arena and some were really invested.

"BlueFrost, why are arena fights still taking place? Isn't that dangerous?" Soul asked watching the two fighters clash swords. One was a werebeast of reptilian origin and the other looked human.

"The arena's the only safe place to fight. When you begin, a shield goes over you and clings to your skin. It has the same amout of hit points as the person. To win the match, you have to break the other person's shield. My friend, Bloodweaver, was in an arena match when he heard the announcement." BlueFtost flinched as the werebeast went flying.

"It still makes me a little nervous, but I guess people have to get their stress out somehow." Soul looked away from the screen in time to catch a glimpse of a tiny elf girl trying to make her way through the crowd. Or his way through the crowd.

"Moonflower!" Soul rushed over and moved one of the guys who'd been blocking the way.

"Soul!" His face lit up.

"Where do you think you're going, Elf." A big hand was placed on her shoulder and Soul looked back to see a werebore looking a little annoyed.

"I was trying to get to my friend." Saya had always had a flaw about her when it came to bullies. She wasn't the type to back down. It was how she often got into problems.

"Calm down, big guy. No trouble is needed here." BlueFrost placed a hand on the big guys shoulder. Soul had forgotten just how tall BlueFrost was.

"Get your hands off me, pretty boy!" The werebore shrugged his hand off and puffed up his chest. Soul had to wonder why anyone would disign their character to look like that.

"Pretty boy? Are you blind, Pig!" BlueFrost suddenly looked very terrifying. Soul was starting to wonder just what kind of guy BlueFroost was.

"D-did you just call me PIG?!" The werebore swung at BlueFrost who dodged effortlessly. "Arena! Now!" The people that had surrounded them looked much higher level than Soul remembered. They looked like guards. She was so confused.

"No fights occur outside of the arena until we know what's going on. You two and your party will be teleported to the arena in one hour. You are not to communicate any further." The man wearing all red including a mask informed them. He placed a glowing device on both guys and had them forced in different directions. Soul quickly followed after BlueFrost with Moonflower on her heels.

"Are you okay?" Soul asked after catching up to the fuming BlueFrost.

"I'm sorry I dragged you into that. I get a little touchy about my looks." His long legs made it hard for her to keep up with.

"Soul! Wait!" Moonflower wined behind them. Soul stopped causing BlueFrost to apologize again.

"I get the feeling you're not talking about your character." Soul calmly pointed out after moonflower caught up and hugged Soul tightly.

"Let's talk in there." BlueFrost went into a diner and sat in the far booth. Something Soul noticed he liked doing.

"In my real body, I have burns everywhere including my face. I see a therapist twice a week and I've already had two skin graphs. I just..." He trailed off not sure what to say.

"It's hard. I won't say I understand, but I can say I'm here. It's something my friend said to me once. I can't feel what you feel, but like a sponge, I'll soak up what you give me." Soul smiled gently and held his hand.

"What does that even mean?" BlueFrost laughed shaking his head. "You have strange friends, Soul."

"Speaking of, this is Moonflower. Moonflower, this is BlueFrost. We're in a party together." Soul introduced them as they shook hands. She could tell by the small jump that the friend screen had appeared.

"Can I join the party?" Moonflower asked looking between the two.

"You sure you want to? This party is about to take place in an arena battle." BlueFrost smiled openly.

"I want to be in a party with Soul!" Moonflower pouted "I don't mind fighting."

"Alright then, Moonflower. Welcome to the party." Bluefrost shook his hand again and this time Soul's party screen showed up. She looked at it closer this time.

BlueFrost was a level seven with special skill: lightening and Moonflower was level three with special skill: drain. At her current level, nine, she was the highest here.

"How'd you get to level nine already!?" Moonflower exclaimed looking at her with surprise.

"I walked instead of teleporting." Soul shrugged. "Kiba and the bears are higher too. You should see the cubs and how they've grown."

"Can I?!" Moonflower was basically jumping up and down.

"Probably not here." Soul said looking around at the small diner.

"How many tames do you have?" BlueFrost asked.

"Just three. One wolf and two bears." Soul was about to tell him they're names when a soft bell spunded in her head.

"Teleporting to arena now. Please remain still as your party is teleported." The announcement wasn't as loud as the first one she'd heard in the beginning. It was more bearable.

They were teleported to a grey room with a round table and three chairs. It was mostly empty but had a white piece of paper in front of each chair. Soul sat down at one and read the paper which outlined rules and regulations of the arena. At the bottom was a place for a signature.

"It doesn't say anything about tames?" Soul noticed.

"That's because it's a special skill. All special skills gained from the tutorial are fair game as far as the arena is concerned. They just don't want you using cheat gear or something like that." BlueFrost explained.

"Alright then. Let the game begin." Soul smiled at her inside joke as she signed her name. The moment she put her pen down, she was in a dusty arena with sand on the gound and stands all around. It was very open and very exposing. A timer started in the air counting down until the match bagan. Soul took the time as a way to prepare and brought out her tames. She waited as each person appreared in the arena including the werebore and his party.

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